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Cenotaph/Memorial Vandalism/Solutions-Laws (merged)

He seemed sincere.  He is a volunteer at a Veteran's Hospital in Mtl.  At the sounds of it he will be charged with Mischief and will appear in Court for the first time next week.
a good volunteer is hard to come by.  If he's worth his salt, I would imagine that he'll be allowed to return after having faced the music.
Saw it on TV.....blaming everything on alcohol and his inability to process it.

I think I'll use that excuse the next time I do something stupid too.

Hmmmm...come to think of it the next guy that gets charged with DUI should use the same excuse....too drunk to know any better.


Maybe that will be my reply when I catch some punk doing that, and hand him his ass.  There are not too many things in this world that piss me off as bad as this.  And I don't care how sincere he "appeared".  There are some things you can't apologize for, and here's a news flash.  Actors can cry on demand.  So can my kids, if they don't get what they want.
Good of one of the youthes to show up at the Legion office and apologize in person.  Although he may have been prodded by parents, took some courage.

Doing community service with veteran's will be an eye-opener for them.

FDL :cdn:
More of what the 23 years old had to say...

I love the wording of that "apology"

"I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.....it happened to me"

That judge better throw the book at him!
GO!!! said:
I love the wording of that "apology"

"I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.....it happened to me"

That judge better throw the book at him!

He doesn't even say wrong place

"It just so happened I was there at the right place at the right time, with too much to drink in my system -- and it happened to me."

Right Place...what, it's the memorials fault for being where your piss landed? He's making excuses.

This could be an EXTRA special episode of the GO!!! show. Replace the rubber hoses with iron bars
If I may shift peoples' attention away from their lynching kits for a sec, there is another person to the story who isn't getting much of our attention.
Since this story aired an unemployed fellow named Don Dawson has been down at the War Memorial for entire days on end doing what he calls an honour guard. I felt compelled today to go downtown and say thanks for what he is doing and offered to buy him a coffee. He was more than pleased at the offer. If you live in the area I strongly recommend you do the same. Makes you feel good. I asked how long he is going to be able to keep it up and he said he did not know but being outside all day for the past week is showing its signs: he is getting sunburn and seemed a bit 'woozy'. I made sure he had water and offered to buy him sunscreen but he said it stings him after when he has to shave.

Bless his heart and soul for what he is doing but he seems... er a bit 'over the top'. He has gone out and rented a wool costume that looks like the Governor General's Ceremonial Guard dress and has a colonial hat. I don't think he understands the guards take 1 hour long shifts to get away from the summer heat. Anyways, the least we could do is to look out for him so he doesn't thunder in under heat exhaustion.

If you live in Ottawa please go down there and check up on him. If you are able to offer him a coffee or light snack or something to sustain him. He is a nice guy and deserves a lot of respect.

Just my $0.02 for the day.
career_radio-checker said:
If I may shift peoples' attention away from their lynching kits for a sec, there is another person to the story who isn't getting much of our attention.
Since this story aired an unemployed fellow named Don Dawson has been down at the War Memorial for entire days on end doing what he calls an honour guard. I felt compelled today to go downtown and say thanks for what he is doing and offered to buy him a coffee. He was more than pleased at the offer. If you live in the area I strongly recommend you do the same. Makes you feel good. I asked how long he is going to be able to keep it up and he said he did not know but being outside all day for the past week is showing its signs: he is getting sunburn and seemed a bit 'woozy'. I made sure he had water and offered to buy him sunscreen but he said it stings him after when he has to shave.

Bless his heart and soul for what he is doing but he seems... er a bit 'over the top'. He has gone out and rented a wool costume that looks like the Governor General's Ceremonial Guard dress and has a colonial hat. I don't think he understands the guards take 1 hour long shifts to get away from the summer heat. Anyways, the least we could do is to look out for him so he doesn't thunder in under heat exhaustion.

If you live in Ottawa please go down there and check up on him. If you are able to offer him a coffee or light snack or something to sustain him. He is a nice guy and deserves a lot of respect.

Just my $0.02 for the day.

I actually spoke with mr. Dawson yesterday, as well, Hutch. He said he's doing it because he appreciates what Canadian soldiers of past and present stand for, and he thinks of them everyday.

Kudos to him, but it's just a matter of time before he suffers from heat-stroke
Too bad, the apology would have gone a long way since Canadians are a forgiving bunch - if only he hadn't gone on to refuse to accept any responsibility for his actions.
Harbinger said:
Too bad, the apology would have gone a long way since Canadians are a forgiving bunch - if only he hadn't gone on to refuse to accept any responsibility for his actions.

