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Canadian Armed Forces Day

Jake said:
I wrote a letter to the troops, are they having any events in Ontario on this day?

Petawawa is guaranteed.

Wow...I'm embarassed, totally. Never heard a thing about this at CFC: nothing. And certainly nothing on the media, either. Strange.

I remember a few years ago armed forces day there would be events going on at your local base.  I remember they had a jackstay set up from one ship to another across a jetty, LAV rides through dockyard.

As I kid I remember helo/apc rides  (Lahr, Gagetown)  firing .50/FN

And now there is nothing, its just a day where joe public can thank me?  How can we attract more people if most people don't know what we do or use?

I find this odd, although I did get an email from the MND!!!  We should all feel special for that
Greetings this Canadian Armed Forces Day today (7 June 2015), from the Commander-in-Chief ....
From the outset of my mandate, I have been deeply honoured to serve as commander-in-chief of Canada. I am delighted to be able to celebrate Canadian Armed Forces Day today.

Whether here at home or abroad, on humanitarian or relief missions, in times of war or times of peace, the members of the Canadian Armed Forces stand ready to answer the call to service. Every day, they resolutely defend our freedom, democracy and the respect for human rights, principles that we hold so dear.

Whenever I have met with them, the extent of their commitment and the depth of sacrifice they have made have been readily apparent. I have also met with many of their families, who are themselves extraordinarily resilient and courageous. It is no wonder that the valour, sense of duty and professionalism of the members of our military family are such an inspiration and source of pride for Canadians.

On Canadian Armed Forces Day, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our women and men in uniform for their unwavering dedication to our country.
.... as well as the PM:
“On this special day, let us pay tribute to the brave men and women in uniform who, by their courage, skill and determination, defend our country and the values we hold dear.

“We live in dangerous times where neutrality in the face of those who seek to destroy our way of life is not an option. In the Middle East, the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) has committed unspeakable atrocities against Iraqi and Syrian civilians, targeting especially vulnerable religious and ethnic minorities. ISIS not only threatens the people and countries in the Middle East, but by its words and actions, has directly targeted Canada and our allies. We are proud and grateful that the Canadian Armed Forces stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our allies on the front lines confronting this threat, as part of the international coalition against ISIS.

“Canadian Armed Forces members are also currently deployed in support of NATO assurance missions in Central and Eastern Europe. This is part of Canada’s contribution to promoting security and stability in response to continued Russian aggression against its neighbours, including the Putin regime’s invasion of Ukraine.

“As we approach the 150th anniversary of Confederation, I am reminded of the sacrifices of blood, toil, tears and sweat that generations of Canadians in uniform have made so that we can all live in a land of ordered liberty and democratic freedom. Canadians owe our serving men and women a tremendous debt for their strength and courage.

“I am exceptionally proud that this same courage and sense of duty is very much alive and on display every single day in today’s Canadian Armed Forces. Canadians love and admire our military, as evidenced by the remarkable outpouring of affection and support in the aftermath of the deadly attacks that took the lives of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent and Corporal Nathan Cirillo last year. We are also grateful for the service of Sergeant Andrew Doiron to his country and were deeply saddened by his death in northern Iraq earlier this year.

“I am honoured on this special day to be able to thank all members of our military and their families for their loyal service on behalf of a grateful public. Our Government will always ensure that Canadian Armed Forces members have the tools and the support that they need to accomplish the very difficult tasks we ask of them.”
“I am honoured on this special day to be able to thank all members of our military and their families for their loyal service on behalf of a grateful public. Our Government will always ensure that Canadian Armed Forces members have the tools and the support that they need to accomplish the very difficult tasks we ask of them.”

Unless Treasury Board and\ or PWGSC feels otherwise and until you get injured and we kick you to the curb.
Greetings from the Commander-in-Chief:
For nearly seven years, I have had the honour of serving as commander-in-chief of Canada. While in this role, I have been privileged to meet with many serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces and veterans. I have always been impressed by their remarkable sense of duty, outstanding professionalism and the sacrifices they have made to defend the values we cherish. I have also seen first-hand the strong bond, held together by trust, that exists between civilians and soldiers. It gives me great pride to know that we can count on our troops, both here in Canada and around the world.

I have the utmost respect and appreciation for our military personnel and for their families, who are working to build the smarter, more caring nation and world to which we aspire. On the occasion of Canadian Armed Forces Day, I join with all Canadians in expressing my sincere gratitude to our men and women in uniform for their service. My thoughts also turn to those who are no longer with us and to their loved ones.

We will never forget.

David Johnston


Greetings from the Minister
Minister of National Defence Harjit S. Sajjan today issued the following statement:

“Each and every day, the women and men of the Canadian Armed Forces – and their families – display their talent, dedication, perseverance and sacrifice - all in service to Canada and their fellow Canadians.

