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Canadian Sniper Quits Military

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Infanteer said:
Or maybe, like most professionals, he isn't really preoccupied with it and just wishes to get on with things?


That's very true. I know it might seem insignificant in the great scheme of things but personal rewards from one's jobs are often what a person has too look back on and be proud of in later, reflective years.

It's a pet peeve of mine when someone steals someone else's thunder. I'm not saying that is what's going on in this case but if KevinB's statement "and FWIW he did not take the record shot." is true, then my sense of fair play is offended.

Of course, having said that, the people who need to know the truth probably do and so your analysis is probably far more on the money than mine.
Caesar said:
Now, my memory is fading a bit here, but is this MCpl Perry the same Perry that was injured at Tarnak Farms? I doubt it very much, but I seem to recall there was a Jr rank named Perry injured.
That was a B. Perry, not an A. Perry.
And B does not like to be confused with A...

A Lot of Patricia's (and other worldy posters here too) know who made that shot.  It was not Aaron, the shooter in question got out of the CF to do a different job that he hold dear.  He has let it known he does NOT want to be identified.

This ends my discussion.
Thank you. I want to get the whole article so when I read something "sensational", that I get the whole context. From reading this thread, it seems the situation/story is different depending on who reports it.
yeah, quite funky indeed. I read in a local paper that it was infact the same perry that was accused of taking a finger, that made the approx 2500m shot...

I'll take your word(s) for it.
KevinB said:
And B does not like to be confused with A...

A Lot of Patricia's (and other worldy posters here too) know who made that shot.   It was not Aaron, the shooter in question got out of the CF to do a different job that he hold dear.   He has let it known he does NOT want to be identified.

This ends my discussion.

Putting aside who made the shot or who did not. Also that DND does not seem to dispute the published articles.

My question to you still remains, why hasn't any PAT rallied around M/Cpl. Perry since the NIS's case findings.

Everybody seems to want to throw him to the Dogs, including his fellow comrades with some exceptions.

It almost appears that doing your Duty for thirteen years (and well it seems) doesn't count for squat.

Regardless of M/Cpl. Perry's up front and abrasive attitude, maybe if we had more like him we might have more dead Terrorist to worry about._
When are journalists going to be accountable for inaccurate or half truth stories.
How it is worded to get the best Head line, no matter who it affects?
Who are the unnamed sources? If your going to accuse without evidence;
you obviously don't have 2 swinging in the wind!
Too bad they don't have Army.ca Mods!

Soldier on Perry's, It sucks being accused. But if you did right, that is all that matters!

There is more to this situation than is ever going to come out in this forum but from Kevin's posts, and critical reading of the newspaper articles with those posts kept in mind, you should be able to see some of the issues surrounding Mr Perry and why/how he has alienated himself from his Regiment.

In my first post I was pointing out that accusations, which do not lead to charges and a conviction, are just that, accusations and as such shouldn't be the sole basis for pillorying someone.   This is particularly true when those accusations come from an incomplete article, which, as has been pointed out, was written to be sensational, vice informative in nature.   Now that more information is available, again, do the critical reading and interpret the issue for yourself.
MP 00161 said:

There is more to this situation than is ever going to come out in this forum but from Kevin's posts, and critical reading of the newspaper articles with those posts kept in mind, you should be able to see some of the issues surrounding Mr Perry and why/how he has alienated himself from his Regiment.

In my first post I was pointing out that accusations, which do not lead to charges and a conviction, are just that, accusations and as such shouldn't be the sole basis for pillorying someone.   This is particularly true when those accusations come from an incomplete article, which, as has been pointed out, was written to be sensational, vice informative in nature.   Now that more information is available, again, do the critical reading and interpret the issue for yourself.

I'm not following the above reasoning, i.e;

I feel the accusations are unfounded due to the NIS findings and the DND accepting them, which I outlined in my original post. Am I suppose to read something different into those findings ?

I do not credit or deny the statements or claims in the Marksman issue. And by that token I hesitate to accept KevinB's statement that he knows something all of us do not and we all should accept that as fact.

As to Mr. Perry's alienating his Regiment, could it be they alienated him first during the NIS investigations ?

My question was, why has there not been one supporting post by a PAT since this post.

Please point out and list the critical reading that I have seemed to have missed.

MP 00161 said:

There is more to this situation than is ever going to come out in this forum but from Kevin's posts, and critical reading of the newspaper articles with those posts kept in mind, you should be able to see some of the issues surrounding Mr Perry and why/how he has alienated himself from his Regiment.

In my first post I was pointing out that accusations, which do not lead to charges and a conviction, are just that, accusations and as such shouldn't be the sole basis for pillorying someone.   This is particularly true when those accusations come from an incomplete article, which, as has been pointed out, was written to be sensational, vice informative in nature.   Now that more information is available, again, do the critical reading and interpret the issue for yourself.

As you stated MP their is a lot more to the story than what is reported. Shortly after they're return from Afghanistan I listened to a national radio call in show where one of MCpl Perry's fellow snipers was a guest , he had a very different view of this individual and his conduct.
Fast Eddie as a serving Patricia who knows Perry, has worked in the past with Perry, and read some rather self-inflated articles on him, there is a reason for not supporting him. I do think that some of our snipers were treated with disdain by some of our fellow Patricias when we returned from Afghanistan, but Perry has managed to further alienate the people around him. If you act like an ass you will be treated as such.

Also in regards to the longest shot, take it from someone who was there Perry did NOT take the shot!
EDIT: Changed my mind.

I support the findings of the NIS.

Just beacause they guy has slightly underdeveloped interpersonal skills does not mean we should throw him to the dogs.

But what he allegedly did in that picture... and what he even admits to...

I'm not sure that is the best example of soldierly conduct.
After what 2Cdo wrote this thread should be stood down as nothing new will come out of it.  He's not supported because from accounts of others who have worked with him and for him he is an ass.  Enough said.  I'm a new thread will come out when the keystone cops come up with nothing.  Out.
CFL said:
After what 2Cdo wrote this thread should be stood down as nothing new will come out of it.   He's not supported because from accounts of others who have worked with him and for him he is an ***.   Enough said.   I'm a new thread will come out when the keystone cops come up with nothing.   Out.

That was your 3000th post CFL.

And a good one at that.
CFL said:
After what 2Cdo wrote this thread should be stood down as nothing new will come out of it.  

Fair enough any objections, going once... twice... three times. Locked.
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