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Canada Post Woes (merged)

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OGBD: Wind mobile is in Hamilton. $45 per month for 5Gb data plus unlimited CAN/US calling and texting.  No need for Rogers or Bell high speed internet.  More than enough for email & some light browsing.  As for Montreal: Cable and DSL would have been available before fibre to the door, either one of which can provide high speed internet access.

JJT: If you choose to live somewhere with limited services, you've made a choice.  Don't expect me to subsidize your lifestyle choices.  If you're in the military and ordered to move somewhere, well, that's why I pointed at PLD to equalize things.
SupersonicMax said:
.......  All of PEI is served by Bell on their LTE network.  ...

Coverage as a statistic is one thing.  Actual service is another.  Sorry, but you can tell that to my friend who is not getting the service; internet or technical, from Bell that you assume he is getting.

Now back to Canada Post and its woes.
dapaterson said:
JJT: If you choose to live somewhere with limited services, you've made a choice.  Don't expect me to subsidize your lifestyle choices.  If you're in the military and ordered to move somewhere, well, that's why I pointed at PLD to equalize things.

You just don't get it, do you?  Not everyone in Canada has a choice of where they live.  As for PLD, don't make me shit myself laughing.  We get as much say in that as we do in the other pay and benefits we receive.  Nada.  We get what they allow us to have, nothing more, unless you're the top echelon where you get a chance to negotiate your salary.  And those benefits we do get are getting winnowed down all of the time.
SupersonicMax said:
Where in North Central Ontario.

Just south of Nippising for one. The various companies web sites show coverage, but it's not there. Similar north east of Wawa, on Hwy 101.
recceguy said:
Just south of Nippising for one. The various companies web sites show coverage, but it's not there. Similar north east of Wawa, on Hwy 101.

Is there actually people living there or is it just passing on the highway? 
Geez...I was referring to Drayton Valley, AB where there may be data available but "personal" Wifi hasn't made it to the farm yet.  And I'm also referring to people who moved out there long before there were personal computers and cell phones.

Tough crowd.....    ::)
The future is coming. Google and Facebook are testing drones and solar planes that will beam 5G Internet using lasers. I can't find the exact article but Facebook has an inexpensive device you can strap to any tree its weather proof and you can get 2G internet. It's mostly created for Africa as a cheap means to access the Internet but might be useful in remote areas of Canada.

Oldgateboatdriver said:

My wife's mother lives in Hamilton (last I checked, a pretty large city in Southern Ontario  :)). In her area of the City, they are still on dial-up.

Here, where my wife and I live, we are in what is defined as the Montreal Metropolitan Area, not on the outer edges but near the mid-point between downtown Montreal and the edge. We just got high speed a year and a half ago when Bell finally installed optic fibre in our sector.

So don't give us that crap.

And if you want everybody to live in the dense urban area of Greater Toronto - Then fine, but you better learn to go hungry.

Farmers Rule !!!

I grew up on a farm, and I do not believe that Hamilton only has Dial-Up. I would like you to provide me with either a postal code/municipality so that I can look up the coverage. Because my small town of 900 peoples 2 and half Hours south west of Ontario has at least 5 mbps, and the local company was talking about laying fibre. My dad who lives outside of the town (10 minutes) on a farm has highspeed. (Speed unknown, but fast enough to stream hockey games)

What did you have before your optic fibre was laid? I'm sure you had at least 256 kb/s..

Ask the truckers & they will tell you. NW Ontario is a dark void for cell service let alone wifi, until you are near a community.
SupersonicMax said:
Is there actually people living there or is it just passing on the highway?
People do live there.

And there's more "not many people, lotsa geography" spots across Canada outside northern Ontario, too.  The economies of scale, though, are in the major urban centres.
runormal said:
I grew up on a farm, and I do not believe that Hamilton only has Dial-Up. I would like you to provide me with either a postal code/municipality so that I can look up the coverage. Because my small town of 900 peoples 2 and half Hours south west of Ontario has at least 5 mbps, and the local company was talking about laying fibre. My dad who lives outside of the town (10 minutes) on a farm has highspeed. (Speed unknown, but fast enough to stream hockey games)

What did you have before your optic fibre was laid? I'm sure you had at least 256 kb/s..

Well done Runormal. You my friend are wiser to the ways of the world (and Southern Ontario) than Dapaterson and spotted the nuance that should have been in my post (but weren't because I wanted to stick it to Dp.).

Let's start with my mother-in-law. While she lives in Hamilton (as that city now exists after the amalgamation of 2001) her farm is located in the large tract of farmlands located North-West of the main urban area, in what was the country part of the town of Flamborough in the old Hamilton-Wentworth county. She is about 14 Km from downtown Hamilton (King and James) as the bird flies. Cable tv doesn't reach there, as she is about 4Km out of any urban area, and she is too far from the telephone exchange to get high speed so no DSL. She got nice notice from Bell last Christmas season, indicating they will be installing finer optic cable in the course of the summer.

My point to Dapaterson, however is that he can't compare what's available in urbanized areas with the non-urbanized areas, even in Southern Ontario. We have friends whose farms, on the North side of Toronto, have a beautiful view of TO's skyline about 15 kms away. On a clear day you can see each skyscraper individually and name them. Yet, they need satellite for TV reception and the only high speed internet they get is on their cell phone network.

