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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

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OberstSteiner said:
Not to flog a dead horse, but I was told 2 years ago the wait was 2 years, is this why I have not heard anything back? 2 years is now 3 years? I thought streamlining entailed shorter not longer waiting periods?

We can streamline all we want on our end, the problem usualy lies with the beurocracy of the country (ies) you visited. Theres not a whole lot we can do about that.
OberstSteiner said:
Not to flog a dead horse, but I was told 2 years ago the wait was 2 years, is this why I have not heard anything back? 2 years is now 3 years? I thought streamlining entailed shorter not longer waiting periods?

I honestly don't know what to tell ya...  This is the information I get, I just do my job and pass it on.

Keep in mind, with the "long form", it may take up to 3 years (or so I'm told) which doesn't necessarily mean you will be cleared to serve in up to 3 years, it means it may take up to 3 years to get an answer; good or bad.
They don't call it a "long form" just because it's printed on legal size paper.

And as CDN Aviator stated;
CDN Aviator said:
We can streamline all we want on our end, the problem usually lies with the beurocracy of the country (ies) you visited. Theres not a whole lot we can do about that.

There are a lot of countries which we don't have very good ties with, politically... oddly enough, a lot of these countries are the ones which require a long form after visiting.

As for streamlining; I didn't think this particular process had been streamlined...  I know the CT has been streamlined, but the application process seems to be just about the same as when I joined.  But, then again, I only work the initial application part of the big show.

Either way, I'll tell you what I tell anyone else who has to go through the "long form" process; Don't give up.  Periodically check in with the CFRC you deal with and ask for updates (but don't harass them too much). 

Let's leave it at the fact that some people have 'relationships' in countries that do not have  Diplomatic  or reciprocal agreements with Canada, it will take as long as it will take to verify a Security Check on whatever level.  There is no fixed time limit, nor any predictable timeframe, by which a Security Check can be done on a person should a Foreign Government not cooperate with Canada in this process.

There is no way in the world that this can be "streamlined" and that is it.  Final.  End.

This has all been covered before in the Topics on this subject...........................................And that is why we have over 130 pages of redundant Topics in Recruiting.    ::)
George Wallace said:
This has all been covered before in the Topics on this subject...........................................And that is why we have over 130 pages of redundant Topics in Recruiting.    ::)

Yes, I am sure it has been covered, but I was responding ONLY because I read about the 3 years waiting period, and that was the first time I have come across that number. The recruiting center themselves, as of Monday, still quote me 2 years, so I am under the impression this has changed as of late. Just seems like another reason to believe the recruiters have been blowing smoke up my *** - another year of waiting IS a long time, regardless of where one has been.
What about the facts stated that everyone has a different history, and not two Security Clearances are the same, so every Security Clearance will take a different amount of time, do you not understand?  2 Years.  3 Years.  Those are not cut in stone.  They are "guestimations".    ::)
I've been through the enhanced reliability check.  I was flagged with an incident that happened 25 years ago, that's not the real issue.  I'm being told to pay off 2 bills on my credit report, 1 being a 9 year old credit card bill that came back just this year.  If I made enough money to begin with I wouldn't have those bills showing on my report.  If I could pay them out right, I would.  I can't afford to pay off 1 let alone 2.  And by the time I can, I'm sure there will be a few others showing.  My plan was to improve my future by joining the military, representing my country and protecting it and making good money while I'm at it.
I've passed the the CFAT with multiple options including all my choices, I've passed the medical, I've passed the interview with flying colors.  I have slightly bad credit.  I'm also 41 and female.  I can't wait too much longer before it will become really difficult.

I have a family to support, kids to raise and a point to make.  I'm not giving up but it's not as easy as they make it out to be.  You have to be pretty much perfect to get into the military, that which I'm not.  I don't think I know anyone that is but there must be some as I see and hear of many all the time making it into basic.  Completeing it is another story though.  I'm stubborn enough and dedicated enough to complete such courses.

