If you only report selected facts and leave other pertinent facts unreported, is it disinformation, false or just plain biased? I have no problems with a forum, magazine or Newspaper that boldly proclaims it's political leanings and then writes about issues and current affairs, then everyone know what their bias is. What I don't trust is MSM, claiming they are a neutral reporting body, when they clearly are not.
In a "free" society, actually any society, you have to accept a certain level of "bad" and/or "failure". There is certain levels/types of "MDM" that you, we think, will just have to accept. For example, the habit of MSM to
under report stories that are negative toward their preferred political side, and to
over report stories that are negative toward the opposite side (and vice versa). A truly "unbiased" news agency should have an
ethical duty to report
all the news, but legally they don't have to. They could make the argument "it is our honest opinion that these
other stories are genuinely more important", and you just have to accept that, even if you know they're bull shitting you, because free speech and all.
Now, going to the opposite end of the spectrum, I think it should be illegal to spread blatantly false information, like with the Trump twitter post I referred to earlier. It's flat out not the truth, and shouldn't be allowed. I would also include in this category information that
itself isn't completely false if it's presented in away that is blatantly untrue. There's numerous examples of "doctored" videos where someone important says something like "... All Jews are Bad.', and it's spread to make that person look bad, but the actual video had that person saying "Ernzt Zundel's positions was, basically, all jews are bad."
However, in the middle is where it gets tricky. I don't know if the middle area (that I'll describe in a sec) is causing more damage than the blatant falsehoods, but it certainly would be the hardest to address. This is information that is partially true, but manipulated to serve a purpose, or "inaccurate" as the CSE would call it.