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do you plan on entering the regs or reserves?

do you plan on entering the regs or reserves?

  • Regular

    Votes: 20 50.0%
  • Reserve

    Votes: 13 32.5%
  • CIC

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • No

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters
Maybe joining the Regs sometime next year.
Possibly as a Sig Op. or a Comm Research Op.

If anyone has any info on either one of these, let me know.
I know not someone, but something that does: army.ca
Check out that search button that's hiding in plain sight near the top. :)
Rice0031 said:
I know not someone, but something that does: army.ca
Check out that search button that's hiding in plain sight near the top. :)
read every single one of those posts/threads
I was hoping to join the reserves when I turn 16, and then go to RMC when I am 19..and then pursue a career withing the Canadian Forces


I just discovered that my squadron came up with a rule because alot of people were joining the reserves.

The Rule:If you intend on joining the reserves you must make a choice.If you wan't to join the reserves,give up cadets,If you wan't to stay in cadets,give up the reserves.

Pretty stupid if you ask me.

Anyone elses squadron or corps have this rule?

So unless I give up cadets....I can't join reserves. But I'm still hoping to go to RMC and have a career in the Canadian Forces
The rule makes sense to me, you should really have only one commitment I'd imagine it would be very hard to balance the two.
Rocketryan said:
Anyone elses squadron or corps have this rule?

Yes, until recently. Now you have to have an interview with the CO. Then the CO will decide if you can handle the reserves, cadets and school all at once. This is a very touchy issue at my unit.
Kyle Burrows said:
I MIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT join the navy as an officer

Welcome to the dark side... We've been waiting.
In all seriousness, it would be
3)Pilot, if eyes are not good enough, AirNav.
Anyone elses squadron or corps have this rule?

Yes, until recently. Now you have to have an interview with the CO. Then the CO will decide if you can handle the reserves, cadets and school all at once. This is a very touchy issue at my unit.

WHAT!? I thought you were not allowed to have 2 COs, thus not able to be a cadet and reservist at the same time...? At least that's what I was told by my Trg O  >:(

The only reason that has kept my from walking into CFRC Vancouver and joining the reserves is the fact that I'm still in cadets and I only have one year left...and now I find out you can do both at the same time!?!?

I'm going to have to look more into this...
There is a CATO out there on this. Search for it its out there. However I will save you some time, pretty much its permitable under two conditions. First, the cadet unit CO knows and agrees that you can handle it, and two, the PRes unit CO knows and agrees you can handle it. So if your Trg O said that, it may be coming from the CO in which case you're up the creek without a paddle.
The CATO has caused me happiness yet still caused me suffering(I wen't to a camp about shooting..but the cato wouldn't let us shoot the Lee-Enfields OR the C7's)

Hmm. Thanks everyone..I guess I am going to be talking with my CO on tuesday
Rocketryan said:
I was hoping to join the reserves when I turn 16, and then go to RMC when I am 19..and then pursue a career withing the Canadian Forces


I just discovered that my squadron came up with a rule because alot of people were joining the reserves.

The Rule:If you intend on joining the reserves you must make a choice.If you wan't to join the reserves,give up cadets,If you wan't to stay in cadets,give up the reserves.

Pretty stupid if you ask me.

Anyone elses squadron or corps have this rule?

So unless I give up cadets....I can't join reserves. But I'm still hoping to go to RMC and have a career in the Canadian Forces

I say screw the cadets.  You'll have to do it anyways one day.  Invest some time towards your career (being in the res).

im sure once you go to the reserves 4 a couple of weeks you wont want to go to cadets
Cadets and the reserves are DIFFERENT.  While many cadets may leave for the reserves, if you can stay then I think it may be a good idea.  Young cadets need leadership, and not only will you provide that, but you will also provide a motivator for THEM to join the CF when they're older.

Prometheus, MSN speak is frowned upon.
The only thing holding me back from joining the reserves are these two things:

1. The opportunity to earn you pilots license for free and as a concentrated course.
2. The friends I have made here. I would not be who I am today without these people.

The reserves will always be there, cadets won't.

If I do not get into ROTP, I will be joining the reserves and enrol in university.

http://www.cadets.ca/_docs/cato-oaic/1307_b.pdf There's the CATO about being in the reserves/in cadets.

Rocketryan said:
The CATO has caused me happiness yet still caused me suffering(I wen't to a camp about shooting..but the cato wouldn't let us shoot the Lee-Enfields OR the C7's)

Hmm. Thanks everyone..I guess I a
i'm going to be talking with my CO on tuesday

Join army cadets then.
But my friends are in air cadets.
I know what you mean yoman though yoman.
My friends in cadets are my 3rd family(mine is 1st,my best friend is 2nd)
Plus the cool camps I get to go on.
And what do you mean cadets won't always be here????

I think I'll talk to my CO first before i choose which one to give up(If i have to)
Rocketryan said:
But my friends are in air cadets.
I know what you mean yoman though yoman.
My friends in cadets are my 3rd family(mine is 1st,my best friend is 2nd)
Plus the cool camps I get to go on.
And what do you mean cadets won't always be here????

I think I'll talk to my CO first before i choose which one to give up(If i have to)

When you turn 19 you can no longer be a cadet. Hence why it won't always be there.

Just examine your goals and decide where to go from there.

edit: Your profile says your 14. Don't worry about it until you turn 16. Enjoy cadets at least for the next couple of years.
The reserves will always be there, cadets won't.

Exactly. I joined cadets just days after my 12th birthday. I started my cadet career as soon as I could, and I intend to see it through to the very end.

I just brought up the topic because over the past recent months I have seen alot of my ex-cadet friends go off into the Reserves and Regs. I geuss I'm just getting impatient.


As I have advised many of my cadets in the past, and I think I've posted here before, choosing between cadets and the reserves comes down to what your longer term goals are.  For those interested in a Regular force career, it may be more useful to stay in cadets until you're out of school and old evough for the regs.  I say this only because the process for a CT (component transfer) can take a while and is not always beneficial to the individual making that jump.  If your aspiration is to be a long serving reservist, start your career as soon as possible and learn from day one what it will take.

While I am  a huge proponent of the cadet program, everyone will look to take different things from this program so decide what you want from it, and how it contributes to your longer term goals, and use the cadet system and the knowledge you gain here as a springboard for those goals.  Please don't look at cadets being a means to an end unto itself, this is the first step on a long journey, but if you don't have a destination in mind, you'll be out of cadets thinking what next soon enough.
A Seargant in my Squadron is graduating at wings Parade to go to RMC.
He didn't join the Reserves because A.He would be transfering to Regs, and B.He would ALSO be transferring to Air.(The Reserve unit is army)

Although I am only 14 my birthday is in like 20 days...So Basically A year for me Not 2
I just got a late birthday :(