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Ex Vigilant Guardian

Sig_Des said:
Remember, you get what you put into it.

We provide the training opportunities. What people do with them is up to them.

I managed to get out quite a bit during SG03, as it was all 100% canned from the Tac Hel point-of-view. My most enjoyable parts were talking to the troops waiting at the PZs for their lifts out or back. They all got the same training and opportunities to use it and while most seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves, some in one coy that I "interviewed" thought that it sucked.

I've rarely been able to get out of Excon (except for liaison trips, mainly to 400 Sqn) for the last couple of years as the nature of the ex changed and I was kept more busy with co-ord stuff, getting embedded media types authorized to fly with their companies, VIPs, etcetera. This year Excon/3 MNB HQ's up on base due to lack of manpower to establish and run a tented Excon. We're not thrilled by that as it rather destroys the flavour for us inmates. A certain Sig Op is not the only one unlikely to be doing much fun stuff. Few of us planners and overseers are likely to as well.

The satisfaction comes, instead, from knowing that we put together a decent, fun, challenging, educational exercise that will be raved about for years to come and that almost a year's worth of planning paid off - so enjoy it, dammit, or no helicopter ride for you.

Yes, sitting in a hot box and being abused and under-appreciated all day long is a good chunk of a Sig Op's life but it's still an absolutely vital trade that we couldn't function without .
Loachman said:
The satisfaction comes, instead, from knowing that we put together a decent, fun, challenging, educational exercise that will be raved about for years to come and that almost a year's worth of planning paid off - so enjoy it, dammit, or no helicopter ride for you.

It's all about the synical humour, Loachman  ;)  Part of the 'hostile' stage in my career.  :P

But really I've never been a RRB before so I will be getting a learning experience out of it. Hopefully it provides the perfect oportunity to do the thing I like most -- problem solving. I love it when the presure is on you to get the comms fixed so that the Brigade CO can get the battle moving again.  Any nube can sit on the radio, but a real sig-op can be the 'Scotty' of Comms failure who gets the ship back to full power for the Captain. It's a rare occurance but when it happens gawd it's a good feeling. I know that's the same kind of satisfaction you must get when you put all your time and effort into planning the EX so from me to you -- Thanks for making it an ex we can look forward to throughout the year.

That said, it would be nice to have the Sigs sync-matrix or Org-chart added to the website.

My only Concern, (apart from being slightly bitter that im going to Pet, only to come home and then return 10 days later to start pre deployment.. but i'll get over that....) is that there is only a small number of CSS Transport types who seem to be going from my Bde. almost none from my unit. so my concern is that we are going to get severly overtasked and wont get any kind of real training out of it, other then how to drive an HLVW when you havent slept for 5 days....... but thats simply a concern.... I still plan to go up with a positive attitude and hope to make the best of it... hey, im sure there will be something fun there.... and if not... well, i'll just have to make it fun somehow..... like Des said, you get what you give.

and to answer george:

Im going and am Tasked as a Heavy lift Driver either with the NSE or with the 31 Bde FOB
career_radio-checker said:
It's all about the synical humour, Loachman  ;)  Part of the 'hostile' stage in my career.  :P
And I thought that you were just whinging - damned lack of tone on this means...

The problem for you and other support types is that you're essential for running the ex just by doing your regular jobs. I don't really see how you guys can be put into your own chunk of the synch matrix, especially when there's a shortage of you. Otherwise, it's as Sig_Des says - weasel your way into other people's games.

If you can see someway to be creative and convince your bosses perhaps something can be done but there's got to be enough of you to Operate Sigs while the others are prancing about in the brambles as well.

We have lifted RRBs out in previous years and that's a mission that I like to do when possible. It's not a huge novelty for us but it is different enough to make it a little more interesting, plus it gets people thinking creatively, and it provides avn support and interest to those who would not normally get it.

