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Canada's tanks

More to the point they imagine clutch and hold with a full array of naval and air delivered fires. Giving up tanks is a much easier proposition when you’ll be supported by a floating air wing and AH assets.

So I can have a few of these ? I promise to use them to help you guys :)

guns missouri GIF
A compound of reasons. Wainwright, Suffield and Shilo are good combined arms training ranges which places an armoured brigade in the west (yup, I know, wide separation). An armoured brigade typically has three manoeuvre battalions, at least one of which should be tank heavy. 1 CMBG has four manoeuvre units, LdSH(RC), and 1,2,3 PPCLI. 1 and 2 PPCLI are mech and 3 PPCLI are light. It seems logical to me to retain the LdSH(RC) and 1 and 2 PPCLI and use 3 PPCLI to fill out all the essential positions which are currently unallocated/unmanned in the remaining units.

If you want to see cap badge bias at its ultimate, you should see my org charts for a napkin force of two divisions based on heavy 30/70 use. Only five RegF cap badges survive. RCD, 1 RCR, 1 PPCLI, 1 R22eR, 1 RCHA. Everyone else gets ResF unit names/titles. :giggle:

If you do ever get your napkin force up and running the thing you are going to have to is announce it at an Infantry Corp conference.
I really, really want to watch the look at the faces of heads of various Mafia families..err I mean chairs of the Regimental Associations.
Btw invest in body armour.
I like this.

IF 3 VP is tasked as Light and trained as such the employment of a Light Company within a mech unit needs to be thought out. OR are we just gonna place them in LAVs?
I was thinking of integrating them directly into 1 and 2 PPCLI so that both battalions are fully manned with three rifle companies and a full CS coy however you want to man and equip those.

I'd turn 2 CMBG in Pet into a light brigade with 3 para battalions.

(as an aside, I actually do things differently in my napkin force. I poke around with the names a lot. 1 CABG's two infantry battalions are the LEdmR (with its RegF coy coming from 1 PPCLI and operating out of Edmonton) and RWpgR (with its RegF coy coming from 2 PPCLI and operating out of Shilo) The other mech PPCLI coys are allocated to QOR and RRC - in 32 CABG, Toronto; and the RHLI and L&WR - 31 CABG, London. The title 1 PPCLI moves to 2 CLBG, Pet together with 1 RCR, Pet, (both 70/30 Para battalions) and CHofO Ottawa and QOR Toronto (both 30/70 para, bns) - 1 R22R stays in Valcartier (as either a 100/0 or 70/30 mech inf bn)

If you do ever get your napkin force up and running the thing you are going to have to is announce it at an Infantry Corp conference.
I really, really want to watch the look at the faces of heads of various Mafia families..err I mean chairs of the Regimental Associations.
Btw invest in body armour.
I've read "Relentless Struggle" twice now. You can almost see the veins throbbing on the foreheads of a whole lot of RegF officers and honouraries as you slip from chapter to chapter - and those are all very minor issues that merely tweak the status quo rather than revolutionize things. I would expect to have form retirement letter available at the briefing for instant use (together with a none too polite communications strategy).

I'll be blunt - while the 30/70 concept is in my mind essential to move the yardsticks on making the ARes a viable, credible force, the naming policy has much to do with a) creating a Stage 4 mobilization structure [effectively 30/70 bns are aggregated elements with a company from each of at least three pre-existing ARes units who are allowed to keep their old regimental affiliation and each coy designed to be the core of an expanded battalion in Stage 4 mobilization] and b) to break up the Mafia power blocks as there will be only one battalion for each infantry regiment. I'm doing something similar with arty and armour. Army policy shouldn't be dictated from a smoke filled back room regardless of whether it is RegF or ARes.

So I can have a few of these ? I promise to use them to help you guys :)
Maybe an updated version of this.

