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EARTH DAY, what are you doing for it?


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Any plans for Earth Day?
Myself, I will have the oven on all afternoon, I will be baking, ohh, probably about 100-150 cookies to send in care packages to the guys in sandbox, using the washer and dryer for my laundry, and for good measure, I will have the TV and radio on.  Maybe even at the same time.  I think I will have a big 'carbon footprint' today.  Sorry Earth!
Well I drove my 4x4 Range Rover into work by myself, bought a coffee with a disposable cup and plan on telling some greenie that their biofuel dreams are straving the worlds poor.  ;D
I've decided to burn my entire collection of syrafoam packaging that has taken up my entire garage
I'm going to:
Run over a hippie
Eat a pot of chili by myself (creating massive amounts of my own natural gas)
Watch TV in a brightly lit room
all the while, my computer will be on.

To support earth day I positively will not operate my snowmobile or my snow blower.
This point for DND/CF drivers just in via email:

Chapter 3, Section 4, Para 100 and 101


100. Excessive idling shortens the life of an engine, especially in cold weather. One hour of idling causes the same amount of wear as two hours or 130 to 200 km of driving. MSE, therefore, shall not be left idling. Unnecessary or excessive idling is expensive and causes environmental damage

101. Passenger and cargo vehicles awaiting loading/unloading including break/rest periods are not permitted to idle beyond a 3-minute warm-up and/or cool down time. Motorized equipment shall also be turned off when not performing its specific task.

I left my 4X4 truck with my teenage son and took my motorbike to meet my carpool.  Then we took their car, with the broken muffler, to work.
It's my birthday! So I used some time in lieu I had banked to take the day off from work.
Earth Day?

I thought my teacher said Birthday....

Yea I didnt do anything good or bad for the earth today
George Wallace said:
This point for DND/CF drivers just in via email:

Chapter 3, Section 4, Para 100 and 101


100. Excessive idling shortens the life of an engine, especially in cold weather. One hour of idling causes the same amount of wear as two hours or 130 to 200 km of driving. MSE, therefore, shall not be left idling. Unnecessary or excessive idling is expensive and causes environmental damage

101. Passenger and cargo vehicles awaiting loading/unloading including break/rest periods are not permitted to idle beyond a 3-minute warm-up and/or cool down time. Motorized equipment shall also be turned off when not performing its specific task.

I"m guessing whomever came up with that has never warm up a bus first thing in the morning! I know... I know... I have this set of rules in front of me each day when I go to work.  ::)
I'm contemplating conserving my energy upon arrival home after the 4 letter word (work), by having a brisk evening nap, and then going to bed.....
100.  Excessive idling shortens the life of an engine, especially in cold weather. 
Well hell, thats another way that the pot of chili can come into play. Our house is never cold during the winter months.  ;D

Now, does the CF actually enforce idling, or is this there so when pressured or questioned by someone, they can hold this up and show they're concerned about the environment too?

I'm sitting at my desk, looking out at a foot or so of fresh snow( in late April ) and wondering when this global warming thing will actually happen.

I greive at how AGW has replaced environmental issues that we can actually have some control over.

I'm shocked that I find myself in agreement with Greenpeace who want to stop palm oil plantations from replacing Indonesian rain forest.  


That's my Earth day
Happy Earth Day!

It's my brother's birthday today. All of the students in his school get to skip classes today and go pick up garbage in our neighbourhood. I think he likes that more than sitting through his classes :D so it's a really happy birthday for him. hah!
I recall in Gagetown going up and down this "dead" ground and picking up ammo boxes and left over IMP's... do they still do that there?
I'm going to fire up my snowblower to deal with this outbreak of global warming we're experiencing right now in Alberta, IE the -15C wind chill and 30cm of snow that fell since April 18th. 

BTW, I'm intending to plant a saskatoon bush or two this year, does anyone want to by a carbon credit?
Well, I went out to participate in a controlled burn of acreage in one of our Provincial preserves. The wind was two kms above our limit twice in two consecutive readings.

Couldn't do the burn. So much for my Earth Day celebration. ::)