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Dec 21 - Happy Birthday, The RCD & The RCR

Today is the 132nd anniversary of the founding of The Royal Canadian Regiment and The Royal Canadian Dragons. Happy Birthday, “Pro Patria”, “Audax et celer”.

In honour of this occasion I recommend you do the Ortona Toast:

One oz dark rum;
One oz water;
one teaspoon brown sugar;
Served in plain white china mug.

The origins of this toast is from the WWII Battle of Ortona:

“On Decem­ber 21st, it was real­ized that it was The Regiment’s Six­ti­eth Birth­day, and Lt-​Col. Spry (act­ing Com­man­der of 1 Cdn lnf Bde) was invited to visit the Battalion’s Com­mand Post and drink the Health to The Reg­i­ment: this he did although the Com­mand Post was under shell fire at the time. Capt. Mitchell pre­pared a punch of issue rum, sugar and water, and those who par­tic­i­pated in the toast were Lt.-Col. Dan Spry, Major Strome Gal­loway, Capt Sandy Mitchell, Capt Marty Upper, Lieut Wal­ter Roy, Capt [Padre] Rusty Wilkes, M.C., and RSM Archie McDon­nell. Just as the cer­e­mony was con­cluded Capt Dick Dil­lon, M.C. and Lieut Buck Bow­man, M.C. , reported in from two fight­ing patrols which they had been lead­ing with con­sid­er­able suc­cess. So was the Dia­mond Jubilee of The Reg­i­ment observed; not only within sight of the enemy, but engag­ing him the while!”
Happy Birthday to The RCR and The RCD. “Pro Patria”, “Audax et celer”. Break out your white china mug and Lambs Dark Navy rum and have a toast to these fine Regiments. :cheers:
Happy birthday Dragoons and Royals, wherever you may be serving, or wherever you may be enjoying a well-earned retirement.
Happy Birthday to The RCR and The RCD, 21 December 1883. “Pro Patria”, “Audax et celer”.