Stumped a few heads last night - Does an Officer Commanding / RSM have the authority to hold their subordinates to a higher standard than the CFDI instructs?
Might sound like a silly question, but where is the line drawn? The Coxswain demands razor sharp trouser creases, then we see a "no tattoo" policy for the unit, or a "We have a 'shaved head' policy at this squadron".
The idea that the CFDI is a "minimum standard" seems very popular, but I haven't found any evidence to back it up. CFDI Chapters 1 & 2 indicate one should only promote a different standard if you currently happen to be the CDS. Of course, when your XO says you need a haircut, the safest course of action is to get one regardless of your personal feelings.
May wiser heads prevail. :2c:
Might sound like a silly question, but where is the line drawn? The Coxswain demands razor sharp trouser creases, then we see a "no tattoo" policy for the unit, or a "We have a 'shaved head' policy at this squadron".
The idea that the CFDI is a "minimum standard" seems very popular, but I haven't found any evidence to back it up. CFDI Chapters 1 & 2 indicate one should only promote a different standard if you currently happen to be the CDS. Of course, when your XO says you need a haircut, the safest course of action is to get one regardless of your personal feelings.
May wiser heads prevail. :2c: