I‘m the OpsO at the Arty School right now (and the brother of the geek who runs this site) and thought I‘d take a shot at answering your question.
The Canadian Army (CA)is in the midst of restructuring itself to make it more relevant to the current world situation (small assymetric conflicts around the globe) instead of fighting the Cold War - took ten years to start, but at least we‘re on the path. Similar to the American Stryker Bdes, the CA is moving towards medium weight (LAV III) knowledge based organization which will use information dominance and more punch for the pound to make up for its smaller size and lack of heavy eqpt. It see increased emphasis on ISTAR and take advantage of digital systems to increase situational awraeness. In the near future (5 years) we are moving towards an "interim model" along the road to this new forces structure. It‘s still in development, but it will likely see two medium Bdes (an Armd Recce Regt, 2 LAV Inf Bns, Engr Regt and Arty Regt plus sp elms incl a Comd Sp Bn - ISTAR geeks with UAVs etc) and a heavy Bde (out West, a Tank Regt plus an M109 Arty Regt and two Lav Bns). The plan is to also have three true Light Inf Bns (similar in structure and role to Ranger Bns). What about the guns in the Light Regts? It‘s still under review, but it will likley be 2-3 Btys of Light Guns (either LG1 or C3) with Grizzly Gun Tractors plus a Loc Bty (CB Rdr/UAV). The standup of the ISTAR orgs, and the plan to start a Manouevre Trg Centre (MTC) in Suffield will take addn soldiers, however the army is not auth to increase its strength. Some of these additional soldiers are coming from the stand down of the Pioneer and Mor platoons in the Inf Bns - Engrs are taking over the Pioneer role and the Arty is taking over the Mor role. Mors will be retained as a residual capability in 1 Lt Bty/Regt (ie - tubes kept in the gun cage, hauled out for annual refresher trg and to deploy Mor Pls as required). So that‘s the Interim model, in the long term (10+years) we will be going even further down these paths. For Arty, there are several options incuding some sort of wheeled SP gun (ideally on a LAV Chassis) either 155 or 105, TBC, or a combination of SP 120mm Mors and HIMARS. With the ISTAR programme, there is also a big push to get UAVs and CB Rdrs - we‘ll see.
On the reserve side, I don‘t see significant changes in the near future (interim model), other then the liklihood of some Res Arty units taking on the Mor role. Thes remainder will cont to man 105mm C3 Btys, although the Land Force Reserve Restructure project is contunuing, not sure what direction they are going in, but it may involve reducing the number of reserve units out there - if you can only field a Bty, then you should be org/equipped as a Bty not a Regt. Just my personnel feelings, and there‘s a lot of resistance to this from many reservists. In the long term, the gap between reg and reserve capability is likely to widen - with the introduction of the LAV OPV (with Inertial Navigation and Gyo good to 10 metres and 0.6mil pluas a laser range finder, added to the new Gun Laying Positioning System (GLPS) on the gunline and accurate MVs we can achieve first rd accurate fire - lase a tgt and go right into FFE) and as the regs get new eqpt, it will be more difficult for the reserves to join the reg, either individually or collectively, to trg/fight. It makes some sense to have reserve arty units take on niche roles - perhaps they man the Mor pls or rocket units, both of which take reduced trg time. Or amybe they only provide specific functions, like only gunlines and no FOO parties. Just a few of my own thoughts, as far as I‘m aware there is as of yet no coherent plan for the restructure of the Reserve Arty. Hope this (long) reply answers some of your questions. on a final note, as part of these changes we are in the process of streamlining arty careers into OP< CP and Gun/Recce career paths for NCMs. This will be implemented in 04/05 in the regs, later in the reserves. Feel free to reply back with any further questions.