- Reaction score
- 0
- Points
- 360
This slide would seem to indicate why the LPC/NDP are so keen on changing the first past the poll voting system into a preferential system... it essentially makes them kingmakers....
Brad Sallows said:Stuff coming up in the veteran's advocacy thread prompted me to bore you all with some perspective, but it affects all issues dependent on financing.
All numbers from gc.ca fiscal reference tables for 2014, year 2014, in millions of CAD. (This is about where money goes - expenditures only, no revenues.)
Note relative size of all transfers, and DND, with respect to "Other dept and agencies". The latter is basically everything the federal government does other than transfers and DND. DND and the rest of government operations are the parts that have been under spending restraint pressure. And if you think we should spend 2% of GDP on defence rather than 1.2% (or whatever it exactly is right now), you can gauge the size of the spending problem. You can also gauge the relative size of the various parties' social spending intentions and decide where VA benefits (which are social spending) might rank.
Transfers to other levels of government 42,758 CHT/CST (health & social transfers) 19,833 "fiscal arrangements" (whatever those are) 2,107 Other -4,223 QC abatement (I knew we were sticking it to 'em. Go Harper, Go!) Transfers to individuals 41,786 OAS 13,136 Family allowance and children's benefits 17,300 EI benefits Direct program expenses 36,698 Other transfers (includes indiv and govt not included above) 7,484 Crown corp expenses 21,511 National defence 50,217 Other dept and agencies ------- 248,607 sum of above (aka "Program Expenses" in the Tables) 28,220 Public debt charges
[NB: had a little trouble with table formatting - very professionally embarrassing. Never drink while ranting.]
MARS said:Yeah, Rosemary Barton gave him a (well deserved, IMHO) kick in the nuts yesterday.
While there certainly could have been (and continue to be) more coverage of Syria, I am unsure our limited participation in it and the limited effects it has on Canada would justify it in the Canadian media. What Chris Alexander was trying to say was that the media wasn't covering it as a safety/security issue - thus not covering it in a way which fits the CPC narrative.
Sorry buds, you can't just throw up a campaign slogan on the side of your campaign bus and expect apathetic voters to buy it. You are going to have to work for it.
Chris Alexander just the latest example of how politics debases even the best of us
Scott Reid
Published on: September 4, 2015
What ever happened to Chris Alexander?
The once promising boy-wonder of the Canadian foreign service has become a cautionary tale about what happens to those who fall in with the wrong crowd. It’s a remarkable story not only because of his obvious promise but because, in this instance, the wrong crowd happens to be the hard-cases who run our country’s governing party.
Blessed with Jimmy Stewart posture and an accompanying aw-shucks charm, the Oxford-educated Alexander won early attention as Canada’s first resident Ambassador to Afghanistan in 2003. He was only 34 years old. After an additional stint in the war-ravaged country as a UN Special Representative, earning him deserved plaudits at home and abroad, he returned to Canada to take up the higher calling of public office, winning his way into Parliament in the 2011 election. Two years later he was named Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.
It’s a story that provokes comparisons to the likes of Lester B. Pearson, almost smacking of an individual manifest destiny – the diplomatic prodigy who rises right to the top and one day leads our politics toward a more enlightened and understanding place. The inclination to like him, to believe in him, was strong. He stirred interest even among those who don’t usually vote Conservative – maybe for this guy someday they would. Maybe he was special.
Unfortunately, Alexander has often disappointed.
Instead of bringing diplomatic grace to the practice of politics, he has frequently proven himself a devoted student of the poison-tipped partisanship that so thoroughly defines the Harper Conservatives. During his time in Ottawa he has done what it takes to get noticed, win advancement and gain the favour of a prime minister who prefers spear-throwers to problem solvers. The former ambassador has conquered Ottawa by becoming a foot soldier, another suit of armour in Harper’s Talking Points army. It’s been a shame to see.
The most recent and strident example came this week with his early handling of the Syrian refugee crisis. The limp, lifeless image of a little boy whose family hoped to escape tyranny has seized the attention of people around the world — a haunting snapshot that shreds the gut of any parent. As the father of four boys, I admit to succumbing to emotion on the matter. It clouds my mind and makes me rage to do something to help. I’d like to see our government do more to help also.
Maybe it’s a bad idea to make policy by way of Instagram. Maybe it’s right to say that this crisis has been brewing for years and that thousands of other boys have been lying abandoned and dead on beaches. Maybe it’s kneejerk and unfair – improvised and impetuous. Maybe. Or maybe past indifference is no excuse for an inadequate ongoing effort. Maybe a single searing image is what’s sometimes required to jolt people out of their lethargy, galvanize public interest and brew popular demand for a fuller response.
Our government’s policy to date, championed by this minister, has not been sufficiently robust – taking in too few people in need, relying too much on private sector sponsors in the place of direct government action and permitting domestic politics to infect our humanitarian response. Of course we can’t save every life at risk. But we can do a lot more than we have been doing.
In fairness, it is complex and unforgiving territory. Immigration ministers have been striking the wrong balance, playing to the political bleachers and screwing up our refugee policy for decades, in governments of every stripe. On top of all that, let’s keep in mind that Alexander has a boss. He serves at the pleasure of the prime minister. So perhaps we’re expecting too much to expect much different.
Harder to excuse was the petty, nasty tone that accompanied Alexander’s initial defence of the government’s refugee policy. He scolded critics, deflected responsibility, questioned others’ commitment and, when backed into a corner of his own making, attacked the media as being to blame for it all. It came to a head on the Wednesday edition of CBC’s Power and Politics. Alexander grew hostile as he struggled to explain his position, eventually challenging the show’s host, Rosemary Barton. In full bluster, he tried bullying her, saying that the network had never discussed the issue before (not true) and had certainly never before interviewed him on the topic (only true because he had refused to participate in such broadcasts).