I'm waiting for the inevitable "I was from a single parent household....grew up in a crappy part of town....struggle with addiction....I'm a good person - really.....If only the government had made me stay in school"

Sixty lashes or sixty days - you may choose whilst in the pillory for a night - NEXT!
Agrred!  He quickly positioned himself as the victim of a series of things.  No doubt he'll soon be shopping around for a book deal ::)
HDE said:
Agrred!  He quickly positioned himself as the victim of a series of things.  No doubt he'll soon be shopping around for a book deal ::)

He's a kid.  Children imitate the behaviour they've witnessed as acceptable and appropriate as they grew up. (I'm speaking of his "victim hood" statements, not his action at the War Memorial.)

While this doesn't excuse his statement regarding his lack of responsibility, perhaps it spreads the blame a little - like to society at large?
This quote is quite interesting....especially the part in bold.

"And what's even worse is that for an entire semester of school I had worked at a veterans' hospital here in Montreal -- Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue -- and they all know me there, and they probably know my face and they're probably outraged at me. And you know what?  If you asked them, they'll probably tell you that's not Stephen. That's not something Stephen would do."

A whole semester...WOW!

This guy needs the punch in the throat now...and the toothbrush up his arse.

like to society at large?

Mmmm Nope.  The blame doesn't rest on TV, Society this kids parents or vodka.  He shit the bed.

I actually felt bad for the shit sandwhich this guy was going to have to eat.  After he painted himself the victim I don't have a scrap of sympathy for him.

I'll laugh if someone gets liqured up and takes a round out of him then says Ohhh geez shit, I was drunk I didn't know what I was doing.  ::)
Ghost778 said:
Mmmm Nope.  The blame doesn't rest on TV, Society this kids parents or vodka.  He shit the bed.

I actually felt bad for the shit sandwhich this guy was going to have to eat.  After he painted himself the victim I don't have a scrap of sympathy for him.

I'll laugh if someone gets liqured up and takes a round out of him then says Ohhh geez shit, I was drunk I didn't know what I was doing.  ::)

Read my post again, Ghost778.  I did not blame his act on society at large - nor did I excuse it.  I DID, however, lay his claim to "victimization"  at society's feet.

I've never believed in the "victim" clause - whenever I've done wrong (and there have been instances, both military and civilian), I have always stood tall and said "No excuse, Sir" - and taken my lumps.  This is the way I raised my sons, as well.  None of them will ever be a "victim" of their own making.

However, while raising those three young men in the '80s and '90s, it became apparent to me that "victimhood" was becoming the flavour of the day for excusing wrong doing, rather than correcting it.  I ran into it when confronting school authorities regarding bullies picking on my kids - being told that the bully came from a broken home, and therefore should be excused, for instance.

I have deplored this trend for over two decades - but I am not surprised when the product(s) of that societal view claims that "I'm sorry, but it's not really my fault."  All I was saying in my post is that perhaps his "victim hood" statement was a learned reaction - not an excuse.

By the way - I agree with your last sentence.
He's a kid.  Children imitate the behaviour they've witnessed as acceptable and appropriate as they grew up. (I'm speaking of his "victim hood" statements, not his action at the War Memorial.)

A second teen submitted an apology through the Ottawa police. And a third man, identified by police as 23-year-old Stephen Fernandes of Montreal, was charged with mischief for allegedly urinating in the same area.

In an interview with CTV, Fernandes said he drank so much alcohol the day the photograph was taken, he has no recollection of what he did.

On New Year's Eve 1994, Privates Philip Badanai (Royal Canadian Regiment) ,21 years old, and John Tescione (48th Highlanders), 23 years old, were returning from an escort mission through a small village in Croatia, when 25 Serb soldiers suddenly ambushed them. The Serbs riddled the jeep with small arms fire with over 50 hits.

Tescione was hit seven times, including four in the head. Badanai was wounded three times but managed to continue driving for 15 kilometers until he reached a first aid station. Miraculously, both survived the ordeal, and Private Badanai was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal for his quick action.

Total bollox!!!  This guy was no freaking kid.  And I as a Veteran, had half my head sitting in my lap while doing my duty for my country, at the same age as him!!  He goes on a national newsite, and blames it all on booze and partying, and expects us to accept that type of an apology?  I called for them all to publicly say sorry, and he does and then says aww I did not know what I was doing...honestly wasn't me, I actually work with veterans...

The kid in this whole situation showed true courage, pulled up his boots straps and did the following...

An Ottawa-area teen showed up at the offices of the Royal Canadian Legion yesterday to tearfully apologize for urinating on the National War Memorial.

This fella did exactly what should have been done.  He went to the legion, and apologised, and tearfully meant it.

I would agree, Fernandes acted like what we would typically blame a kid for doing.  Blaming everything else but himself.  The kid was the one who acted like a man.

Feel free to hear our Kid talk about how furious he is that we would be upset with him for urinating on the Memorial....





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