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English Flag Offends Muslim Prisoners

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DFW2T said:
I  Why can't those who can't live in their own country be happy with their new country that they are now a part of?  Maybe they are just the type of people that are never happy anywhere?!


They know we are weak mate (the PC do-gooders will eagerly bow to them), and 'they' will milk us all for its worth, taking advantage of our own hospitality, honesty, and of course our welfare system. Buy the time the government actually acts on it, it will be too late, infact its to late now.  

Its only recenly that the Australian government is begining tightening muslim immigration, because of the mainstream Aussie unrest and GENUINE concern with islam here. Too many radical clerics in so called 'peaceful religion schools) influencing islamic youth, and we already know there is a growing number of 'clean skins' ready to meet their allah.

It was just a week ago that muslims snuck into the Hindu dominated Bali toursit districts, detonating 3 suicide bombs, killing, wait wrong word, MURDERING in cold blood 22 people, including 4 Australians (a 16 yr old boy, a married couple, and a 48 yr old woman (her husband is blinded in BOTH eyes)!

So, in less than three years, with three separate bombings on Australian interests in Indonesia alone we have had 92 Australian people ( tourists, not soldiers, men, women and children, just holiday makers enjoying a tropical paradise - innocent - their crime was having a few drinks with family and friends) MURDERED by these followers of that peaceful religion, and dozens of Aussies wounded, many terribly. Then there was London, in July, where again an Aussie was killed, and several Australians horribly wounded (loss of limbs etc).

Australian patience is wearing very thin with the islam in general (take a look at their ghettos in western Sydney - the ethnic based crime, anti-western attitude and a true 'in your face' dislike for mainstreamers. I have seen it all too often).

I think all it will take is an attack on our soil to put most Aussies over the top with the whole lot! I hear the unrest daily in the news, papers, and even on talk radio, where over 95% of people polled (nationally) wanted a direct end to muslim immigration to Australia. There is nothing wrong with having immigrants from all over the world, but its when a minority, get a toe hold in power, anda begin to change things to their way, not giving a FAT RATS ARSE about anyone else, thats where it stops right there!

I think it will take a loss of Canadians in a similar cowardly act for the mainstream populus to get their heads out of the sand and do something about it. Am I bitter? You better bloody believe it! I truly am, and I am NOT afraid to admit it.

And to think that our government gave Indonesia a BILLION dollars (tsunami relief), not including the many MILLIONS donated by genuine Australian citizens (including gullable me), and the Indonesian government won't even outlaw the terr org responsible for all the bombings, and have even given the leader of JI ( the terr og) a reduced sentance, the reduced it even further twice in the past 3 months. If I had my way, I'd take my donation back and pisss it into the wind. We've just been hood-winked by the largest muslim country (280,000,000 people on 13,000 islands - actually there is 16,000 islands , but 3000 uninhabited.) in the world.



What would you make of this....in the wake of the London Bombings.

"Trevor Phillips, chairman of the UK Commission for Racial Equality, has called for an end to multiculturalism in Britain. Separateness is over, he said last week. It is time to rediscover the nation's belief in 'core British values' and integrate under an umbrella marked with the colours of the Union flag."


Trevor Phillips is by the way from an ethnic minority.

A lesson for Canada.....perhaps,....and then again, likely not.

With the British it's easier to define their values and stick to them, based on the extensive history they have in integrating immigrants (which has obviously taken an apalling detour since the end of the empire) the atmosphere I got while there this year before and after the bombings was definetly a return to British values. At home they are dealing with the internationally publicised terror threat but also with a serious erroding of what the majority of Britons feel are British Values and traditions (yobbish behaviour, happy slapping, louts), as a result you've got a definete movement.(it's always been there amongst the people, but the government and law/policy makers is another issue)

Before we follow suit in returning to our values, I'd like to know exactly what they are. After years of living in both countries as a citizen I am aware what part of me is acting on British values (a subjective statement yes) but I've never been completely certain what part of me is thinking Canadian. (keep the moose/beaver/syrup/mountie/hockey silliness to yourself gents)
old fart said:
What would you make of this....in the wake of the London Bombings.
"Trevor Phillips, chairman of the UK Commission for Racial Equality, has called for an end to multiculturalism in Britain. Separateness is over, he said last week. It is time to rediscover the nation's belief in 'core British values' and integrate under an umbrella marked with the colours of the Union flag."
Trevor Phillips is by the way from an ethnic minority.
A lesson for Canada.....perhaps,....and then again, likely not.

