The Excercise was enjoyable, especially to the meny new privates I came across that hadn't done any real excercises minus the ones on course. But of course many things could have been improved. I read most of what was posted and agree with a lot of it.
One thing I will note myself is the on-the-fly training a lot of people went through (even in the rehearsals). It was a tremendous help and training aid to have sme's attached suchas the MP's and the Engineers. They did an excellent job of helping us infantry see things we normally wouldn't have, including searching and handling of prisoners. We learned a lot from them in the rehearsals and walk-through/talk-through's.
I will also like to say that the excercise (though i know it to be the first of this trilogy) seemed to be a lot for the attached and supporting roles/units. No complaints on my end though, they all did their jobs, from my vantage point, very well. A lot of the infanteers would have liked to see more "action." Yes camp security is very important, but there didn't seem to be much rotation to provide fresh experiences with each new day or rotation. What I mean is more movement for the infantry types would have added to the ex experience.
The helicopter is always a twinkle in any soldiers eye on ex. i even heard they were giving fun rides to those non-infantry types to give them the experience. If that is true, That's great. :warstory: I think everyone should enjoy a ride or two. The pilots I think also knew that a number of people hadn't ridden on them before, so the rides were always exciting.
Of course everyone owuld like to say they'd want them to be longer; but enjoy what you get, right?
I will say overall, even though I slept quite a bit, and that's a change in comparison to last years ex and som eof the other ex's i've been on, this was a good ex. A learning experience for all. I just hope next year it will be better with more movement for us infantry, though I did enjoy the sleep and was well rested for each task I was given. Also, all will agree when I say miles gear and simunition would be a great training aid and more enjoyable and people will be more prone to properly handle their their gear and selves. Not that anyone wasn't that I saw. Note for anyone looking for improvement's for next year's ex.
i'm didn't create the excercise and i know that i probably won't be on the team helping anytime soon, but I thought my input might help anyone looking over the pages and decide to add to the ex next year.
--ALSO-- The food was awesome, good job cooks!! The field kitchen was great.