More curiosity than anything, but if you don't believe, then you wouldn't think that any ceremony would have positive or negative effects; it would just be pointless in your mind. Therefore, why does it matter what type of ceremony is done?
I'm not trying to stir the pot or argue, just curious. I myself may fall into the Atheist category, although by definition I am probably Agnostic (can't prove or disprove anything, therefore I am on the fence). Quite frankly, I haven't put a whole lot of seriously thought into it, but what I do know is that I do not rely on blind faith. To further convolute it, my dogtags state OPD, which is what I am by birth.
That all said, our Padres are a extremely valuable asset in the CF. Regardless of religion, these people have a wealth of knowledge, not only in religion, but in human nature and psychology as well. Eventhough, I am not religious, I have had many conversations with Padres of a few denominations, whether it be in passing or for advice. Each one of those conversations was very informative and enlightening.