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Desert Camo

What are you talking about Vern? And to who/what are you directing your frustrations?
Did I cut close to the bone...

Please show me where CC UNDOF is doing offensive operations  ::)  -- as a result is they are base dwellers - as far as the two that where injurned - did they need CADPAT AR to drive in a soft skin white UN vehicle  ::).

Please let me get my helmet if you want to continue...  :warstory:
Nothing against you personnaly. I do have a problem with what some pers consider to be tours and some don't. The Golan has not been Club Med for quite sometime now. No, us legs (I have jumped from a Herc)are not doing offensive ops. CCUNDOF is there to provide logistical support, and no we don't all belong to CCUNDOF either. Guess what? Most of the legs there are doing the exact same jobs we did in Bosnia... the gulf etc etc... that is the nature of being a support trade. So perhaps they should not be considered real tours for us either? My point is that as Canadian Soldier's we go where we are told and serve where asked to do so. You joined the PPCLI, I the 911s, do you expect me to do the same job as you? Because the feeling that I get is that only your job and only your tours count. And no, I have nothing against infanteers or jumpers, actually am married to one.
So..we go on tours where ever they tell us to..and some die there as well...that is why Peacekeeping day falls on 09 August...in memory of the "Buffalo Nine" 9 Canadian UNDOF servicemen who were shot down over Syria on 9 Aug 1974. Other Canadians have lost their lives during their service with Op Danaca as well. Do not make that sacrifice any less than what it is because you choose to think it's not a real tour please. 
Hey I did Cyprus...  ;D

My only issue is that when troops cannot get gear because they determined that another tour needed it -- when the tour is specifically low threat.  I just question the need to issue CADPAT AR in that theatre - unless they are issuing AR force wide (which I think should be done)

Please don't tell me you're compairing Danaca to Athena/ Archer.

When was the last time you saw an RPG with the "civvie" smiling as you drove by?

When was the last time someone tried to blow up a convoy and succeeded?

How about a Coyote being hit by a VBIED?

The UN compound in Kabul was hit Saturday by rockets. The rest happened within the past 2 weeks.

We have support trades here in theater with us...the truckers go out on an almost daily basis, even with the threat level so high.

Seems to me Golan is quiet....with exception to '74, a sad day indeed.

Hello everyone,
Please re read my post, I do not believe that I compared the Golan to the other tours...now that would be like comparing apples and oranges. My point was....we go where they tell us...plain and simple...you can not compare a UN tour with a NATO (usually peace has been declared with a UN tour but that doesn't mean there isn't incidents and there isn't risk....) that does not mean it is not a tour. All those hard army guys that were in Danaca with me were quick enough to collect their UN pay, Level 4 risk (that's what it was for my roto) and the gong that went with it....I bet they call it a tour.

And the other point was....no one in Afghanistan is being put out by Danaca being in AR....the current roto in Danaca is the first one to be in AR Cadpat......they didn't get it until all of the Athena boys/girls did.

As for the sheltered 18 years of my career.....it's a point of view I guess.....5 tours (1 in Alert perhaps that should not count either) deploying again Feb-Sep 06 on Op Argus. 8 years field time in Pet (plus 2 at CMED!!), did my Navy time in Halifax, did my AirForce time in Trenton while niner instructed at CPC, did a little bit of the DART thing, on my 2nd tour of Gagetown, 3 Commander's Commendations,  1 Central Command Commendation from my Apollo/Athena tour and managed somehow to collect as much field pay as niner has in his 20 year career with the RCR, including his 85-95 stint with 3Cdo.....all that and a Boy Scout Leader too...perhaps maybe I am just too sheltered from my family. Oh yes....and I did find time to jump out of a CC130 in there somewhere too..... :-[
Hi there KevinB...
I take nothing to heart because I know I'm far from sheltered. I actually find it kinda funny....I gotta tell my mom!!! She only wishes I was sheltered....I caused them enough problemos!! That's one thing I've never been called before..sheltered  ;D ;D ;D yep...way far from sheltered
Pics to prove it ?  ;D

It don't think anyone called you sheltered - Just a lot of guys pissed at the CADPAT AR situation in theatre... or prior too...
I know our OPSEC is terrible - but bringing new guys in in CADPAT TW just cries out attack me.  Same with leaving (we should have learned from the Germans mistake...)

The extra sets IMHO should have been issued in Canada to troops for OP ARCHER and ATHENA.

I'm still pissed since after Somalia the CF promised to have enough Desert cam to eqip a Brigade -- and we sold ourselves short again.  Add in no new runs of CADPAT AR were planned by the manufacturer due to lack of demand (by the CF)

Pics to prove what???
Were you in Somalia? Niner lost about 30 pounds he couldn't afford to over there.
I'm still working hard to keep it from growing back around his midrif!!!  8)

Pics to prove the unsheltered life  ;D 
Geez and my sarcasm detector was broken...  :P

Nope I took a dive to Cyprus apparently 2RCHA where needed whole for that tour  ::)

The point was after the return the SSF Comd and DCDS made a pledge to get enough Desert gear - and we failed
I dont consider 4 Camelbak's / Platoon to be kitting us out fo Afghan...  Nor other items lacking that we needed.
No pics...(there is but not for the internet!) but if you happen to know a Finstad, McRoberts, MacTavish,...I'm sure they could tell you a few horror stories....but they won't because what happens where-ever gets to stay there. But the wine/flashing the chain gang story from our bus trip on our 60hr in Namibia is pretty funny!! Trouble!!!

Can't speak for other Clothing Stores but our boys that just went to RotoIV from 2RCR all deployed with AR Cadpat (& nametags!!), vibram soled desert boots, a camel back (per person-in AR!!), a nifty little camel back cleaning kit and heck we even threw in some free sunscreen!! We do our best here to make sure the troops get what they need....it's our very own personal motto!!
Just so you guys know  the Arid Cadpat is operational kit only.  You get it just before you leave or when you arrive.  And as to why the Golan gets Arid Cadpat,  there is enough in the system.
Thanks I would never have guessed that on my own   ::)

However I do not think that 3 sets for wear for 6 months is realistic for combat arms soldiers.   4 is the min I would think appropriate - heck we used to get four sets of the OD Combats for operations...

Now a hotter, dustier and crap filled place we get less?

I got fecces sprayed on me one day and stepped in a roadside latrine on another - both effectively deprived me of a set of combats (and boots permanently)

I all for issuing it to the next AirForce BBQ - once the troops who need it, have enough...


They're working on getting the boys the 4th set now. Trying for up to 5.

As for the Golanis...word I hear is they're staying at 3 due to access to laundry facilities (and beer!! ;D )

Daidalous..who are you? I just came outta 6 years at Trenton.

Edited for "ooops typo"
I work in Supply, Clothing stores.  I worked  Major kitting after Cpl Dannon retired.   

We got the Camelbacs....

We just got our 4th set of ARIDS....

Seems someone is listening....just not reacting fast enough.  ::)


BTW....dirka dirka, Jalalabad road    ;D
Daidalous said:
I work in Supply, Clothing stores.    I worked   Major kitting after Cpl Dannon retired.      

Ahaa...Clark is that you? Say hi to JJ for me!!