Barton would have none of it. On live television, she corrected Alexander’s mischaracterizations and then put the boots to him hard. At least the next night, after suspending his campaign to concentrate on the crisis (which critics were wrong to dismiss as an empty gesture, it was the right thing to do) he redeemed himself slightly with a more composed performance.
But it’s not the first time he’s played the part of the unthinking partisan. Watching Wednesday night’s spectacle, one had to wonder what’s gone wrong. Where did that original Chris Alexander go? Up there on the screen that might as well have been Paul Calandra or Pierre Poilievre, government spokespersons that we’ve come to associate with transparent posturing.
That’s the really troubling thing. Alexander, a knowledgeable, talented and presumably well-motivated person, someone whose history and abilities once inspired sincere hopes for great things has allowed himself to become just another one of “them.” A snapping, snarling partisan.
Not because he’s a bad person. Not because he’s taken this particular stand on this particular issue. But because that’s what politics – specifically politics as it’s currently practiced on Parliament Hill – does to people. It brings them low.
If the Conservatives lose this election, don’t underestimate how much this sort of thing contributes to their downfall. When even the likes of Chris Alexander can be so diminished people can see that something about our politics simply has to change.
Scott Reid is a principal at Feschuk.Reid and a CTV News political analyst. He was director of communications for former prime minister Paul Martin.
You don't have to, but here's the risk you run - live by the sword ........ Harder to excuse was the petty, nasty tone that accompanied Alexander’s initial defence of the government’s refugee policy. He scolded critics, deflected responsibility, questioned others’ commitment and, when backed into a corner of his own making, attacked the media as being to blame for it all. It came to a head on the Wednesday edition of CBC’s Power and Politics. Alexander grew hostile as he struggled to explain his position, eventually challenging the show’s host, Rosemary Barton. In full bluster, he tried bullying her, saying that the network had never discussed the issue before (not true) and had certainly never before interviewed him on the topic (only true because he had refused to participate in such broadcasts) ....
Brad Sallows said:
7,484 Crown corp expenses
I am one of those who favours a substantial increase in defence spending ~ I think 2% of GDP is both a reasonable and responsible goal, even as I appreciate that, absent a clear, well understood threat, it is politically impossible
milnews.ca said:On whether politcians MUST speak to media - from the article in the previous post:You don't have to, but here's the risk you run - live by the sword ....
Bird_Gunner45 said:I wonder if people are as concerned about Mr. Trudeau and his refusal to speak to Sun media or Obama and his refusal to speak to Fox? For all their perceived bias they are still media outlets (and why is it that media with a right bias are "crazy" (Fox) but media with a left bias (MSNBC) are fair and balanced?)
PPCLI Guy said:No media outlet has called Mr Harper's father a slut, and reused to apologise.
recceguy said:Doesn't explain why Mr Trudeau used an incident in 2014, not to speak to Sun in 2012 and 2013. Besides a poor choice of words, what Levant said was basically true. For both Mr Trudeau's father and mother, of which neither was bashful about including the media in their sexual affairs.
Altair said:If those are the results, things are going to be interesting.
Informal coalition in the works I imagine.
And the only leader I see stepping down is harper.
PPCLI Guy said:No media outlet has called Mr Harper's father a slut, and reused to apologise.
As to Obama and Fox, who fucken cares? What happens in a different country has no bearing on this.
As to Fox itself, I will let them talk for themselves:
And in the spirit of fairness, here it is for MSNBC:
Altair said:...
A couple of more long times to go, but same as in a hockey game, you can only watch and comment on the period you're in.
Léger looks more accurate though.
Acorn said:A bit of an omnibus post here. I'm sure only some of you will mind. ;D
Re: the media - I'll accept that there's no legal obligation for a politician to speak to the media, but trying to manage the message the way the Harper Government (R) has done is clearly working against them - given their promises of "openness" in government, doubly so.
Chris Alexander was "sandbagged" alright, but not by the CBC. He was sandbagged by the way the Conservatives have been doing things. Ministers who are not permitted to "freelance" an interview or media scrum find themselves unable to handle things that pop up unexpectedly. "Events, dear boy" as we've seen. The knee-jerk reaction which was to attack is what they do, and it backfired. I'm not sure Harper is inclined to swing towards "mission command" but he should think about it. Where's Joe Oliver?
By the way, whatever good people think Chris Alexander brought to CIC, I think Kenny was a better minister - probably the best Immigration minister since, umm, well a really long time.
Mulcair's position on Iraq/Syria doesn't impress me. It's a situation that can't be controlled or dealt with by a single tactic. There needs to be miltary action in the region, political action to influence what eventually rises as governments there, and humanitarian action to ease the suffering. Libya shows us what happens when we walk away. Iraq is an example of expectations being a replacement for planning. Afghanistan was better handled, though the interregnum of the Iraq war was a lost opportunity, I think. But that stuff is hardly Canadian.
I'm not holding the "winter coats" thing against Trudeau though. It's innocuous compared to Mulcair's "Truther" comments on 9/11 some time ago. I'd like to see/hear Trudeau's policies firm up, but I won't hold my breath.
I'd like to think economic policy will be the main factor in the election, as it should be, but I'm not sure there are enough voters who delve into that. Come election day, the party with the fewest gaffes in the preceeding week is going to have an advantage. Sorry, I should caveat that - the party other than Conservative. Like it or not, the Governing Party has a record, and if that record is unpopular, as the Conservative record is, they're fighting an uphill battle.