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Debate about Foriegn Affairs intiated by the Bloc

Bruce Monkhouse said:
I caught the last 5 minutes of Peter McKay on CBC Newsworld tonight and he sure sounded like a leader......
We've made a few comments on this in the NDP topic.
whiskey601 said:
I think Stephen Harper should seize this golden opportunity to have a full and open debate and put it out on the table why Canada is there; what we hope to accomplish; and how it will be done. He needs to let go of who got the CF there in the 1st place, that point is now long past any relevancy. Harper himself should put this matter to a confidence vote and take it to the electorate if necessary. If he can't do that, then lets get someone from his party in there who will stand up or else this government will fall very soon, and it will probably deserve to do so.

If nobody in any party can provide sufficiently acceptable reasons to spill any more blood on any side, then why bother with this mission at all?  

The left are scoring some pretty big points and they must be countered clearly and succinctly, and without the standard spewing of "war on terror" dogma- that line of thinking simply does not reasonate with Canadians anymore, if it ever did.


The fact that all the bleating for immediate withdrawl isn't really being met on the level seems to indicate to the general populace that there is no worthwhile reason for us to be there.  We need a "Day of Infamy" speech from the Conservatives to get the Canadian public to, at least, shut out the sheep until our commitment ends in 2009.
IIRC - the House sits on 18 September.  Harper addresses the UN on 20 September. 

As I understand it both the Environment and Defence are due to be visited this fall.

Maybe we should just hold on for a week or two more.
Its all about money. The left doesnt like to see money spent on the military. If they can eliminate the mission they can get their hands on defense monies for their pet projects. Its the same in the US. Our leftists would love to gut the defense budget for their pet pork barrel projects. The left doesnt see a threat from radical islam hence they cant buy into the mission. If the left in the UK or Canada or anywhere else can bring the troops home and opt out of the war on terror its a huge win for the terrorists. The terrorists want to see the US isolated because they feel once that happens they can pursue their goals of spreading the faith first through the rest of the ME, Africa and then into Europe. Convert or die will be heard in alot more broadcasts.

ABC will be putting on a 6 hour series next week called the Path to 9/11. It outlines the do nothing approach by the Clinton administration to terrorism and the democrats are howling. The truth is the truth. A bit surprised that ABC is putting it on.

"The left doesn't see a threat from radical Islam hence they cant buy into the mission..."
What if the left sees the threat from radical Islam, but instead of confronting it, chooses to appease it. Statements made by leftists vary from: "We're creating more terrorists than we can kill!" or "Let's solve the Palestinian problem and convince the Americans to retreat from Iraq, bring home the forces stationed in Saudi Arabia and then we're all gonna be one big happy global family!" prove that they have chosen appeasement.

Neville Chamberlain was aware of the Nazi threat. He simply thought that he could negotiate with Hitler. Hitler, just like the Islamists today, used the left's naiveté (although Chamberlain was a conservative PM) to further his own goals.
If history has taught us anything it's that you don't want to be negotiating with your enemy when he's getting ready to fight. You want to attack him while he's getting ready to fight.
Tolstoyevsky said:
Neville Chamberlain was aware of the Nazi threat. He simply thought that he could negotiate with Hitler. Hitler, just like the Islamists today, used the left's naiveté (although Chamberlain was a conservative PM) to further his own goals.

And one other difference was that Hitler respected the British, and would have rathered have them in the Reich with him as an ally.  Radical Islam hates all of us, and even other parts of Islam.  There will be no appeasement.