Artic_Fox, don‘t be stupid and idle, take the time to use the seach button. Here‘s a hint: the search button "searches" for key words on all the boards that you input. Kinda cool, isn‘t it?
Second, this whole thread should have been locked. Of all the posts in this abortion of a thread, only Doug‘s (and Dragoon‘s) has been accurate, while the rest is idle uinformed speculation by a bunch of kids with no clue. If you‘re in the CF, go ask your Orderly Room to pull up the CanForGen about who can be selected, it‘s from around 2001/2002 timeframe IIRC, and it‘s "From" the VCDS. If you aren‘t in the CF, you don‘t need to know, and have no right to simply throw out idle specuation as to what you "think" the Dwyer Hill crew are, do, where they go, or what they use for weapons.