Old fart & Wes,
Our new Governor General is another one who has suggested that it might be time to do away with all our diversity and dispose of our ever present "two (or more) solitudes" & ethnic ghettos
RangerRay said:
So does that mean that all the provincial flags with the Cross of St. George have to be changed as well, so that Muslims are not offended?

I wouldn't be surprised if it did happen !. Plus lets not forget to remove the Cross of St. George from the Royal Navel Ensign.

...Chris Doyle, director of the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding, said Tuesday the red cross was an insensitive reminder of the Crusades.

"A lot of Muslims and Arabs view the Crusades as a bloody episode in our history," he told CNN. "They see those campaigns as Christendom launching a brutal holy war against Islam.

"Muslim or Arab prisoners could take umbrage if staff wore a red cross badge. It's also got associations with the far-right. Prison officers should be seen to be neutral."

Doyle added that it was now time for England to find a new flag and a patron saint who is "not associated with our bloody past and one we can all identify with."

So, the crusades were back in the 11th - 13th centuries? Where the English, wearing St George's Cross, oppressed Muslims? Therefore, St George's Cross is a symbol of oppression? Ok. So, other than historians, who else is aware of this? Of modern day Muslims, how many are aware of this? How many modern day Muslims even care about St George's Cross as an issue? (Other than the sh** disturbers in that British prison?)

[Reiterating; what rights do prisoners have? And the issue of an insignia relating to an ancient grudge, is it reasonable grounds to complain? The Swastika is the only exception of an offensive insignia, since it was associated with genocide.]

It's nice to keep beliefs from the old country. But if you have such strong beliefs from the old country, then why are you here? [Britain, or elsewhere than the old country.]

Actually, I agree with the Muslim creed of cleanliness: clean body, clean health, clean mind, clean soul, clean attitude. So, forcing others to conform to your beliefs; is that really a clean attitude? It's fair to ask someone not to do something, because it bothers you in reference to your beliefs. But to have the whole system change on your behalf? St George's Cross a sign of oppression, and having it in plain view is oppressive, and not a clean attitude? Isn't forcing others to conform to your beliefs just as oppressive, and not a very clean attitude?

Apologies for any offence.
So....as this progresses.....Will all us who are named after St. George now have to change our names, so as not to offend some Religious Group?  All us "George's" will have to change our names.  Think of all the problems we'll now face, having to renew our Birth Certificates, Security Clearances, Driver's Licences, etc.  ;D  ;D  ::)
face it when you are at war you use what ever leverage you have to maintain control of your self.  More so if you are in a cell some where, one of the golden rules is to not let them break you, every little victory you have is a morale booster. Guess what they got their morale boosted by this little victory.

Seems the more we move to a better civilzation the more we walk back to loosing our own culture and identity for those whom could care less about us.
Prisoners, as a rule, will bitch about anything. They also tend towards any activity that makes them "special" or can gain them special privileges...by doing so they gain in status amongst their peers for "sticking it to the man" and getting THEIR way, no matter how small or insignificant the issue.....

For example, it is a routine occurrence in the Correctional System for "Muslims of conIEnience" (ie. those who converted to Islam in the holding pen of Admitting and Discharge) to kick up a ruckus when they are issued a regular line meal...despite the fact that the last 15 times in prison they were "Christian".

Again as an example, Muslim or "MOC" inmates regularly seek to use their status as a minority (and government sensitivity towards minorities) to obtain special benefits etc out side those normally granted due to religion. They bank on the fact that most people, having been brow-beaten by "PC"-Dom, will back down...

(They certainly do not appreciate it when, in answer to their complaints about the "racist" white Christian prison system, you kindly inform them that in a Muslim prison they would minus several hands....)

This is true of most Inmates......They will scream for "Satanists Rights" if it means lockup for them is moved from 2000 to 0100 in order to accommodate their "Black Mass"....

Its all about "whats in it for them"

I don't blame the mopes....mopes is as mopes does.....

Its the simpering, vote seeking politicians that disgust me....


Same goes for the Caucasian inmates who scream blue bloody murder if they are excluded from the Native Sons program (aimed at aboriginal inmates" on the grounds that they have converted or wish to convert......
Freddy Chef said:
[Reiterating; what rights do prisoners have? And the issue of an insignia relating to an ancient grudge, is it reasonable grounds to complain? The Swastika is the only exception of an offensive insignia, since it was associated with genocide.]

Bad news for ya Freddychef......... the swastika that uncle Adolph made so "popular" is an ancient budhist symbol.... that should merit respect - not scorn....