There's lots that we can do for almost everybody, given the resources. I'd really like to do more for the gunners, as well. We've done gun position recces, moved small parties, slung ammo plus done mortar battery moves in past years (can't this time, though, unfortunately) but that's nowhere near what I'd like to achieve. I've been trying to get CH47s and UH60s up here since the first SG to move C3s but they keep getting pulled away to go to war a couple of months before the ex. We did one slung load for the loggies last year but that turned out to be a bit of a farce for a number of reasons. I'd really like to be able to expand on that someday.

The busiest and fastest two weeks of my life ever was On Guard 90 - that year's Milcon. I had 5 Canadian Chinooks, 6 Twin Hueys, 6 NYARNG single Hueys, and a buttload of Kiowas and it was marvellous. We moved whole companies out to Beachburg and Arnpriorin one lift and all sorts of other neat stuff. I'd love to be able to do that again.

Loachman said:
We have lifted RRBs out in previous years and that's a mission that I like to do when possible. It's not a huge novelty for us but it is different enough to make it a little more interesting, plus it gets people thinking creatively, and it provides avn support and interest to those who would not normally get it.

well if your open to ideas... how about a water rescue?
or a Griffin chase? I was in Wainwright as OPFOR and the Griffins chased us in the vehicles. Insertions are nothing new of course but how about on a moving target?
Hopefully I can think of more.
George Wallace said:

Who is going?           What is your Position, Role or Job?
Troop Warrant for one of the recce troops......... again
George Wallace said:

Who is going?           What is your Position, Role or Job?

As it stands now, E Patrol Commander, 2 Troop, B Coy.

George Wallace said:
Who is going?           What is your Position, Role or Job?

CSM India Coy, TF 33-06

(c/s 39er Charlie yet again.  Good thing I never throw out my cheat sheets ;D)
Well I would have been a rifleman... In some unit of 31 Brigade...

Unfortunately, as many of you probably seen I was very excited to go on this excercise this year, but I won't be able to attend now as my mother has become very ill and might not be around too long. She's currently in the hospital. As much as I would love to forget it all and run away to that excercise for the time being, I have to be with her for now...

So to those attending - Have a BLAST! Seriously, live it up, enjoy, see you next year!

Staying home, new job, and won't be allowed time off for another 3 months. That and I wasn't particularly thrilled about being in a CQ Storeman/driver role again, even if I had managed time off.
R031 Pte Joe said:
Well I would have been a rifleman... In some unit of 31 Brigade...

Unfortunately, as many of you probably seen I was very excited to go on this excercise this year, but I won't be able to attend now as my mother has become very ill and might not be around too long. She's currently in the hospital. As much as I would love to forget it all and run away to that excercise for the time being, I have to be with her for now...

So to those attending - Have a BLAST! Seriously, live it up, enjoy, see you next year!

Joe, sorry to hear about your mother.  Been there, done that, sucks very huge.  :(
Just got confirmation from my boss, I am good to go. So I have no idea what I will be doing, but I should be there.
Proud Forester said:
Just got confirmation from my boss, I am good to go. So I have no idea what I will be doing, but I should be there.

Good to hear, I think perhaps a Sect 2I/C, but we'll see.
I got word from the Sarge today on how Sigs are going down. I won't give specifics due to COMSEC protocols even though it's only for an exercise. Suffice to say that I am finally glad to know what we can expect and that this year shall present a great challenge to us Sigs. Gi-gady gi-gady goo, Alright.  8)
Canadian.Trucker said:
Good to hear, I think perhaps a Sect 2I/C, but we'll see.

Sounds cool. I would appreciate the leadership experiance. Either way though, I am just out to have some fun, and get back into the saddle. I have spent the last 2 years in the Trg Coy teaching the new recruits to the unit, so I have been away from the combat part of the cbt arms for a while.
Supporting again this year as an RRB. Maybe I can do the helo insert RRB this year instead of sending all my guys out to do the fun stuff.