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Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

That’s why we need to be judicious in how we talk about our political rivals. Overheated rhetoric can turn into violence pretty quick.

That goes for both sides.
Agreed. When one side is too vociferous and insulting then the moderates will gravitate to the other side.

"if yer not fer us yer agin us" thinking is dangerous.
Agreed. When one side is too vociferous and insulting then the moderates will gravitate to the other side.

"if yer not fer us yer agin us" thinking is dangerous.
Problem is, both sides can be vociferous. Partisans become even more radicalized, moderates stay quiet.

China’s Strengthening of Nuclear Submarine Capabilities Alters Power Dynamics.​

On June 27, 2024, China demonstrated its unwavering commitment to enhancing its nuclear submarine capabilities, despite encountering challenges such as the serious accident in October last year involving a Type 093 nuclear submarine. The incident resulted in the tragic loss of 55 Chinese Navy personnel.
In recent years, China has vigorously built up its nuclear capabilities, constructing numerous missile silos in the northwest, clearly preparing for contingencies in the Taiwan Strait. Originally, China thought 300 nuclear warheads would suffice to deter any major power, but the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw millions of deaths in the US while maintaining social stability, altered Chinese perceptions. The US’s restraint during the Russia-Ukraine conflict has provided China with significant insights. According to a mid-June report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, China’s nuclear arsenal reached 500 warheads in January this year, a significant increase of 90 from the previous year. It is estimated that China actually possesses over 1,000 nuclear warheads.
The Pentagon’s annual assessment of China’s military power, released last October, noted that the PLA currently has 60 submarines, including six strategic nuclear submarines, six nuclear attack submarines, and 48 conventionally powered submarines. By 2035, the total number of Chinese submarines is expected to reach 80.
