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Canada-US Trade Relations

tomahawk6 said:
I don't want a trade war because there will be no winners.Americans do vacation as well.


Maybe you don't, but President Trump does ... he slapped 25% tariffs on $50 Billion worth of Chinese goods and now China as retaliated, just like Canada, on a dollar-for-dollar basis. So you've got yourself a trade war, and not with an economy that is 1/11th of your size, but with China, which will not lose, and with the EU at the same time ... that's 57 different varieties of dumb!

But, you guys elected him and now you'll reap what he's sowed ... sorry about that.
recceguy said:
Is there an equivalent? How would you compare the two?


Interesting that wages are declining in a period of peak employment.  Sucks to not be the 1%, even in a booming economy.


For the biggest group of American workers, wages aren’t just flat. They’re falling.
By Jeff Stein and Andrew Van Dam
June 15 at 2:02 PM

President Trump has touted a strong economy, but one measure shows the value of wages has decreased for most American workers. (Jeff Swensen/Getty Images)
The average hourly wage paid to a key group of American workers has fallen from last year when accounting for inflation, as an economy that appears strong by several measures continues to fail to create bigger paychecks, the federal government said Tuesday.

For workers in “production and nonsupervisory” positions, the value of the average paycheck has declined in the past year. For those workers, average “real wages” — a measure of pay that takes inflation into account — fell from $22.62 in May 2017 to $22.59 in May 2018, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said.

This pool of workers includes those in manufacturing and construction jobs, as well as all “nonsupervisory” workers in service industries such health care or fast food. The group accounts for about four-fifths of the privately employed workers in America, according to BLS.

Without adjusting for inflation, these “nonsupervisory” workers saw their average hourly earnings jump 2.8 percent from last year. But that was not enough to keep pace with the 2.9 percent increase in inflation, which economists attributed to rising gas prices.

“This is very likely because of the spike in oil prices eating into inflation-adjusted earnings,” said Allen Sinai, chief global economist and strategist at Decision Economics. “We pay for energy-related costs out of our wages, out of our compensation. And it's making a real impact.”

The fall in those wages has alarmed some economists, who say paychecks should be getting fatter at a time when unemployment is low and businesses are hiring.

“This is odd and remarkable,” said Steven Kyle, an economist at Cornell University. “You would not normally see this kind of thing unless there were some kind of external shock, like a bad hurricane season, but we haven't had that.”

The falling wages promise to exacerbate historic levels of U.S. inequality. Within the labor force, it means workers who were already making less are falling further behind. And if private laborers as a whole are seeing their earnings flatten while the economy as a whole grows at an annual rate of more than 2 percent, that means the gains are going almost exclusively to people already at the top of the economic ladder, economists say.

“The extra growth we are seeing in the economy is going somewhere: to capital owners and people at the top of the income distribution,” said Heidi Shierholz, director of policy at the Economic Policy Institute and a former chief economist at the Labor Department, noting workers' share of corporate income remained relatively low as of January. “And what we've seen is in recent period a much higher share of total income earned going to owners of capital.”

Stephen Moore, a conservative economist at the Heritage Foundation and campaign adviser to President Trump, said the figures were troubling. But he added that the drop in real wages could be a reflection of the economy adding low-end jobs, rather than declining values further up the chain. If so, he said, that would be a sign of economic vitality, as the economy pulled in unemployed workers.

But other experts doubted that argument. “For that to be true, you'd have to see that the jobs coming back are particularly low-wage jobs,” said Elise Gould, an economist at the Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning think tank. “There was some evidence of that initially in the recovery, but I don't think the evidence supports the idea.”

[U.S. economy extends its hiring spree, with a better than expected 223,000 new jobs in May]

But why is wage growth so tepid?

This problem is not new: Slow wage growth bedeviled the Obama administration, as well.

Economists broadly disagree about the cause of persistently weak wage growth, offering a variety of possible explanations.

Ernie Tedeschi, a former treasury official under President Barack Obama, said the unemployment rate may create a misleadingly positive impression of the health of the jobs market, given how many Americans dropped out of the labor force during the Great Recession.

Weaker union rights for workers may also be cutting into their ability to force pay increases from their bosses, said Jared Bernstein, who served as an economic adviser to Vice President Joe Biden.

Trump officials pointed to what they called a strong growth in private business investment in the first quarter of 2018, after the tax law's passage, and expressed optimism that the law would translate into higher wages for workers in the near future. They also dismissed the allegation that the data disproved their claim that the tax law would raise the average worker's wage by $4,000.

“The law is just six months old,” said DJ Nordquist, chief of staff for Trump's Council of Economic Advisers, in an email. “Our estimates [of the tax law's benefits] were for 'steady state' — when the full effects of the law spread throughout the economy, which will take years, as we always said it would.”

But to Democrats, the tepid wage growth helps bolster their claim that the Republican tax law was overwhelmingly geared toward the wealthy and that a more direct role for the federal government is needed to help workers.

