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Didn't ask the right questions at the CFRC. Now I'm in and have some problems.

I now fully understand why Ive been told to go to the Unit and not the CFRC.

Well that and CFRC Ottawa has mislead me on so many topics its not even funny. The most fun is when two recruiters say different things days apart.

But, that said, the military is always changing entry programs and training schedules and units are always changing requirements and such, so I guess it must be hard to stay on top of it all....

Anyway... RQ, if I were you, I wouldn't quit. As everyone else said, BMOQ?  (BOTP) is a requirement for any officer of all trades regular and reserve. So do it. Talk to your course instructors, be up front about it.

I wouldn't threaten the dishonourable discharge thing though. Or that you want to quit.
Work with them, and Im sure they will want to work with you (if they have gone to all the bother of selecting you).
Since your degree is a requirement of the training program (and retaining that pretty little commission you will eventually get) I'm sure they will want you to pass the course.

(On the other side, ALL universities offer deferrals). It may be too late now given that it is Dec 22, but when work commitments come up unexpectedly (as you may or may not be able to claim here), you can request a deferral from your Registrars Office if the military is not able to accomodate you.

There are always options.
Got sworn in as an OCdt. in a reserve reg't two days ago and got my kit tonight. Currently on an RAOTP plan. I am quite confused here, mainly because I ended up in the Infantry. The truth was the Infantry was a distant third choice. At all stages of recruitment (Including the Officer Board) I indicated that my first choice was Armoured Recce. followed by a trade in a Service Battalion. Considering the Officer Board was for an Infantry regiment, I'd have imagined that if I indicated that Infantry wasn't my thing, I wouldn't have ended up there. Thanks to the amazing bureaucratic process I've managed to end up somewhere that I really have doubts about. I don't mean to sound like a newbie prick here, but should I remain in the Infantry I can foresee one of the two happening:

Well you picked infantry.  If you didn't want to do infantry than you shouldn't of put it as your thrid choice.

Ghost said:
Got sworn in as an OCdt. in a reserve reg't two days ago and got my kit tonight. Currently on an RAOTP plan. I am quite confused here, mainly because I ended up in the Infantry. The truth was the Infantry was a distant third choice. At all stages of recruitment (Including the Officer Board) I indicated that my first choice was Armoured Recce. followed by a trade in a Service Battalion. Considering the Officer Board was for an Infantry regiment, I'd have imagined that if I indicated that Infantry wasn't my thing, I wouldn't have ended up there. Thanks to the amazing bureaucratic process I've managed to end up somewhere that I really have doubts about. I don't mean to sound like a newbie prick here, but should I remain in the Infantry I can foresee one of the two happening:

Well you picked infantry. If you didn't want to do infantry than you shouldn't of put it as your thrid choice.

exactly.But IMO, the infantry IS the army. It's the only way to go.Id much rather be doing this than service battallion or sitting in a LAV. At least give it an honest go.
:salute: :cdn:
Meridian said:
I now fully understand why Ive been told to go to the Unit and not the CFRC.

Well that and CFRC Ottawa has mislead me on so many topics its not even funny. The most fun is when two recruiters say different things days apart.

Interesting that you should say that.  I was in there a few years ago when my wife was thinking of joining and found it peculiar that the staff were all Reservists.  Needless to say, I did not think that they were qualified to give any advice to anyone looking into the Canadian Forces as a full time career.  What knowledge could a Governor Generals Foot Guard Cpl or MCpl have about life in a Regular Force unit, PMQs, Pay and Benefits, Medical and Dental Plans, SISIP, SRSPs and all the other factors that a Reservist would not know about Reg Force employment?

Anyway, when the wife found out that the only Trades open were Navy Trades, including a couple of Comms Trades, I quickly hustled her out.

It is actually an interesting question.

I suppose it depends heavily on the priority of the forces - is it to get someone, anyone (who passes all the steps) into the forces, or is it to genuinely provide detailed information and provide a best-fit for the individual (and one  would then assume the forces?)

Has anyone seen those shows in the states that follows a few Marine Recruiters around... These guys go after people like no tomorrow, but "twist" the truth around so much....  Made me thought about my recruiter(s).

The one thing I did like about the Marine thing is that they really focussed on you like you were important... the CFRCs really dont do that.  I know volume and all of that..... 

But heres an idea:  If the Forces has funding for recruitment, but not training (for whatever reasons), why NOT have a few more reservists on class B in the office, calling people back and making them feel generally involved.  A little "client care" would help a lot... even if Im waiting for 6 months, if Im getting called every week just to be advised that Im not forgotten about (and quick suggestions/reminders/pep to go for that extra run, to stay fit, to head down to a unit and watch etc)....  Id lose interest a lot less fast....

That way, when the training system catches up, you havent alienaated so many candidates!
Meridian said:
But heres an idea: If the Forces has funding for recruitment, but not training (for whatever reasons), why NOT have a few more reservists on class B in the office, calling people back and making them feel generally involved. A little "client care" would help a lot... even if Im waiting for 6 months, if Im getting called every week just to be advised that Im not forgotten about (and quick suggestions/reminders/pep to go for that extra run, to stay fit, to head down to a unit and watch etc).... Id lose interest a lot less fast....

That way, when the training system catches up, you havent alienaated so many candidates!

Apparently that is what the CF is currently doing and from reading other threads here, it seems like there are an awful lot of disgruntled people trying to get into the CF and becoming more and more disappointed with the treatment they are getting.  Many are not getting clear info on what the CF offers, no clear info on what a certain trade involves, no clear info on medical requirements or education requirements to join and other things.  Could this be a result of the CF employing Reservists in their Recruiting Centers? 

George, you may be on to something... Im going to start another thread so as not to hijack the discussion further.
Hey Rorer, you still have not gotten back to answering my question on this (reply No. 19), and you are active as of 23 Dec (today Canadian time).

How about it? Are you avoid my questions and this thread you have created?

Hello gentlemen:
Wow, what an interesting discussion.

I just actually applied through Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre, passed the apptitude test and would be going to the next stages of the application process for regular army forces.

Unfortunately, I had not decided on the units yet which I would want to go to, and was told that I had good chances to get in for the trades mentioned on the application. Or I might not get in...you never know because so many people were applying...

At what stage of the application process with CFRC should be mentioned what unit I want to go to? Or  is it all should be mentioned after Basic and Trades courses? Then should I talk to the unit first?

Which units are good and which ones should be avoided? I applied for Resource Management Clerk and Supply Technician.

Thank you,


JB said:
Hello gentlemen:
Wow, what an interesting discussion.

I just actually applied through Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre, passed the apptitude test and would be going to the next stages of the application process for regular army forces.

Unfortunately, I had not decided on the units yet which I would want to go to, and was told that I had good chances to get in for the trades mentioned on the application. Or I might not get in...you never know because so many people were applying...

At what stage of the application process with CFRC should be mentioned what unit I want to go to? Or   is it all should be mentioned after Basic and Trades courses? Then should I talk to the unit first?

Which units are good and which ones should be avoided? I applied for Resource Management Clerk and Supply Technician.

Thank you,


They will ask you during your trades training