Perfectly reasonable question; I'd not expect people outsid ethe ifnantry to have kept abrest of the changes in the course streams.
Unfortunately, no, it will not. It used to be that infantry would do SQ and then DP1 Inf; that continued during that whole awkward and ugly change to 'BMQ-L' as the DP1 was amended. Now, however, infantry no longer do a common course resembling 'SQ' or 'BMQ-L'. The way it's divided now, DP1 Mod 1 is mostly the weapons and technical stuff, and DP1 Mod 2 is mostly field. Your SQ would not have covered everything that's on the Mod 1. Yes, you'll have to redo things like C6, C9, and grenades- but there are worse fates, and without trying to be a dick I'll suggest that as a medic it's quite unlikely you've really kept up to speed on that anyway, and would be at a disadvantage going into Mod 2 without doing Mod 1.
Assuming you're still in the Halifax area, you can expect to spend a couple full months away this summer, likely in Aldershot, possibly in Gagetown.