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Do you wish your corps would do more with your Affiliated Unit?

Cadets are not to be carrying any weaponry during an exercise.  They are however allowed to fire the C7 rifle on a range with proper range staff available.

In the situation of the CIC Capt, while cadets are meant to do drill with the Lee Enfield, not loaded; I'd say it was wrong to march up and take it out of the cadets hands DURING the ceremony as the cadet probably wasn't endangering anyones safety as the weapons aren't meant to be loaded.
That's what I heard too.

Is there an official reference to that?

I was thinking of maybe getting the cadet corps seniors to follow along the regiment for a day. For example, the cadet RSM follows along the regiment's RSM, the Cadet CQ can work with the CQ at the regiment and the cadet WO could see what a platoon warrant does. Is that a good idea?
All Orders and Regulations can be found at www.cadets.ca.  You will want to check out the CATOs and Regional Orders, as well as the Cadet Detachment.

As for what to do:  Most ideas are good ideas AS LONG AS they fall in line with the different Orders and Regulations, the Cadet Detachment, the Affiliated Unit's CO and the Cadet Unit CO.
Beezer, one of the issues with the rifle has to do with the sights.  The tritium isn't supposed to be good for em - so cadet OKd C7s are supposed to still have iron sights. (yeah - don't ask about why it's safe for us while it isn't for them)

With respect to Cadet NCOs riding shotgun with their counterparts in the unit - t'was done before, can be done again BUT, for the most part, the Cadets will find the basic day to day stuff pert Boring.  In days of old, the Cadet RSMs would be invited to lurk at some of the RSMs weekly meetings with his CSMs.
They can't use the C7s because of the tritium in the scope? But they are allowed to shoot on ranges with us?!?

So is it safe to assume that if the regiment wanted to bring out senior cadets, say 15-18 years old, and equip them with C7s or C9s without scopes to give them the "feel" of what would we do would be a good idea?

We could always give them the C6 or Carl G! LOL!

Before you get excited Beezer, please read this:


And read the CATOs. 

Though the CATOs may not directly apply to you, as a member of the PRes, they do apply to cadets, CIC Officers and anyone else who deals with cadets (that being PRes and Reg F when working with cadets).
Thanks for the link but it seems pretty vague. If I were to take it at face value then cadets would not be allowed to carry weapons period.

But where is the link for cadets carrying weapons on parade?

Where is the link for cadets being allowed to shoot on a conventional range exercise? (As stated by Kyle Burrows)

Is there any CIC officer that can tell me in their experience are cadets pushed or guided to join the military or to return to the cadet corps as a CIC officer?

Beezer, start here:

http://www.cadets.ca/support/cato-oaic/intro_e.asp  There are several different.  Please remember that these are national orders which are augmented by provincial orders.  In general, no weapons on an Ex.

On parade, the only weapon permitted (under normal circumstances) is the Lee Enfield.

One of the aims of the Canadian Cadet Movement is to stimulate interest in the Canadian Forces.  The Sea Cadets focus on the Navy, Air Cadets focus on the Air Force.  The Army Cadets, through the use of affiliated units, focus on stimulating interest in the Army, but as well it stimulates interest in regiments, trades and branches.  Some cadets do choose to become CIC but many join the the Reserve Forces and Regular Forces.

If you are interested even more, visit www.cadets.ca and you can also visit www.armycadethistory.com and www.armycadetleague.ca
Beezer said:
That's what I heard too.

Is there an official reference to that?

I was thinking of maybe getting the cadet corps seniors to follow along the regiment for a day. For example, the cadet RSM follows along the regiment's RSM, the Cadet CQ can work with the CQ at the regiment and the cadet WO could see what a platoon warrant does. Is that a good idea?

Just on a personal note. I think that's a great idea.
Out of curiosity, if said cadet went on an exercise and did movements and some rifle training with their affiliated unit would that be okay?Or would they be repremanded for it. Even if that cadet had their restricted firearms licence. (Just the possesion not the acquisition licence.) Just a question for anybody who can answer it..
What kind of question is that? Seriously?
If you were doing something you shouldn't have been, then expect to be punished if the situation comes to light. It doesn't sound like something you should be bringing up on a public forum if it involves you.
Regardless of the civilian documents the cadet might have, they aren't military papers and consequently - they are not allowed.... Also, the CF deals with Restricted & prohibited weapons - consequently, said cadet DOES NOT have papers for those.

Cadets do not to go on field training exerciese with Reg/Res units.
If they do, someone should / will get his "weewee" slapped
I don't consider "day trip" cadets shadowing troop activities as being a participant...

WRT ranges,  if memory serves me right, cadets aren't supposed to come close to the Scopes we have on the C7/C8/C9 family of weapons.... someone is afraid the mildly radioactive material will cause em to glow in the dark (or stunt their growth)
Imbeault: No one in our home corp has done any exercise or any field training/ shadowing to my knowledge. The most we have ever done is gone shooting with them and that was a while ago. This was only a question to see if any qualifications in the civilian world applied to the military. I also did not state that I or anyone else has gone and done an exercise with my affiliated unit.
qyrang said:
Imbeault: No one in our home corp has done any exercise or any field training/ shadowing to my knowledge. The most we have ever done is gone shooting with them and that was a while ago. This was only a question to see if any qualifications in the civilian world applied to the military. I also did not state that I or anyone else has gone and done an exercise with my affiliated unit.
Alright Qyrang, I apologies I misinterpreted the question. It sounded as if you had been up to no good.
Although we cannot go on exercises with the reserves, I believe that by taking a group of the top rated cadets from each corp on an exercise as an observer could spark a strong intrest in the cadets. By having this day trip, it would give the most intrested cadets something to strive for and it may encourage future recruitment. Just a simple recruiting idea to show the cadets how exciting the CF is.
qyrang said:
Although we cannot go on exercises with the reserves,
I guess you haven't followed this thread.

Read the CATOs


Then go check your Regional Orders.
geo said:
Cadets do not to go on field training exercise with Reg/Res units.

Going by the link that rwgill has given me, it states: One of the three aims of the Cadet Movement is to stimulate the interest of cadets in sea, land, and air activities of the CF. This is the intention of cadet participation in CF unit activities, including the participation in exercises and the firing of weapons.--http://www.cadets.ca/_docs/cato-oaic/1133_b.pdf

However, shadowing a reservist on say a major ex, like stalwart guardian etc... is/is not allowed? Right now the Cato's that I have been given say that cadets are allowed to participate in CF unit activities. Would this include the larger ex's where the cadets would be in a "safe zone" as per say, or would the regiment send a few people on the cadet exercise to show them the ropes?

These are just some questions as our corp has never gone on an exercise with the regiment and no one can give me a solid answer. :salute:
qyrang, you are getting far too ahead of yourself here.

There are 3 major OKs that you need in order to participate in anything.

1.  You need your CO's approval.
2.  You need your affiliated unit's CO's approval.
3.  You need the RCO's (through Det) approval.

The CATO deals with this and mentions this.  It also specifically mentions weapons and federal gun legislation.

Larger EXs are far more complex and not only would you require the AU CO's approval, but also the Brigade Commander's and the Commander of the appropriate LFC.  It has been done before, in limited capacity and strict guide lines.

There are also Cadet Regional Orders you may have to look at.

My recommendation to you is, speak with your Cadet Corps' CO.  If the CO says no, then regardless of what any other order says, the answer is no.