Go figure!
geo said:
Bad news for ya Freddychef......... the swastika that uncle Adolph made so "popular" is an ancient budhist symbol.... that should merit respect - not scorn....

Go figure!
it's also in use in the Hindu culture, meaning the same thing as found in Buddhism, and was widely known in North America amongst the various Indian tribes from the Aztecs to the Haida.

- li'l UFI for ya's, there
Actually, the swastika, or its' inverse, is found in various cultures around the world.  It is found in ancient North American sites, Norse sites, Budhist sites, and many more.  It is a simple design that is found in quite a few places.  You'll find it in textiles, in building adornments, and in various religious texts and illustrations.  It all depends on who and how it is being used that can be offensive.

Much the same can be said of Canadian Jump Wings.  I am not offended when I see a Canadian Soldier wearing them, but a snot nosed long haired civie (with no military experience) wearing them in downtown St Catherines Street does offend me.
Therefore, just with George's statement above, I could write an "article" with the caption " Canadian Jump Wings Offends Retired Soldiers" and proceed with a lot of filler kife and once again we could waste 4 pages of internet space with our reactions to nothing.
The whole PC movement pisses me off as well. If we removed everything that could possibly offend someone's culture, religion, heritage, race, etc. we'd have little left. That being said, lets not generalize about the entire constituency of Islam here. There are many many muslims out there who go about their daily lives making no complaints beyond what any of us might complain about (taxes, etc).

My buddy's a Ugandan muslim and he doesn't bitch about Canadian society or Western culture. He's quite grateful to Canada for helping him study here and he's on his way to becoming a citizen. He's started an NGO to send volunteer missions to Uganda to do community improvement projects and he founded a student organization at the university to bring people together to think of ways to improve international development. If anyone speaks broadly of "muslims this" and "muslims that" they're referring to him, too, and that's just willful ignorance.

It's not all muslims that complain about stupid crap like this. As someone said - "the squeaky wheel gets the oil". There's no shortage of interest groups out there, from all walks of life, complaining about stupid crap and getting their way on the most ridiculous tripe solely because of the PC revolution and over-accomodation of special interests.

Wesley H. Allen said:
radio, where over 95% of people polled (nationally) wanted a direct end to muslim immigration to Australia.

Wow... A direct end to muslim immigration? So everyone but muslims would be allowed to immigrate to Australia? What an admirable public sentiment. Assuming you're characterizing the poll correctly, I'm instilled with a newfound respect for those 95%. Romper Stomper, all the way! I guess Hando must be a pretty popular guy down there. Maybe Canada should do the same with black people, given the problems there've been in Toronto recently. No more blacks allowed into Canada, no sir. Maybe mass deportation should be a follow-up policy. Then maybe a pogrom or two to weed out those pesky stragglers.

Wesley H. Allen said:
What does not offend the muslims these days  :crybaby: ? If they are so in love with their way of life I am sure many infidels out there will give them a one-way ticket back to their own troubled ******* land from whence they came.


What land would that be? Africa? Asia? North America? Central America? South America? Europe? Oceania? If "infidels" sent them back from whence they came, you'd still have muslims in every place, given that they come from all over the world. It's not like they all spawned in the heart of Saudi Arabia and then had some diaspora a few years ago. I never considered Canada a "troubled f------ land". I wonder if you'd be as receptive to an Aborigine traditionalist with the same opinion of you, seeing as how your way of life likely conflicts with his and, well, he was there first.

As for the "peaceful religion" crack - I trust you're not up on the myriad of depraved acts many Christians have been so fond of committing and have no problem, resultant thereof, holding the entire religion in the same regard as you do Islam.
Glorified Ape said:
As for the "peaceful religion" crack - I trust you're not up on the myriad of depraved acts many Christians have been so fond of committing and have no problem, resultant thereof, holding the entire religion in the same regard as you do Islam.

I am not even going to bother waisting my time responding to the rest, as it seems to be you are sparring for some kind of a fight, and branding me some kind of a fantasiser who does not have a clue about 'reality' as you see it, but maybe your attitude will/might change when your own countrymen are MURDERED in COLD blood by the dozen (not soldiers but civilians, including women and children) at the hands of gutless suicide bombers, or when a muslim elected council member trys to ban pork products in your own suburb, or wants to have public pools open to only muslim women, banning all others, including any other women, or your girl friend is spat at for western dress or when a muslim political party tries to halt ant-terrorism laws (thats the latest whats going on here).

