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Disability Pension and Retention


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Good Day,

Wrecked my knee during PT - 2022. Ripped portion of quadricep, ACL, ligaments and the list goes on. Had major surgery, was paid out a lump sum payment -2023. Was put on a PCAT in January 2024. Has anyone received disability pension after they received a lump sum for pain and suffering after release?

I just received appointments for the MIR transition case nurse and to attend a scan seminar. However, I haven't received any sort of decision from Ottawa as of yet. I can do my job up in the tower full time with no problems. However, universality of service is an issue as I can not run, kneel, stand for long periods and so on. Unfortunately, my surgeon said that I most likely will have these issues for the rest of my life. Not looking for sympathy here.

I've been reading and awaiting this new CANFORGEN coming up in April next year. Looking for peoples thoughts or experiences for extensions. I knew of one Cpl who did PAR for over 3 years on a PCAT and got extended every year. However, I don't know what's going to happen with the new CANFORGEN and I'm getting nervous. I love my job, been doing it just over 10 years and I'd stay the full 25 if they kept me on. What do you think the best case scenario is? Any thoughts on timelines, since I was put on the PCAT in Jan and haven't heard back yet? Any personal experiences or thoughts are very welcome.

Thank you in advance.
Were you recommended for a PCat in January by your base surgeron or was your PCat approved by DMedPol in Ottawa?

Normally when someone is approved for a PCat from Ottawa with MELs that violated UoS they should be receiving an advisory/disclosure package (message) a couple weeks later.
Were you recommended for a PCat in January by your base surgeron or was your PCat approved by DMedPol in Ottawa?

Normally when someone is approved for a PCat from Ottawa with MELs that violated UoS they should be receiving an advisory/disclosure package (message) a couple weeks later.
PCAT was the base surgeon, I haven't received anything from Ottawa as of yet.
That means you're not on a PCat yet, the BSurg is saying you should have whatever permanent restrictions placed on your file.

The time frame is speeding up but under the current timelines it's taking 18 months from the time you're recommended for a PCat until DMedPol in Ottawa makes a decision. So around July 2025. If you're placed on a PCat at that time (which isnt a guarentee) your file quickly goes over to DMCA3 and if you have MELs that violate UoS you would receive an AR/MEL advisory and disclosure package - basically an opportunity submit representations before their decision. Such as you want to remain in the forces (e.g if you completed the force test, x-rays showing you miraculously healed).

There's a chance after April 2025 the UoS will be relaxed and someone with whatever restrictions you're given could be allowed to remain in. Not being able to kneel down or stand for a long time seems like a difficult sell to me to remain in, but you never know.

I'm not sure what you mean by receiving disability pension. If you mean the pension someone recieves after being medically released from the military that had nothing to do with a VAC lump sum payment.