“Today, while the cost of health care, prescription drugs, gasoline and housing soar, the average worker, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is now making slightly less than he or she made one year ago after adjusting for inflation,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said in an email to The Washington Post, arguing for a higher minimum wage and a single-payer health-care plan.
Remius said:

Just to summarize, if you use the american model to calculate then our unemployment rate would be lower by about 1%.  Meaning we would be within 0.9% of the US rate.
Found this while looking: https://www.spencerfernando.com/2018/06/08/canadian-economy-loses-31000-full-time-jobs/

Canadian Economy Loses 31,000 Full-Time Jobs
Trudeau Business Fail

Workforce participation rate falls to lowest level in almost 20 years.
More concerning economic numbers have been released.

In May, the Canadian economy lost 7,500 jobs. While part-time jobs were up 23,500, a total of 31,000 full-time jobs were lost.

Additionally, the workforce participation rate (considered by many a more accurate gauge than the unemployment rate) fell to 65.3%. That’s the fewest number of workers as percentage of the economy since October of 1998.

Further, the economy has now lost jobs in back to back months (1,100 were lost in April), the first time that’s happened since 2014.

This is just the latest in a series of concerning economic numbers, as Canada’s economy is weakened by the carbon tax, and the collapse of investment – being made even worse by the Trans Mountain debacle.

Thankfully, the economy could be set for a boost with the Ford PCs winning a majority government in Ontario. Now, we will see how pro-growth policies at the provincial level can do when burdened by the anti-growth policies of the Trudeau government.

Spencer Fernando
PPCLI Guy said:
Interesting that wages are declining in a period of peak employment.  Sucks to not be the 1%, even in a booming economy.


The underlying message here is that it's always better, financially and long term security-wise, to run your own business and stay competitive than work for someone else. What makes America, or anywhere else, great isn't working McJobs - for a legislated minimum wage - your whole life.

This approach will be on steroids during the Trump era, of course.
recceguy said:
Found this while looking: https://www.spencerfernando.com/2018/06/08/canadian-economy-loses-31000-full-time-jobs/

Additionally, the workforce participation rate (considered by many a more accurate gauge than the unemployment rate) fell to 65.3%. That’s the fewest number of workers as percentage of the economy since October of 1998.

And to the south of us:


This graph shows the seasonally adjusted civilian labor force participation rate on a monthly basis. Civilian labor force is a term used by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to describe the subset of Americans who have jobs or are seeking a job, are at least 16 years old, are not serving in the military and are not institutionalized. In other words, all Americans who are eligible to work in the everyday U.S. economy. In May 2018, about 62.7 percent of the American population, eligible to work, participated in the job market.
PPCLI Guy said:
Interesting that wages are declining in a period of peak employment.  Sucks to not be the 1%, even in a booming economy.


And that whole gabbbly-gook article can be condensed into one sentence.

Because right now you're North American business is trying to compete with, close to slave labour, around the world.

WTF do people think will happen??  Tariff away USA....
Bruce Monkhouse said:
And that whole gabbbly-gook article can be condensed into one sentence.

Because right now you're North American business is trying to compete with, close to slave labour, around the world.

WTF do people think will happen??  Tariff away USA....
I'm sure rising costs at shopping malls and grocery stores will help everyone.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
And that whole gabbbly-gook article can be condensed into one sentence.

Because right now you're North American business is trying to compete with, close to slave labour, around the world.

WTF do people think will happen??  Tariff away USA....

The good news? Armies will become more relevant! :)

The Only Thing, Historically, That's Curbed Inequality: Catastrophe

Plagues, revolutions, massive wars, collapsed states—these are what reliably reduce economic disparities.

daftandbarmy said:
The good news? Armies will become more relevant! :)
Good news for the Legion then.  They'll have another generation of actual veterans who won't bother with them, but a slew of 'heel-spur commandoes' signing up to get Legion medals to wear on 11 November.  :nod:
Altair said:
I'm sure rising costs at shopping malls and grocery stores will help everyone.

....and you shop someplace where they are dropping???....I'll follow you.
I've noticed a lot of Made in USA, Made in Canada and Made in the UK (Snugpak) stuff slowly but surely gets sourced out to child/slave other countries. Quality of some Snugpak products took a nose dive when they started making stuff in China (IIRC) and Arcteryx, I think, started making a product out of Canada but canceled it and bringing it back to Canada. Guessing maybe the QC was poor?

Are automated tellers and fast food kiosks popping up a lot in the US too or is that a Canada thing?
The CBC article proposes a different approach:

Drug patents could be Canada's special weapon in U.S. trade dispute

Taking an 'asymmetrical' approach and targeting U.S. intellectual property has worked in the past, experts say
ModlrMike said:
The CBC article proposes a different approach:

Drug patents could be Canada's special weapon in U.S. trade dispute

Taking an 'asymmetrical' approach and targeting U.S. intellectual property has worked in the past, experts say
That's pulling out the big guns.

Wait until we need to use it.
In a tit for tat, Ottawa has levied tariffs on the US with subsidies for Canadian steel/aluminum producers.

Poor bourbon is taking a beating.

That makes Europe and now Canada.