I will weigh in on this coversation with the following example:
From 2002-2007 I was posted to a small Royal Engineer base north of Cambridge, UK, which was home to an Engineer Regiment, a Brigade HQ, a TA Regional HQ, and a Specialist Team Royal Engineers. Despite this low amount of manpower, it still had, 24/7, a guard shift of 20-24 soldiers, commanded by a Cpl, supervised by a Provost Sergeant. 2 Soldiers were armed at all times, with 20rd mags, on the front gate, checking ID's and performing searches when required. The remainder either performed roving patrols, security checks on buildings, and 6 of them were Patrol Dog handlers performing roving patrols with their land sharks (patrol dogs are the ones you don't go and pet).
Why on earth this can't be done in Pet, which occupies maybe 50% more real estate than the camp I described, yet has about 200% more manpower, is beyond me. As others have stated it will take a Ft Hood/Beirut barracks type situation to enforce change.