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  • Thread starter Thread starter Arctic_Fox
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Well when JTF2 came through Halifax not that long ago the LT conducting the brief said it was for military personnel only.
Artic_Fox, don‘t be stupid and idle, take the time to use the seach button. Here‘s a hint: the search button "searches" for key words on all the boards that you input. Kinda cool, isn‘t it?

Second, this whole thread should have been locked. Of all the posts in this abortion of a thread, only Doug‘s (and Dragoon‘s) has been accurate, while the rest is idle uinformed speculation by a bunch of kids with no clue. If you‘re in the CF, go ask your Orderly Room to pull up the CanForGen about who can be selected, it‘s from around 2001/2002 timeframe IIRC, and it‘s "From" the VCDS. If you aren‘t in the CF, you don‘t need to know, and have no right to simply throw out idle specuation as to what you "think" the Dwyer Hill crew are, do, where they go, or what they use for weapons.
LOL.....nice post Marauder.

We seem to have over abundance of "But it was in a video game/book/article so it must be true and therefore I‘m an authority on it" warriors in this site.
I don‘t know nothin‘ about computer games. I am hardly ever play computer games and the ones I do play are most of the time nothing to do with battle,army or war. Yet I do know a lot about computers and the internet and I was just curious about it. I admit I don‘t know much but at least I am not afraid to ask anything or find out about things. I was just curious about how you guys felt about it and now I know, that you hate people who just try to show what they know and help a little. Sure, probably lots of the info is wrong, but what if it isn‘t? So what if it is, I don‘t care, and either should you.
OMG....If your happy with wrong info thats fine....carry on. :rolleyes:
Here‘s a link to a site which says that Canada created Joint Task force for special operations for Desert Storm and disbanded after the war ended. Unfortunately that‘s all it says. Could be made up though. Any GW1 vets here can back this up or am I making myself look like a wannabe jerkoff?

Seems to me a lot of different users are asking the same questions about the JTF2...if such a unit actually exists...Kind of makes you wonder whether some reporter is trying to do astory and is getting desperate for info...?
Funny...I don‘t think I‘ve ever heard of them! :cdn:
Well if they don‘t exist then who was that, that ran my BN through FIBUA and how to enter buildings etc prior to Bosnia Roto 7.
Well if JTF2 does not exist who is coming by here twice a year on recruiting drives for JTF2?



This is (alledged) to be official: http://www.specialoperations.com/Foreign/Canada/jtf2.pdf

This is where they train (allegedly): http://www.carleton.ca/jmc/cnews/08032002/news/jtf2.html
Well if JTF2 does not exist who is coming by here twice a year on recruiting drives for JTF2?
You‘re supposed to say they never came. :D
*watches the ominous red dot on his chest* I mean...ummm JTF2 does not exist..there is nooo such thing.
Suffice to say that there are quite possibly units within the Canadian Forces that don‘t have to yell BANG BANG when they train.

Or even BANG, BANG, STOPAGE, ****, CLEAR, BANG, BANG, BANG! :salute:

I bet the helo pilots even treat them with respect and don‘t drag the last man down the rope through the trees before he is ALL the way down. Those ****ers. I told them once I would shoot them down if they did that again but that is tough to back up as they can‘t hear me yelling BANG BANG over the rotorwash. :rolleyes:
Been in the army for over 20 years................

"...yes Virgina, there is a joint task force...."
HA!!!!! That‘s farkin‘ hilarious, Old School..

As for JTF2, someone made them up just to scare people. And those black helicopters aren‘t there either. Don‘t worry.
Korus, you gotta be kiddin‘ me! Or maybe your‘e just screwing around. If not, it ain‘t no big secret; put down the "sargeant rock" comic book and try watching the news or reading a newspaper once in a blue moon - you might learn something.
I get a kick out of some people when they get all defensive if you say the JTF doesn‘t exist.

I supose they are kinda like santa clause and the easter bunny.
So you‘re saying that Santa Claus doesn‘t exist?

Ah, gotta love the internet... where sarcasm is a much more complicated affair.
Well I just went to the "Capitol News Online" by Christine Roger.
I said that it drives the media crazy that there is an element of the Armed Forces that they don‘t get to run into the ground on an anual basis!!
And the next time we actually have an incident in canada I hope Christine Roger is on the bus full of Terrorists and one of the assaulters actually has a stopage!