I enlisted November 2007, I'm still waiting for some miracle that will get me to where I'm destined to be, the Canadian Military.  I continue to try and attain which is requested of me from the Canadian Forces.  We'll see.
As I use to tell applicants that said they can't pay their debts unless they get in the CF is "The Canadian Forces are not Social Services."  No you don't have to be perfect to join but you certainly have to be trustworthy and having unpaid debts in collection is not an indication of trustworthy.  Good Luck.
I have held ERC and Level II - Secret clearances through CIISD, at different times, since the mid-1990s as a civilian contractor on various Government of Canada projects with multiple departments. My problem though is the ERC issued by the RCMP was revoked a few years ago as a result of a minor incident that did not affect operational status. The incident was precipitated by severe sleep deprivation over the course of more than 12 months, brought on by chronic stress at work and home. Severe depression (feeling lack of self-worth, slight paranoia, suicidal thoughts) and stretches of mania (excessively high energy level, extremely productive at work and academically, constantly feeling tired whenever I laid down but unable to relax due to "racing mind").  How I survived and functioned at peek efficiency and productivity up to that minor incident I can only attribute to will-power or insanity. In hindsight, I should have seen the doctor and resigned months earlier but instead chose to repeatedly request a release date from my manager to no avail.

I expect this will adversely affect my ability to obtain ERC and/or security clearance in the future. What are my options?
newbie2009 said:
I expect this will adversely affect my ability to obtain ERC and/or security clearance in the future. What are my options?

You can either apply, or not apply. Be up front and honest on your security questionnaire, and make sure you have good references that will attest to you being an excellent, level-headed citizen. The RCMP will find your old documents, and do all the checking that needs to be done. It may take longer than the average person, but who knows, the issue could be minor in the investigators eyes now, that you could breeze through since your documentation is all on file.
Lisalee, find out who is responsible for collecting the debt and contact them and agree on a repayment schedule.  Your debt doesn't need to be paid off, you just have to show you are taking steps to resolve the problem.  I have horrible credit, but it never stopped me from getting in.
Hi guys,
I have got question about  Security Clearence.
I should write in this form my previous work experience of last 10 years.
But 10 years ago I lived in another country.(Eastern Europe)
I can provide name companies, addresses,telephone number.But I am not sure that there is the same supervisor which was 10-7 years ago.
Second point .In my country not too  much people speak English or French.How to be with this situation?
For me it is easy to give only my Canadians employers .But what about foreign employers  from different countries?If they don’t speak English or French?Or  company where I had worked  could be moved in another place?
sky777 said:
Hi guys,
I have got question about  Security Clearence.
I should write in this form my previous work experience of last 10 years.
But 10 years ago I lived in another country.(Eastern Europe)
I can provide name companies, addresses,telephone number.But I am not sure that there is the same supervisor which was 10-7 years ago.
Second point .In my country not too  much people speak English or French.How to be with this situation?
For me it is easy to give only my Canadians employers .But what about foreign employers  from different countries?If they don’t speak English or French?Or  company where I had worked  could be moved in another place?

Just fill it out and if the CFRC decides to call any of your foreign employers, it will be their problem to deal with the language barrier.  As far as your supervisors no longer working at the same company, that's life.  It happens everywhere.
Lisalee said:
I've been through the enhanced reliability check.  I was flagged with an incident that happened 25 years ago, that's not the real issue.  I'm being told to pay off 2 bills on my credit report, 1 being a 9 year old credit card bill that came back just this year.  If I made enough money to begin with I wouldn't have those bills showing on my report.  If I could pay them out right, I would.  I can't afford to pay off 1 let alone 2.  And by the time I can, I'm sure there will be a few others showing.