But here's the thing (and take that Dapaterson  :)), you can't run heavy use of your computer or a home wi fi over the cell phone service. And contrary to Dp's position that a cell phone is all you need for emails and light browsing, that position is that of a young person ignorant of the effects of age. When he hits 55 and older, he will realize that your sight is not what it used to be and that those F@^%$& small characters are harder and harder to read (in fact, I believe this is what led to the development of the tablets: the first generation of portable computer geeks was getting older and couldn't read their ever smaller cell phones screens), and after 65, limitations of motor control in the hands make doing many things with your hands more difficult. So, typing on those little cell phone touch-screens keyboards becomes an exercise in total frustration (especially when coupled with auto-correct trying to read your mind). This is not a "generation" thing. It has nothing to do with lack of knowledge of computers or cell phones. It's just a matter of aging and we will go through the same thing (I have already started - my sight is not what it used to be and I am getting to hating small screens and characters). So Dapaterson (and many if not most of us) need to learn lessons in aging before imposing this on older people as the way to communicate with the government.

As for me here, near Montreal, I was in the same situation as my mother-in-law: 20 Km from downtown but out of the range of my phone exchange for DSL, and, at 2Km out of the village did not have cable TV (sorry, Dp!). In fact, the cable company would have been happy to provide me with the service so long as I agreed to pay the 2 Km of cable and its installation along the way all by myself (I think their quote was for almost 3,000$). Of course, they were then to be free to offer the service to anyone between my place and the village at  no compensation to me.
Use your cell phone as a WiFi hotspot, so you can browse on your computer.

And get a bunch of friends along the route and split the cost of the cable install.

Problems solved.
Today's "customer service" from Canada Post:

1x Dear Occupant letter addressed to my house delivered to me.

1x small package for the house with the same number one street over, delivered to me.

1x magazine for the house two doors down, delivered to me.

You'd think workers asking for more money & better conditions might spend some of their efforts on customer service to win over customers.
dapaterson said:
Today's "customer service" from Canada Post:

1x Dear Occupant letter addressed to my house delivered to me.

1x small package for the house with the same number one street over, delivered to me.

1x magazine for the house two doors down, delivered to me.

You'd think workers asking for more money & better conditions might spend some of their efforts on customer service to win over customers.

Don't tell me that this is a first for you?  I have it happen quite often.  Correct number.  Wrong Street.  Wrong Postal Code.  But that isn't Canada Post.....It is the Contractors they hire to fill the Super Boxes.

OH!..... Just went to Services Ontario for the renewal of my OHIP and Dvr Lic.  Both are delivered by mail.  One more thing that has not been modernized......No drone delivery setup yet.  No "Transporter" to zap it into my palm.  No email and "print your own" official documents.......Although you can do that with a temporary Boating Lic. ....... as you wait for the official one to arrive via Canada Post.
I remember one mailman when I was still living with my parents. Because of shiftwork, I used to be home a lot and got to know the guy. Let him drink the old man's booze and use our swimming pool. Why not get along if you get good customer service? A job like that would probably drive anyone to drink.
Back then, we used to rely on our mailmen more than we do now.

Another letter from that school goes to that kid’s house, in the &%$#ing oven you’re gonna go, head first.

That was it. No more letters from truant officers. No more letters from school. In fact, no more letters from anybody. Finally after a couple of weeks, my mother went to the post office and complain.
Xplorenet provides Satellite Internet for less than 50$ a month for pretty much any comunity in Canada.

As for driver's license & al, there is absolutely no reason why the full document can't be given right on the spot after you take your picture.  Otherwise, they can always send it as a small parcel through Canada Post or any other delivery services (FedEx, UPS, etc).

We pay way too much for a service that is largely redundant with today's technology.  We bank online, we file our taxes online, we file claims online. We can do pretty much any buisness that was done through mail before with emails today.

I still don't buy that internet is not available in a significant amount of communities in Canada.  If there is Internet in Inuvik and Resolute Bay, there better be internet anywhere south...
SupersonicMax said:
As for driver's license & al, there is absolutely no reason why the full document can't be given right on the spot after you take your picture. 

Sorry....I am not going to stand in their office for 8 to 14 weeks waiting for them to process a digitally enhanced card.
Then, as I said, if it is impossible to produce it on the spot, they can use parcel delivery services to send it.
George Wallace said:
Don't tell me that this is a first for you?  I have it happen quite often.  Correct number.  Wrong Street.  Wrong Postal Code.  But that isn't Canada Post.....It is the Contractors they hire to fill the Super Boxes.

OH!..... Just went to Services Ontario for the renewal of my OHIP and Dvr Lic.  Both are delivered by mail.  One more thing that has not been modernized......No drone delivery setup yet.  No "Transporter" to zap it into my palm.  No email and "print your own" official documents.......Although you can do that with a temporary Boating Lic. ....... as you wait for the official one to arrive via Canada Post.

Ontario could just modernize it's services so that your licence and OHIP are printed in the spot like in NS, NB, and PEI. Or keep a largely obsolete corporation in place.

If Grey-Bruce County in Ontario has Internet available for farms than there's no reason it can't be everywhere.