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Cdn. soldiers accidentally kill Afghan civilian


Army.ca Legend
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Cdn. soldiers accidentally kill Afghan civilian
Updated Tue. Feb. 27 2007 7:49 AM ET CTV.ca News Staff
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Canadian troops on Tuesday were involved in another civilian shooting in Afghanistan, in the third such incident this month..

It happened when an Afghan male driving a white Toyota approached Canadian soldiers as they formed a security cordon around a broken-down armoured vehicle.

Army spokesperson Maj. Dale MacEachern said the driver of the vehicle failed to heed warnings to stop.

He said the vehicle blew past one checkpoint manned by Afghan National Police and accelerated towards Canadian vehicles. That's when troops shot and killed the driver. One passenger was also wounded.

In a separate incident, a militant with explosives strapped to his chest blew himself up on a crowded street, injuring three bystanders.

No Canadian troops were in the area.

Just last week, Canadian Forces ordered troops to use more restraint before firing to avoid killing civilians accidentally. Canadian soldiers killed a civilian and a member of the Afghan National Police following an attack on a Canadian convoy on Feb. 18.

Canada has about 2,500 soldiers based in Afghanistan, mostly in the Kandahar region. Since the mission began in 2002, 44 Canadian soldiers and one diplomat have been killed in Afghanistan.
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Oh well. He should have stopped.

He didn't, and paid for it with his life.

The troops are doing their jobs.

I agree Recce, that's why I don't think the news headline should read "accidentally"......
GAP said:
Cdn. soldiers accidentally kill Afghan civilian
Updated Tue. Feb. 27 2007 7:49 AM ET CTV.ca News Staff
Article Link
Army spokesperson Maj. Dale MacEachern said the driver of the vehicle failed to heed warnings to stop.

He said the vehicle blew past one checkpoint manned by Afghan National Police and accelerated towards Canadian vehicles. That's when troops shot and killed the driver. One passenger was also wounded.

Blew past the ANP & Accelerated?
Driver was not accidentally shot - our troops are not mindreaders
we are not gonna try to second guess people who have been given fair warning
we are not gonna put our brothers & sisters at risk of the next VBIED
The trouble with this logic is that for the most part Canadian citizens don't understand it. They relegate the cordon to a traffic light, and can't understand why someone should get shot for going thru a red light. That's the context they are putting it into....go figure.
IMO the title should read, "Suspected Terrorist shot, later found to be idiot driver."
It has not been proven that he is an idiot...
(though there is ample evidence that the person sitting in the co-driver seat musta been nuts to go along with this hairbrained move)
I had a vile taste in my mouth listening to the CBC radio news this morning say how
" Canadian Soldiers have been on a shooting spree in the last two weeks".

Just flippin' horrible one-sided reporting.....
Me too Bruce, and I turned it off. I'm disgusted by them today, thoroughly.

IMO the title should read, "Suspected Terrorist shot, later found to be idiot driver."

Idiot Driver in Afghanistan?! Say it aint so!  ;D
New policy Use of Force

Wait until the explossion then if you are injured by the blast or shrapnel, under the rules of engagement you are now authorized to use force.

I would rather shhot first and deal with the fall out later, to hell with the CBC and the lefties.

Those aren't new ROEs. Those are UN ROEs. ;D

There was not an "accidental shooting" there was a proper use of the ROEs.
You disobey the signs,
You disobey the hand gestures,
You disobey the warning shot

BANG! :threat:

Sorry, ya should have listened and learned from the past several years. DON'T GO NEAR A NATO CONVOY WITH OUT PERMISSION!


What part of this sign are they not understanding.
Civilian casualties are bound to happen in Afghanistan as it is a war zone. But....have you ever thought of the TB disguising some of their own fighters as civilians and using this to wreck havoc on our troops' morale? We know they take cover behind women and children just like the NVA in Vietnam.

In Vietnam, the NVA did a lovely job of screwing up many soldier's lives by retreating into villages and hiding amongst civilians. US troops would attack and have no idea what they were shooting at until it was too late. I see quite the resemblance in tactics here....

Just a thought,
TB do not wear uniforms....never have.

The troops were just doing their job. Afghan civillians must learn to use common sense when coming to a road block. A car skips past a road block and continues to accelerate towards you; doesn't really leave one many options.
Twitch said:
Civilian casualties are bound to happen in Afghanistan as it is a war zone. But....have you ever thought of the TB disguising some of their own fighters as civilians and using this to wreck havoc on our troops' morale? We know they take cover behind women and children just like the NVA in Vietnam.

In Vietnam, the NVA did a lovely job of screwing up many soldier's lives by retreating into villages and hiding amongst civilians. US troops would attack and have no idea what they were shooting at until it was too late. I see quite the resemblance in tactics here....

Just a thought,

Me thinks you are wander outside your safe lane. Get you facts straight and get back in your safe lane.

My 2 cents.
Nfld Sapper said:
Me thinks you are wander outside your safe lane. Get you facts straight and get back in your safe lane.

My 2 cents.

Sad to hear but that thing happens.  How long have we been there?  How long have these ROEs been in place?  Enough said.  "Canadians on a shooting spree", give me a break!  It's only becuase some TB and other Afghanis don't or fail to understand "STOP"  They've all been told.  What the CBC needs to  (or fails to) understand is that it's not just another red light, it's a red light with a "danger, you're about to get shot" line. 
Good for our guys for following ROE, again!
No Canadian Soldier has ever been charged for following ROE.
They might have bad dreams and PTSD, but at least they will know that they were right.
My 0.02  :cdn: