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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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I was told about 3 weeks ago at CFRC Edmonton that the month of April was already booked for all testing/interviews and such. The recruiter said it was because of ROTP applicants that need to take priority right now. (understandable) So, I am just patiently waiting to book. I figure that close to the end of the month I will give them a call to make sure I am not forgotten about, as they seem pretty swamped.
I want to apply for 2 other trades. In my application, I only applied for Infantry. I've got a Computer Science background (degree NOT finished), so I was thinking I could apply my geek skills to either Combat Engineer or Sig Ops. I don't know why I only put Infantry...probably the idea of becoming an airborne, recce, sniper.    :D
So right now I'm waiting for the ERC to clear (still),  and it only says Infantry on my application. I'm going to see what I can do about adding these trades to my application.
Anyone have any experience with adding trades after the interview? Is it going to be a problem?
Yeah crfc seems to be slow for me anyways...I've heard some stories where people just fly through the recruiting process. But then I have to start from point one, because some how my application was screwed up.(I was merit listed in Feb 2006)  I applied in Nov 2005 for reg infantry. Kind of disheartening, but just taking it one day at a time.
When I first handed all my completed application forms and everything in, it was April. They didn't get back to me for my interview / medical / physical until the following January (by which point I had almost forgotten about the application) I went to BMQ that summer. I don't know exactly when they finished the Enhanced Reliability Check, but the whole process took quite a while. And it just keeps getting better; the military motto is "Hurry up and wait!"
Ok, so the CFRD said i'm about 2 weeks away from getting a job offer for Reg. Infantry (yes, still waiting for the ERC). But when I spoke to an officer at the CFRD to add Cbt. Engineer and Sig Ops to the wish list - I was made aware of another option that I had not considered.
With about 1 1/2 years left to finish my degree, I may be eligable for ROTP or CEOTP. When he told me that, I left work and went to pick up the additional forms. I think its a long shot since i'm late in applying for this, but I have to give it a shot.

Yes, hurry up and wait, lol
I decided to flip my application over to Reg force after waiting 10 months for Res one to go through...everything went well, flying colors, just seems to be a long process, but if you want anything it is worth waiting for  ;)
I already had a level II clearance at one of my last jobs so I think that helped to hasten that part of mine.

I beleive Sig Op in the REs F requires level II clearance (and for certain positions level III).  Clearances are the same, whether Reg, Res or civ.  So the process will be the same.

On the plus side, once you've been cleared as a Reservist, you can carry that clearance forward to the Regular Force.
Pre-assessment and security clearance procedures are separate from each other.  Pre-assessment (which you are under going) is required to determine if you are going to be a security risk to Canada based on the fact you were outside the country for more than six months.  This pre-assessment will be conducted regardless if you are going NCM or Officer Reg F or Res F.  The security clearance procedures will be carried out after you are enrolled.
Yesterday I phoned the 1-800 number from the recruiting website to ask a few questions.

I asked about the enhanced reliability check, whether it would take up to two years, because I lived out of the country. The person I spoke to told me it would only take two months!

So what's up with that?

I've read on a few threads here, that there are people who have been waiting, or waited 18+ months.

Kincanucks? Any comment on that?

When you lived out of country, what was the duration and location?

180 days seems to be the magic number. If less, that's a good thing, if more...

Good luck then.
Yea, I've read that 180 days in other posts.

I was out of the country for 6 years! in Australia.

I mentioned all this to him. That's why I've created this thread. Has he provided me with mis-information?
If you have not lived in Canada for the last five years then you have to provide a criminal and credit check from the country you were in because if you don't and the CF has to do out of country checks on you it will take a very long time for those to be completed.  In addition because you have not been in Canada for the last ten-year continuous period you will be subject to a pre-assessment check that can take up to 18 months or longer to complete.  The pre-assessment check will not begin until the Enhanced Reliability Check has been completed satisfactorily.  Have a seat because you are in for a very long wait.
So Kincanucks, what happens if you were abroad because or your parents' jobs (specifically referring to the Department of Foreign Affairs)? It is in fact my case. I came back to Canada sometimes in the summer of 2002 and turned 18 the following October. That means I have been in the country for only 4 years at the moment, but I remember at least one recruiter telling me categorically that this would not be an issue, especially since I turned 18 years old after I got back to Canada. Since I already had an answer from a recruiter, I would not have started a thread on the subject, but this one presented a good opportunity for me to have get a confirmation.

Thanks in advance.
mcchartman said:
So Kincanucks, what happens if you were abroad because or your parents' jobs (specifically referring to the Department of Foreign Affairs)? It is in fact my case. I came back to Canada sometimes in the summer of 2002 and turned 18 the following October. That means I have been in the country for only 4 years at the moment, but I remember at least one recruiter telling me categorically that this would not be an issue, especially since I turned 18 years old after I got back to Canada. Since I already had an answer from a recruiter, I would not have started a thread on the subject, but this one presented a good opportunity for me to have get a confirmation.

Thanks in advance.

In your case then it is not an issue as I have mentioned in previous posts on this subject.
Ok. So, what is a Pre-Assessment Check? What does it check?

I remember reading in a post somewhere on this forum that this Pre-Assessment Check is necessary because of the existing terrorist threat present after 9/11. Is this right?

I understand the reasoning and need for these screening measures, but a few questions come to mind.

Like couldn't a terrorist just wait ten years?

And Couldn't someone just say they've lived in the country for ten years to avoid all of this delay? (Not saying I'm suggesting it, but if a person has been here five or more years - and your telling me that that's all recruiting looks into for people who have lived here ten years or more, then how would anyone know different?)

Also, a person who's been here eight years might as well not even apply for two years.

Then there's the more personal issue for me, since I'm 33. If I don't get in until after my 35th birthday, I won't be able to complete 20 years for the pension (with a mandatory retirement of 55 - I think that's right, isn't it?)

Just my little rant,
mcchartman said:
So Kincanucks, what happens if you were abroad because or your parents' jobs (specifically referring to the Department of Foreign Affairs)? It is in fact my case. I came back to Canada sometimes in the summer of 2002 and turned 18 the following October. That means I have been in the country for only 4 years at the moment, but I remember at least one recruiter telling me categorically that this would not be an issue, especially since I turned 18 years old after I got back to Canada. Since I already had an answer from a recruiter, I would not have started a thread on the subject, but this one presented a good opportunity for me to have get a confirmation.

Thanks in advance.

It will not affect you. I spent 2 years living in various countries of the middle east as a military dependant before joining. There'll be a section on the form to this affect. I forget the exact wording, but you're in the clear, as Kincanucks has verified.
I have searched this before posting, and i am sorry to annoy anyone.  I am seeking information about the Enhanced Reliability ( security...blah blah,blah)  I think I have this already.  I live in Ottawa, I went to Excel HR, a placement agency.  They hire mostly for the fed gov't.  To be accepted by them, I had to complete this....now everyone keeps saying on the different posts, that if you have gone bankruptcy, or have outstanding bills ( ie student loans) you will be denied.

I have horrible credit, I mean horrible...i would nt lend me money either...i say that, but it was from when I was younger, beofre I was even twenty years old...now i have a huge student loan, which i never put a cent on, not for not wanting too...  as well othr little things. 

Anyways, the recruiter for this company, said it was a credit check but not on a personal level, they are looking to see if you have commited fraudulent activities...and it must be, because I was successful....

but the question I have is, I am going to have to claim bankrupcy, will this effect me???...I mean, they gave me one (my clearence ( currently working on secret)) can they take it away, do they expire??

curious to know if anyone else appling has the same (similar) situation...
mommy, (and that's just a creepy thing to type out)

I have no knowledge either way, but I'm sure kincanucks or some other expert will set this straight for you.

Opinion-wise, I say, go ahead with your application. If it gets approved, great. Start working your butt off and make your credit history just that: history. If it doesn't well, then you have your answer, and can start Plan B. (You do have a Plan B, right?)
If you declare or have declared bankruptcy you will be ineligible until your bankruptcy is discharged.  If you have any debts that have gone to a collection agency then that debt will have to be addressed before you can be eligible.  Reliability, Reliability, Reliability.  People who have outstanding bankruptcy issues or outstanding debt load that they can't handle are unreliable.
Well I'm finally merit listed and soon I'll be a Combat Engineer! I went into the recruiting center about a week ago and heard my favorite line: "Two more weeks, and you should get a call."

Crossing my fingers for June BMQ.
