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Cdn Cadet OD Slip-on Art work.

Bergeron 971

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Enjoy. Avalible in larger format.
working on OD armlets aswell.
i applaud your effort, but cadets in ODs already have brassards, you dont need slip ons.  Cadets are authorised to wear the brassards like the ones your staff wear at a CSTC to identify you as a cadet, nothing else.
Cadet Warrant-Mann said:
wear the brassards like the ones your staff wear at a CSTC

Evidently you have not attented all of the CSTC's around. They vary. For instance, CSTC Blackdown, all the staff wear slip-ons, NOT brassards.

Also, the OD Cadet slip-ons are in existance, and can be found floating around. They are pretty uncommon nowadays though.
These are worn by MANY cadets on rain gear, gortex jackets etc.
I know the rules regarding these.
Not every unit follow the same rules.
In one of my former units, YEARS AGO, lol. Our affiliated unit CO authorized the use of their OD slip-ons for the OD combats, along with the armlet. Or OD slip-on with rank on rain gear. We didn't have the gortex jackets then.

So don't really know a refresher on CATO's. I read it often as a reference.
Here ya go. As worn by one of my former units.
We where issued the RCAC patch and some would cut out the rifle green and keep the Maple leaf.
These were worn with the Blank OD Slip-on with CADET tab, or Affiliated unit tab.





Bergeron 971 said:
Not every unit follow the same rules.

Yes, they do.

Now only Cadet slip-ons are authorized for wear, this is a somewhat recent development... or atleast a tightening of pre-existing rules.
It's alrite to let them wear the slip-ons, brassards, armlets ect... because it helps them to identify/learn the ranks. I just don't think cadets should be allowed to wear the slip-ons/cap badge of their affiliated regiment (which I occasionaly see). I don't say that to belittle anyone it's just that putting you're units name on yourself is earned just like wearing the Cap Badge, I had to wear a corn flake until I passed my trades course just like everyone else did.

Once again I'm not saying this to anyones feelings or start a ruckass but just beacuase I believe wearing said items is an Honour, not a previlige.
CO's of units decide who gets to wear their patch's and badges. If they CO of some unit says you can wear something. Well, that's a CO that likes you ;D
Its His/Her choice.

and as for the "yes they do".
Have you been to a cdt camp in the last 20 years? There are LOTS of things cdts wear on uniforms that are not authorized.
Rifle corps, signals, arti, highland corps, god I could go on.
Ascots, regimental cords, gold bottons, black belts, affiliated unit metal tabs, the old scuba patch, mock tower wings, the old belts with powder pouch with rifle corps, red or green dress ranks in rifle corps, lanyards, patrol dress, forge caps, shall I go on.

PS. this is getting off thread. Some corps may use these some might not. Lets leave it at that. I was bored, and I drew these up, I wanna make some in CdtPat (Marpat) for the new CdtPat, and cadpat as well for the units that allow their cadets to wear cadpat. Yes some do, right or wrong. nothing anyone here can do about it but complain.
get over it.  :rage: MOAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha.

I know the CC I work at, we don't allow Cdts to wear cadpat, point final. But less then 10 minutes away another CC do allow them. I don't care.
Bergeron 971 said:
CO's of units decide who gets to wear their patch's and badges. If they CO of some unit says you can wear something.
Its His/Her choice.
CATOS buddy.

Bergeron 971 said:
I wanna make some in CdtPat (Marpat) for the new CdtPat, and cadpat as well for the units that allow their cadets to wear cadpat.

cadets are not authorised to wear cadpat slip ons on their cadetpat uniform no if's and's or buts. Dont waste your time.
my god, did I anywhere say I thought it was right? The CdtPat isn't even in the CATO "yet"
Cadpat slipon on CdtPat? Again, where did I say that? I meant Cadpat with cadpat slip-on.

There is what should be and what is. Some people wear it if ya like it or not.
We all know the rules here. We do not need it to be mentioned over and over again.
No one here is a god of CATOs. And if you are. you need to find a hobby ;D

Missing the Master Jack.

Would you wear the combat slip ons with rank on them, as well as the CADET tab? If so, why is it required that you wear your rank on your sleeve, as well as your shoulders?
We had brassards at our cadet corps.  We didn't where any slip-ons with them.
Bergeron 971 said:
We all know the rules here. We do not need it to be mentioned over and over again.
No one here is a god of CATOs. And if you are. you need to find a hobby ;D

No one is a god of catos (whatever that is) but its far better to be informed than to be ignorant and continuousely post messages about wanting to wear OD, cadetpat and cadpat slip ons  etc.  Its been done before use the search tab next time.  If you want to wear cadpat with the cadpat slip ons join the Reserves.
LOL have I mentioned anywhere that I was interested in wearing any type of slip-on?
Thank you.
This thread was made to post my art work for those who wished to save it and use it for what ever purpose they wished.

God, Mod's can you please clean this thread up,
Thanks in advance.

when I was a cadet, we wore the armlets, with BLANK slip-ons, to imitate the CF. as their ranks where sewn on the arm and they wore they're slip-ons with apropreate tab.

When the CADET tabs began its appearance some of use bought some and wore those.

We would use slip-ons with ranks only on the rain gear then.

We strictly fallowed the CF standards, and didn't talk about the Cdt rules about combats:P

we only wore combats at, skill at arms, training and FTX's
Cadet Warrant-Mann said:
CATOS buddy.

cadets are not authorised to wear cadpat slip ons on their cadetpat uniform no if's and's or buts. Dont waste your time.

Interesting concept. Especially considering a good quantity of staff cadets at CSTC Blackdown were given CADPAT slipons to wear for the summer. No, not standard (in our case) dark green with yellow rank/cadet isignia.. but CADPAT material, and green rank.
Does anyone know where I'd be able to get some unit tabs made up? I know CPGear does but I haven't gotten a reply back from them yet.

And I'm not looking to go on a roadtrip to make the deal...