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DEO - Pilot - Questions

One of the guys I was in Trenton with for aircrew selection got the call this past Friday. He told me there was a selection made that day. He said he's being sworn in this week and he's off to St. Jean for September 24.

Personally, I received a letter asking for more information from a specialist, so I'm delayed; it seems the folks at DRDC sent me off without the info they needed and it took two months for a letter to get to me. I hope to have things sorted before the spots are all filled. It's not over 'till it's over.

Best of luck to all...
Yeah R.C. that's exactly it, I got approved on everything at DRDC a few weeks ago but then last Friday I got a call from DRDC saying they want me to redo my visual test over there this Friday. Weird because I can't think of why they would want me to do that. Also, I got an email with the SOU last week to read over from my interviewing officer. I'm optimistic because I'm thinking it might mean they're looking into my profile in. Ore detail. I guess I'll know what the deal is after I go see them on Friday.
You're lucky they called you back in for a redo, Reaper-1. It took just over two months for me to get this letter; and, it'll be another month by the time I finally get to see the specialist for the follow-up appointment. Hopefully your situation gets resolved quickly for you when you go back.

Your post makes me curious because the letter I received was eye-related as well -- I've never had a problem with my eyes in my life. I wonder if others have been receiving similar requests for follow-ups...

Best of luck, Reaper-1!
Well, it took 2 months to get a letter and another to get in to see the required specialist, but I've been cleared of the "eye problem". The eye doc says it is likely that a mistake was made by the technician, the equipment wasn't working properly, or some other anomaly occurred during my aircrew medical that resulted in a false scan of my eye. Now to submit the required paperwork and have my medical file cleared and my air factor finally put on file.

I hope things are working out in a similar fashion for those of you who have encountered similar circumstances. All the best!
I went in to DRDC last Friday and they cleared everything up. Apparently someone in Ottawa just wanted to get some extra tests done because they thought they saw something on my eye. The doctor said everything was perfect, which is great - except now I have to wait a few weeks for them to send off to Ottawa again.. I hope this is the last delay.
Hi Everyone,
Qyrang121, you say... After a long wait....CT approved.  St.Jean for December!

I will like to know...do you mean BMOQ ?, if so, does that mean the BMOQ is indoor throughout or some outdoors, because from Dec to April, we may/have got snows in early periods of the training, even until early April. Any contribution will be highly appreciated, as I am looking at the Dec based on this info from Qyrang121.
lifeGoes said:
Hi Everyone,
Qyrang121, you say... After a long wait....CT approved.  St.Jean for December!

I will like to know...do you mean BMOQ ?, if so, does that mean the BMOQ is indoor throughout or some outdoors, because from Dec to April, we may/have got snows in early periods of the training, even until early April. Any contribution will be highly appreciated, as I am looking at the Dec based on this info from Qyrang121.

Are you afraid of the cold and wet?  If so, you may want to reconsider your application.  The CF sends it members to places where they may face extreme weather/climate conditions.  Cold and Wet/Hot and Wet/Hot and Dry/etc.

If you have read any of the information here, you will have seen that the majority of the BASIC training is conducted within in the MEGA.  All BASIC courses will do a FIELD portion, and that will be conducted during the scheduled course.  If you start in DECEMBER, you can likely expect that FIELD portion to be in the WINTER or early SPRING.  CFLRS DOES NOT control the WEATHER, so be prepared for any eventuality.
As George Wallace points out, yes we will be outside.  I am only doing mod 2 which involves  a lot of in field training. 

I am expecting it to be very cold :nod:
A quick note to those of you still hoping for a DEO pilot spot -- I was just informed that the next selection will be taking place October 24. Good luck to all.
Got the worst news today... the Oct.24 selection R.C. posted (and was also independently told to me by my recruiter) is only for experienced pilots, ie; foreign militaries. They were all filled last Thursday. There are no more DEO spots left this year. We all have to wait until April to even hear if there will be any next year and then those of us whose interviews, medicals, and security checks will be older than a year by then will have to redo them. Fuck.
It's definitely not the best news, but thanks for posting, Reaper-1. Confirmed with my file manager today as well: DEO spots for this fiscal year have been filled. Commence waiting.

Reaper-1, do you happen to know if your air factor will still be processed even though the remaining spots have been filled? I believe we were in a very similar situation (being approved while at DRDC only to be asked to redo a certain part). My file was only resubmitted to DRDC about a little over a week ago.
That's the worst part - my air factor came back on Friday and as of Tuesday I got on the list and was good to go with no more surprises. Then yesterday they told me the spots were filled as of last Thursday. I guess the good thing is at least I'm processed and ready for next year. The bad thing is by April I'm sure they'll have processed a ton of other people and we'll all have more competition.
That's rough, Reaper-1. To be that close...

I had a feeling this year was a no-go once it became apparent more information was being requested from me -- this competition is way too fierce for any delays in one's file. Now that everything has finally been completed (or close to it, in my case), we can look forward to April.

Congratulations to those of you who were selected this year! And, good luck to those of you still trying.

I recommend that everyone rely on the information that comes directly from the office where your file manager is. Numbers of positions are different from those in recruiting as well as in-service.
filoufil said:
I recommend that everyone rely on the information that comes directly from the office where your file manager is. Numbers of positions are different from those in recruiting as well as in-service.

So then what you're saying is one centre could show "no more pilots" while another centre is showing " 10 more to go" ?  Could you clarify please? 

skyhigh10 said:
So they what you're saying is one centre could show "no more pilots" while another centre is showing " 10 more to go" ?  Could you clarify please? 


No, that;s not what he said.
filoufil: a few of us on this thread are getting our information directly from our file managers and passing it on as it comes in.

I am curious about what you mean when you say the "numbers of positions are different from those in recruiting as well as in-service". As I've been informed, by my file manager, the DEO pilot selection is nation-wide -- when it's closed, it's closed (until such time that the CF decides more hires are necessary, which often occurs in April, when the new fiscal year begins).