“The story of our 150 years as a nation would not be complete without the roles played by our brave soldiers, sailors and air personnel throughout the years, as well as the strength and courage of the families and loved ones who stand by their side. They have built a proud legacy which they build upon every day.

“Our forces currently serve on operations and missions on nearly every continent to help bring peace and security to a world so in need of both. They serve their fellow Canadians at home, safeguarding our skies and keeping Canadians safe whenever and wherever natural disasters strike.

“Our Canadian Armed Forces currently has 65, 000 Regular Force members and 21, 000 Reserve Force members. There are nearly 1600 currently serving abroad and 1200 currently serving on operations at home. Many more are preparing others, or even themselves, to deploy on future operations.

“Canadian Armed Forces members are our friends, our neighbors, and our family members. They are Canadians. They are us. To those in the Canadian Armed Forces who continue to build and defend our great nation, on behalf of all Canadians, thank you. We appreciate all you do, and we salute you.”

not that it matters, not like it's a holiday or anything. Just another day where we all go to work (well some of us who don't have monday to friday jobs) and go about our business.
Didn't even know it was Armed Forces Day...I suspect 99.99999999% of Canadians don't either, and I bet they care even less than I do - as previously mentioned it used to be a day where the CAF and Canadians mixed and got to know each other.


It is a few  :blah: statements and online/FB posts. 
Eye In The Sky said:
Didn't even know it was Armed Forces Day...I suspect 99.99999999% of Canadians don't either ...
heres what the CDS had to say, highlights mine

As a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, you and your family belong to one of the proudest, most honourable institutions our great country has to offer. You should be proud of who you are and what you do; I know I am. Because of that, I am delighted to recognize each and every one of you today for Canadian Armed Forces Day.
Whether it be delivering emergency relief to Canadians in need or working together with our allies on operations to make the world a safer place, you do fantastic work every day. I see your accomplishments firsthand and I am always proud.
You belong to an institution that has a lot of exciting changes coming. You are going to find our team operating at a higher pace with better equipment and more support for you and your family. There will be more details about that to follow this week and I want you to pay close attention to how your commanders explain these changes. As with anything, I expect you to help me implement them to the best of your ability.
Finally, I want to thank your families for their unwavering support. Your parents, spouses and children all make personal sacrifices so we can attain high rates of success on operations. Today is just as much about them as it is you—make sure you give them the same support.
Take time today to relax and celebrate your accomplishments with your family so that when you put on your uniform tomorrow, you will be ready to continue working hard to achieve strong results for Canada. For those of you on deployment who cannot be with your family today, know that you always have my full support and appreciation.
Thank you for your service.
Jonathan H. Vance
Chief of the Defence Staff

I'll believe it when I see it
Eye In The Sky said:
Didn't even know it was Armed Forces Day...I suspect 99.99999999% of Canadians don't either, and I bet they care even less than I do - as previously mentioned it used to be a day where the CAF and Canadians mixed and got to know each other.

Not that I really remember any spectacular "open houses" or other events to commemorate the day in years past (long past, actually), but, did any CAF units hold any events, anywhere, yesterday?

Of course, I googled to see what happened and, surprise, found nothing.  North Bay, on the other hand, intends to celebrate it a week later. https://www.cityofnorthbay.ca/living/festivals-and-events/armed-forces-day/  Not really surprising that timings aren't consistent.  Last year, Borden also shifted it to a week later. http://www.bordenairshow.ca/
Probably because they, like l, forgot all about this non day.  Meh
And here I thought Nov 11th was our 'Armed Forces Day'.

Oh well, I guess it gives everyone in Ottawa something to wear a special pin on their tunics for ;)
daftandbarmy said:
And here I thought Nov 11th was our 'Armed Forces Day'.

See also, Reply #13.
Blackadder1916 said:
Not that I really remember any spectacular "open houses" or other events to commemorate the day in years past (long past, actually), but, did any CAF units hold any events, anywhere, yesterday?

Of course, I googled to see what happened and, surprise, found nothing.  North Bay, on the other hand, intends to celebrate it a week later. https://www.cityofnorthbay.ca/living/festivals-and-events/armed-forces-day/  Not really surprising that timings aren't consistent.  Last year, Borden also shifted it to a week later. http://www.bordenairshow.ca/

Years ago, it was a pretty good day at (now closed) CFB Summerside.  I recall lots of aircraft statics, veh's (I crawled into what I would later come to know as a Cougar AVGP there one Armed Forces Day.  Gagetown used to do a pretty good gig back in the early 90s IIRC, too.
In Chilliwack it was always a big deal, but I seem to remember it being later in the year as we were always in Wainwright for six weeks or so.