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CMMA - replacing the CP140 Aurora

Maybe Fisher Price threatened to sue Bombardier for stealing their fake airplane toy and trying to make a bigger model of it…
or they pulled a flex, told bombardier to shut up or they will drop the terrifs on boeings civilian aircraft that they caused all that fuss about.
Well Bombardier defense signed a deal with the US Army.
Long time in the works. HADES follows successful implementation of two previous airframes (ARES and ARTEMIS). This activity line was messaged years and years ago when the U.S. Army announced the decommissioning of the MC-12 fleets.
Good for them.
As much as I'm pro P-8 and think Bombardier has been whiny as well as depended on government support for far too long I think it IS good for them...and good for Canada to have a domestic aircraft company that is making inroads into the military market. Maybe someday they WILL actually have a proven Canadian-made military aircraft that suits our needs. That's not a bad thing.
Meanwhile, in Spain.

Good thing they announced this after the P-8 was selected, or we could have had the prospect of getting stuck with even more Kingfishers.
…except that the C-295 wasn’t in the bid.

Also, the Spanish requirement is probably very different in terms of endurance/range, amongst other things.

ETA: Interesting that the Spanish also call it the “Air and Space Force”, like the French.
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…except that the C-295 wasn’t in the bid.
I know, but I wouldn't put it past this government to change the requirements and solicit a bid for an aircraft in service in another role.

Of course, between the Kingfisher, the Cyclone, the LSVW and the TAPV, to name but a few, there's always the possibility of a real life version of Ian MacCullom's "traitorous Elbonian defense minister" thought experiment, where he chooses the worst equipment to sabotage a military without getting caught.
I know, but I wouldn't put it past this government to change the requirements and solicit a bid for an aircraft in service in another role.

Of course, between the Kingfisher, the Cyclone, the LSVW and the TAPV, to name but a few, there's always the possibility of a real life version of Ian MacCullom's "traitorous Elbonian defense minister" thought experiment, where he chooses the worst equipment to sabotage a military without getting caught.
True but I’m more of the opinion that given the Griffon over Blackhawk and other decisions made by both Lib and Conservative governments that the CAF is often looked as a jobs program so I’d put down it likely to incompetence than malice.
I know, but I wouldn't put it past this government to change the requirements and solicit a bid for an aircraft in service in another role.
The requirements aren’t set by the GoC - they’re set by the Project office.

To solicit a bid for another role means to effectively create another project.