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Canadian soldier shot in Kabul sleeping quarters (With Own Weapon)

Correct. An ND in a Ranger regiment will qualify you as the Lone Ranger on the bus outta‘ town. Better hope you don‘t hit anyone with it or you will be cargo on the bus outta‘ town.
Yes it all come‘s down to training and one useing it in the real world.
I won‘t pass comment of the latest.


Think about the war stories you are goining to post!!As this topic as I see it is very sensitive!

The press come here to gauge our post‘s about our thought‘s and feeling‘s toward‘s D.N.D.

Please keep such incident‘s off this mean‘s as this is a public forum,do it privately.

Just a word from the wise ;)
It all comes down to trg , realism, frequency, and practice, practice, practice, Annual qualifications such as throw two dummy grenades, and pass a wpns handling test, then perhaps fire PWT 1 yearly just doesn‘t cut it. Show me the money....for best results.
"I know a guy that was in Bosnia 2000 that shot his own hand while attempting to clean it."

i don‘t know, i think im calling bull$hit on this one.

Cleaning a loaded weapon? Cocking your weapon while in theater is a pretty serious thing.
The first thing you do when entering a camp is clear your weapon. First thing you do when cleaning your weapon is clear it. Unless you have some obscure way of cleaning your C7 the first thing you do to clean it is break open the rifle.
This guy shot himself in the face with it?

I can think of two other possible reasons why a round was fired, i just can‘t swallow the whole accident line.
This string didn‘t really start out as an ND string. This guy had issues...

In addition to noting how hard it is to have a ND while in your quarters, this guy bought the muzzle to bear on his chin.....why would that be?

This wasn‘t an ND....he meant to pull the trigger.
Thats what he said (shooting hand). Of course everyone knew he was fing around. He got a pention and OT out of it (and no charge) though.
I think hot ranges for the Reg force combat arms types would be great, however judjing by the amount of training support arms and the reserves are getting, you would not want to, until they have been worked up a bit, shame that is the present state of affairs.
I‘m not even enlisted yet(Reserve)(hoping for 31st Combat Engineers), but I try to get out and fire as much as possible at the local range, no C7s, but shooting is shooting, and every time we go out, safety has to be #1. If you are trained right, no shot is an accident.

Thank you for your useless contribution to the conversation. I recommend you read the following thread before carrying on.

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