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Energy Drinks + Physical Test

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IR said:
My level of PT has increased due to reducing all caffinated beverages from my diet. It makes me needlessly waste alot of energy from the rush, instead of isolating the potential energy I have, from good food sources like carbohydrates and protein, to focus on running and lifting.

What are you talking about? If I give up caffeine, then my pt will get better, is this what you're trying to say?
Island Ryhno said:
What are you talking about? If I give up caffeine, then my pt will get better, is this what you're trying to say?

First, im talking about my PT getting better. Second, In no ways did I say that. I was speaking on behalf of MY level of experience. It may or may not align with yours.
I'm not sure if reducing caffeine would hurt or help PT... depends on the total amount of caffeine intake I guess... A coffee or 2 a day probably wouldn't hurt... but a while back, I used to drink a case of pepsi a day. Yep, that's 12 cans a day. Needless to say that got haulted pretty fast...

However, with all that caffeine intake, plus coffee, I found that I was bummed out a lot, like I had energy, but didn't really wanna do anything / feel like doing anything.

Bottom line, unless you're in the same shape that Terry Fox (god bless his soul) was in, then I'd say any caffeine consumption at least 6-8 hours prior to the VO2 test, you have a very strong chance of failing it.
With regards to drinking caffeine loaded drinks during your fitness test, it will in all likelyness make you fail, due to elevated heart rate. So don't drink it. However wrt caffeine and exercise in general; caffeine has been proven to: delay exercise induced fatigue (University of South Carolina)  It also helps individuals burn more fat and deplete the glycogen in the muscles at a slower rate (Greg Peterson B.S. in Kinesiology from Texas A&M) It can also reduce exercise induced muscle pain (Journal of Pain Aug 2003) Like all things it should be taken in moderation. Also a typical cup of coffee has about 100mg of caffeine, and those outrageously priced red bull shyte has about 80mg, you're getting taken for money. Go buy a tims ffs.  

those labatt shok with 60mg of caffeine + alcohol really gets ya goin too :p

Cool, didn't know all of that Island Ryhno, some good tips... However I wonder why redbull makes me feel so f*cked up..? Prehaps it's where the can's so little and the caffeine is more concentrated and I drank em all at once... well chugged 3, drank the other 3 real fast. I was wired, as where I can drink cup after cup of coffee and it has a weaker effect, despite having more caffeine.

Gotta love XL 3cream 4 sugar at tims :D
Island Ryhno said:
With regards to drinking caffeine loaded drinks during your fitness test, it will in all likelyness make you fail, due to elevated heart rate. So don't drink it. However wrt caffeine and exercise in general; caffeine has been proven to: delay exercise induced fatigue (University of South Carolina)  It also helps individuals burn more fat and deplete the glycogen in the muscles at a slower rate (Greg Peterson B.S. in Kinesiology from Texas A&M) It can also reduce exercise induced muscle pain (Journal of Pain Aug 2003) Like all things it should be taken in moderation. Also a typical cup of coffee has about 100mg of caffeine, and those outrageously priced red bull shyte has about 80mg, you're getting taken for money. Go buy a tims ffs. 

That's great advice. I am sitting at my desk right now thinking of heading across the street for a large 1 cream double sugar. Now I'm convinced it's what to do right this minute!
Hey Fry, lol, be careful dude. I heard one Red Bull has the equivalent to 3-5 coffees. Not only will your heart rate be too high, but your heart might explode. I once heard of Allison Sydor, world level mountain bike having a coffee before her races for that little pick me up, but just take it easy on the Red Bull. We don't want you bonking during training.

Hey Manimal,

I don't know where you're getting your Mountain Dew from, but it doesn't have any caffeine if it came from Canada.
If you are so stressed out about being able to do 7, 9 or 19 pushups that you are considering in any way drinking coffee etc to be able to complete them, you are looking at the wrong career.
yeah I know, I read the can after the 4th can I drank. I said meh, try the rest. Let's just say, that won't happen again.

beach_bum ,

Even though the only thing going through my system is whey and creatine when I train, I agree totally with what you say.
NavComm said:
When you consider that a Coca-cola Classic only has 27 mg, 80 could be considered a 'high level'. Check out http://www.ameribev.org/health/caffeinecontent.asp for comparisons.

A high level for a nondrinker of coffee.  What I find funny are people that act like drinking a Jolt or a Red Bull is giving them a 200mg+ dose of caffeine.

If the average 7 oz cup of brewed coffee contains between 40 - 130 mg (quite a spread), then depending on who's brewing the coffee, red bull or other energy drinks could pack quite a punch.

The caffieine will depend on the size, brewing style and quality of bean.  The higher the quality, the lower the caffeine.  On top of that, measure out exactly 7 oz and see how small that really is.  Most people in fact drink a morning coffee that is larger than a 7 oz serving.  A large double-double is 16 oz.

Either way, your test could be cancelled if you purposely consumed any caffeine less than 2 hrs before your test.

Also if a person uses these as performance enhancers I would suspect that the physcological effects...ie: I feel stronger because I drank a bunch of RedBull therefore I am stronger....could be quite the reverse when you get to bmq....ie: Oh my bloody GAWWWWD you want me to carry that HOW FAR? But....MCpl..... I can't because I don't have any RED BULLLLLLLL"   :D

Seen that go down with coffee, caffeine pills and cigarettes...none are pleasant to watch.
Dirtdigger I"m not sure if you are agreeing with me or not.

I don't want to give the impression I was suggesting a person drink coffee instead of red bull.

We can go around and around about whether 80 mgs in an 8 oz bottle is more than a Tim Horton's double double all day long. The real question posed here was whether or not drinking a red bull before the express test would help the person through the test.

In my opinion taking any stimulant before the test is a bad idea for reasons I already stated.
Why do you need to drink energy drinks before your PT Test. When I did my physical, I was a little bit nervous but did extremely well, not because I found a jolt beforehand ::), but because I kept in good shape. I nearly doubled my score on the situps portioned, and got I think 47 on the pushups.
On Redbull before the PT test:

After the step test they take your heartrate and use that to decide on whether you pass or fail that portion. Even though Redbull MAY help your muscular endurance, it'll screw you on the step test because the goal is to have your heartrate as low as possible.

On Redbull and Vodka:

Probably not healthy, but I certainly pushed the limits in Thailand. There's a bar right beside the Green Mango on Chaweng Beach in Koh Samui that sells Redbull and Vodka for 50 Baht (about $1.50 Canadian). The thing is, Thai Redbull is loaded with ephedrine (unlike the stuff we get here in Canada) and gets you REALLY wired. One night I must have had 14 or 15 Redbull/Vodkas and when I got back to my room at 5 in the morning I was shiverring with cold sweats. It was about that time I decided to go one day on, then one day off (drinking only coolers and beer on my off days) for the rest of leave. But for a good few weeks there, I was definatly NOT treating my body like a temple. :blotto:
Isn't there something about that in Murray Head's "One Night in Bangkok" or was that about the girls in Thailand?
I once drank a Redbull before a Lacrosse game because I was tired after my prior 8 hour work shift...

It seemed to jolt me awake, but, after my second or third shift (Lacrosse has a ton of running) when I was sitting on the bench, it felt like my heart was going to explode :o.

I'm NEVER drinking any type of energy drink before strenuous exercise again....
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