I just had my CFAT, interview, and medical yesterday at CFRC Winnipeg. Here are my observations (for what they are worth

I have heard a lot of stuff about the CFAT ranging from "oh my God it was the hardest thing I have ever seen" to "it's so easy, don't even worry about it." I would suggest the truth lies somewhere in the middle, and the examples you have seen for the questions are FAR easier than the real thing. Take the test seriously, but don't lose sleep over it. If you are applying as an officer, I was told there is a higher standard, so it's in you best interest to get every possible question you can right.
I have a BA in Russian and like to read about history and study languages as a hobby (yeah, I'm a dork, I know) and a few of those vocabulary words from the first part were pretty difficult.
The spacial tests were fairly easy until about halfway through and they just got mental. I guess something like that, you either know, or do not know.
As far as the problem solving stuff, the government tests that everyone mentions (especially the GCT) are good practice. I have written a few of them in federal gov't job competitions and if I hadn't seen them before, I would have been dead in the water on the CFAT.
As far as the interview, mine was very long according to the super-friendly med tech whom I saw later (it was for DEO and done by an air force Capt. and a naval LtCmdr), but like other people have said, it really is more of an informal chit-chat than anything, but be prepared to answer lots of questions about your education, extra-curricular activities and job experience.
I hope this is helpful to anyone reading these threads. In case anyone is curious, I passed everything, now I just need to pass my PT in 2 weeks and I'm on my way to being a PRes Infantry officer. Cheers.