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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

  • Thread starter Thread starter fusilier
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I am a reserve cpl infanteer that has been accepted into (Reg) Military Police trade. I have been informed that i have been found suitable for the transfer, but i am yet to receive an offer of employment. I was told that i was suitable in the first week of march and would hopefully be loaded into PRETC for early June (so waiting approx 2mths). I understand that the MP's are a stressed trade (in need of people) so I'm hoping that this will encourage a faster completion of my employment offer.

I was wondering if anyone here has been through a similar situation and could help me in predicting when a offer may be given. (although i am aware that every situation is different). previous posts didn't give too much info.

I was also wondering what is considered when they are producing a candidates offer. I was thinking this may help me understand why it takes so long.

Thanks to all

You should have a file manager in Ottawa at this point.  If so, contact him or her directly and ask them when you should be loaded.  Dont be afraid to keep contacting them every few weeks either until something happens. 

If the courses are backlogged, you can always ask them to start you up on OJT somewhere in the meantime so that you are employed.
I have been doing my best to stay on top of my file manager without becoming too overbearing. I was told by a recruiter that if i were to be placed on PRETC for longer then 3mths they usually place you on OJT. I'm just concerned as to when I am expected to be employed due to the fact that my civilian employment is coming to an end, and i do not wish to obtain another job only to leave them a few weeks later.
If only bills would pay themselves. ;)

Thanks again.
Is it the same procedures if you do the transfer when going in afghanistan, i think that you keep your rank and all that.  What I mean is do you have to wait to be transfered before getting in pre deployment or you first go on pre deployment and your transfer goes on as you are training. 

Thanks for answering
Big burn said:
Is it the same procedures if you do the transfer when going in afghanistan, i think that you keep your rank and all that.  What I mean is do you have to wait to be transfered before getting in pre deployment or you first go on pre deployment and your transfer goes on as you are training. 

Thanks for answering

There was a link, to a document, that outlines the process.  chances are, it is already in this tread.
Hey all, I had a quick question regarding the CT form that you fill out and email to Ottawa. Under the army subtitle there is two different selections for infantry one code is 00180 INF_INF and the other is 00010 INFMN_FANT just wondering what the difference is between these? I don't know which one to pick.
INF = Infantry Officer
INFMN = Infantry NCM

Look at your current MOSID - it should remain the same.  Unless you're doing a combined CT/OT.
Recd. My CT Offer letter today. All seems okay. Line Tech. Kingston. I have a question for anyone out there:

TOS is my term of service starting in July.

What is COS?

My next course is only scheduled for Mar 2010, What will I be doing from July 2009 until Mar 2010 in Kingston? Any type of training?? Duties?? Any idea's from those who might have experienced this.

Feel free to anyone who can inform me.

Also I have a few questions and if you are able to help in any way I need a contact to answer some questions that might come up to make this process easier.

Thanks in advance.
should say on your offer who you belong to, ie gaining unit. You may be post to BTL AWTR which means base training list, awaiting training. That means you belong to the base chief and hopefully they'll find you meaningful employment until your course starts.

I'm in the same position, posted to BTL, and I'm trying to find myself meaningful employment before the chief has to do it for me.
Right on its BTL AWTR. So yeah awaiting training. How are you currently going about finding meaningful employment?
Where are you living?
I would be bringing a vehicle is there a car park or lot or something?
I guess I should be asking if you are currently in Kingston!?

What to bring is another thing! Any tips on that?
ahhh, i see! Well thanks for the help anyhow.

Anyone else there with some information??
When you do a CT and request your regiment and location (battalion) when will you find out which regiment/battalion you are actually going to? Will you find out before you accept the contract? My situation may be different as I have to start off at BMQ.

Your CT offer will give you the UIC and information of the first unit you are posted too. This should be the BTL for you. Your offer should state that you have been offered xxxx Regiment. If it doesn't, contact your file manager (the person that emailed you the offer) and find out what Regiment you were accepted to. You'll get your Battalion when you finish your DP1.
I put in my application in early September 2008 and only just got my offer letter three weeks ago (May 13), so it seems like there was someone dragging on my file maybe. Oh well, I got in that's all that matters :D

Transfer date is 29 June, but my QL3 course doesn't start until October 16th - PAT here I come :blotto:
I'm in the QoR Jump coy, and I wanted to switch to Reg Force MP. I have 1 year of University, so Im not sure if they will even accept that. I have just over 2 years in the QoR, does anyone know if the MP's will even accept my application?

Thanks guys
I submitted my CT in March of this year and since then I've had them ask me to verify everything.  Since doing so, I've received no contact from anyone regarding my transfer.  Is that normal?  I spoke to someone in CFRC who said they would try to track down my CT, but every time I call and leave a message, they never call me back.  What can I do?  Call Ottawa and ask them what's going on?  Or should I resubmit all the paperwork?  Yes, I guess I'm kind of impatient, but 4 months and no one able to answer any questions is slightly unreasonable.  Any ideas on what I should do?