During my enlistment process, my credit as well was brought into question. However I had been dealing with a credit counselor prior to my application.  I had taken a job that turned out to be a scam and had left me with 0 income, as a result I had no choice but to default on my payment plan. My recruiting officer had me contact my credit counselor who advised the forces that up until the poor employment choice I had been on top of my plan schedule, and was even paying extra, she also advised the CF that once employment was obtained the payment plan would be reinstated.  This seemed to satisfy the forces that I was attempting to resolve my issues, I just got informed yesterday that I have been merit listed perhaps you could contact a credit service in your area. They are wonderful people who only have your best interests in mind. Just my two cents hope it gives you an option.
sky777 said:
Hi guys,
I have got question about  Security Clearence.
I should write in this form my previous work experience of last 10 years.
But 10 years ago I lived in another country.(Eastern Europe)
I can provide name companies, addresses,telephone number.But I am not sure that there is the same supervisor which was 10-7 years ago.
Second point .In my country not too  much people speak English or French.How to be with this situation?
For me it is easy to give only my Canadians employers .But what about foreign employers  from different countries?If they don’t speak English or French?Or  company where I had worked  could be moved in another place?

I also hate to be the bearer of bad news, but significant periods of time living / working overseas can slow down the application process a great deal. Partially due to a language barrier and the logistics of obtaining translators, but mostly due to the threat of Hostile Intelligence Services attempting to plant moles in the CF.

I feel for you, I really do, because your application will likely not go as smoothly as it otherwise should. Your best bet is to give them as much information as you can. Listing both the contact information for the companies you worked for, but also names of supervisors and co-workers. It will always look less suspicous if they are able to talk to someone who remembers you working there. Obviously a supervisor would be best, but if they have moved on, a co-worker is better than nothing.

If you do know that the company has moved since you worked there, be sure to try and give them both the old address, and the new updated contact information, if you have it available.

In any case, full disclosure is certainly your best option here. You do not want to give the people performing these checks any inkling of an idea that you are attempting to hide anything from them. That is the quickest way to shut down your application.
so here's a question.  How are Backcheck and Criminal record check different???  I was told my back check was completed back in April, but I'm still waiting for my Criminal record check to come back????
Gary D. in SK said:
so here's a question.  How are Backcheck and Criminal record check different???  I was told my back check was completed back in April, but I'm still waiting for my Criminal record check to come back????

From my discussion with the interviewer when I did my Interview part 1, Credit, references, past employment, etc is all done by a company called BackCheck. Your actual criminal/security check is done via the RCMP. As the RCMP does lots of other security checks OTHER than CF, while BackCheck is contracted specifically to the CF, the criminal security check takes a lot longer.

However, I am only quoting what the 2LT told me during my interview. If anyone has better info, please feel free to correct me :)
OK that makes sense I've been through a lot of occupational security checks, and interestingly every time it seems to take longer than the one previous (one would think the contrary).  Well I should be listed come late June then ???
Backcheck do, from what I understand, more of a "references" check.

The Reliability Status is done in part by the Recruiting center and completed by DND's security clearance office.

A Reliability Status does involve a verification with the RCMP. As there are literally hundreds of files processed every day just for DND, there's delays. Once the RCMP result comes back, more paperwork is created and then finally the Recruiting center is advised that the Reliability status is granted.

Since there's different players involved and because of the workload, the RS will most probably always take longer than the backcheck verification.

Also, when you get at the Security Clearance level (confidential, secret, top secret), other agencies are involved so it takes even longer.
I was wondering something.

I am in the security clearance phase and from what I know only two of my 3 references have been contacted, should I worry? or is it a possibility that the first two gave me such a good reference that they didn't need the third?
Hey so I searched before posting, found some similar but nothing that answered my question. I have had my Enhanced reliability check and everything else. While I am waiting to be merit listed and all that I am trying to get a reg. civ. job. My friend works for a recruiting center and she said she can get me a job but I need security clearance first, but she wants to know if the Enhanced reliability check I went through with the CF gives me level II clearance because it would speed things up alot. Anyone know?