In previous posts I have said many Australian muslims are just normal hard working people here who go about their business as we do, but sadly, many are also not, and the meanstreamers do not condem the radicals (only the politcal based idiots like KyserTraid) try play the game to attempt to appease the non-muslims. we can see right thru this guy.

Many Australian based muslim clerics here are publically saying its 'alright to have Australian aquantances, but not Australian friends', and that one day 'Australia will be an islamic state'. Also saying that 'Australia is an islamic country because Indonesian fisherman were here long before the Dutch'! Its shyte like this which goes on here every day, and comparing a Russell Crowe neo-Nazi MOVIE to reality, and refering Australians as Nazis is quite frankly downright offensive, and SHAME on you for even suggesting such!   When in fact many Aussies are quite fearful of islam, and the loss of our own identity, culture and way of life, plus the reality of terroist style of warfare hitting our shores, and yt again killing Australians. Even our Prime Minister has said attacks are likely. ASIO has prevented several attacks already, and the threat here is very REAL.

Australia is NOT Canada ( I have lived here for almost 11 yrs), and or North America.The culture is different, yet similar in some ways. We are a small country of what the population was in Canada 35 yrs ago (19,000,000), yet the size roughly of the USA (a little smaller), and we are in a troubled region already with radical islam rampant throughout the Australasian region (Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Borneo, etc - they have serious problems with radical islam - and its getting worse, not better), and its the largest growing religion amoung Aboriginies here in Australia. Radical islam is alive and well in Australia, and especiallyin western Sydney. The IYM, and others are operating, but in much more expression. Muslim bookhops in western Sydney recently were raided by police for selling  'how to be a suicide bomber' books which even covered how to contrct a bomb. They sold heaps of these books (in arabic) locally! In our train stations, there is no rubbish bins, warning signs posted on unaccompanied bags and packs. Our TV and news paper/magazine adds are swamped with anti-terror adds, and we have hotlines and websites to report any suspicious activity.

Now, what about the ABC TV crew beaten by mobs of muslim in a frenzy of attacks when filming in a muslim neighbourhood (western Sydney ghetto of Lakemba), or the islamic gangs (western Sydney based) who prey on Aussie girls and rape them because they consider them sluts. FACT! Some are doing time with sentances each of over 50 yrs, but many are still on the loose. There is a growing problem here, and it will get worse. Muslim clerics from Indonesia have also said that one day Australia will be a islamic state.

I, as many have lived the 'reverse discrimination' personally too many times to count, felt the hatred in the stares, and seen our western culture dwindle because of these, as you put it by the 'squeaky wheels'. You're way off mark in your comments. I can't speak for the larger centres in Canada, and how things are going there, but I bloody well know whats going on here!

Well, Mr 23U, unless you have walked in the streets of the western suburbs of Sydney's ethnic ghettos (Greenacre, Liverpool, Punchbowl, Lakemba, Wiley Park, Yagoona, the list goes on) here (your accent would get the shyte licked out of you because you'd be taken for The Great Satan, and if you said 'wait I'm Cdn', they'd say 'USA, Canada both the same') and experienced this first hand, you can take your left winged views and shove 'em. Life expereince in the real world always overcomes textbooks in a classroom. Sydney has a big problem with the growing ethnic hatred and rising ethnic crime, and its organised , and sadly, most of it is muslim generated (not by Aussie converts either, but by migrants and offspring from the middle east), but not by the older ones, but the younger generation, and the older ones sit back and do nothing.

I knew an muslim CPL (I am NOT saying all have this attitude) from a Sydney Unit, first name Chadi (age mid-late 20s), he told me those Aussie girls were nothing but sluts, and deserved to be raped (The girls were pack raped, literally staked down in a park, with their legs spread and a Glock 9mm held to their heads as 14 males (not men) had their sick and twisted way with them. Later these girls were hosed off with a fire hose to destroy any cowardly DNA).

No one EVER deserves that mate! EVER!!! After GWII started, he discharged after an altercation with other members, he played the race card saying he was victimised for being a muslim. In fact any attention he drew on himself was saying that rape cooment infront of a 'hard corps' WO2!. he was discharged after AWOLing himself.

Don't go comparing Christian acts of centuries ago with what current terrorists are doing right now in the 21st century! Anthing else is a cop out.


Bruce can write?

(Aww Mr Monkhouse...why do I have to write all your reports AGAIN?)


all good points Wes,

one thing that is interesting is that most muslims immigrating into the country are more than happy to integrate into the country they are setting up house in....
what the brits found out is that the next generation are the ones most inclined to look back at their country, look at their "roots" and turn to islam....

Not a good recipe
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