Canadian police have been maligned when they have released the early details on high profile events- usually some of the details aren’t exactly correct and this is used to beat them over the head- there was a movement mid 2000s to try and release stuff faster but it was ruined.
There are alot of conversations on other projects and large incidents about how specialized media people can help get info out and moved around with better accuracy. What needs to be out at the right time kinda thing
Major case managers are gun shy about anything that will defence can use to suggest inconsistency or confusion. Even if it is from the very early stages when those two conditions are natural, all they have to do is plant seeds. In the early stages, it can often be hard to tell what information needs to be 'hold back'.
Even seemingly benign events such as a citation or award for a job well done now have to be pushed off until after court because defence were wanting to have speeches, presentations, etc. disclosed, presenters cross-examined, etc. Of course, there were often no records. Planting seeds.
There are other differences as well. If charges were potential, documents found at a scene, through a search warrant, etc. are evidence and not likely revealed up here. Even if no charges, coroners, in Ontario anyway, would not likely release them right away. Something that seems innocuous now might be really crucial later.
Mug shots aren't considered public domain up here and we don't 'perp walk'.
We re building media people into these major incidents now- civilian media “commanders” are in planning now as options. Sometimes as advisors sometimes as commands under the newer functions like Good/Silver/Bronze styled responses. It’s new but it’s promising. Specific civilians working for the rcmp. I ve had good experiences with them so far- most if it is still developing protocols
Having trained media relations people on board from the early stage is a part of the Major Case Management system used in Ontario now, and media training has been improved, in terms of both the investigators and media relations members themselves.