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Expres Hand Grip Test

I used to think I have naturally weak wrists.  Instead of coming up with excuses I started actively training them with the rest of my weight training plan.  You can order Captain of Crushes and quickly develop wrist strength.  You can go to your gym and do farmer walks.  You can do towel hangs.  All will quickly get that wrist strength up.
Wolseleydog said:
Which brings me to my biggest concern with this new test -- its practicability.  We struggle to get everyone tested as it is.  Now we have to give a test that is (1) more difficult to administer; and (2) has to be administered to more people (because no exemptions).  How will that go?  CMP has done a full staff estimate of this issue and has a plan in place to ensure that the new programme is achievable, right?  Just wondering.

From looking at the new testing, I think it is easier to administer because there is no focus on form, just end results. EXPRES seems to have so much of a focus on form for pushups, situps and grip test, that it makes it more difficult to administer. I am not in the CF yet, just going by the videos I have watched and interviews on the new testing. They say it will be easier and faster to do the new tests.
Am I the only one who failed the grip test... My combined was 72. I was also wandering how do I reschedule it, and also I asked my friend after doing the expres test and he was slightly shocked because he thought the FORCE test was being used. And when I reschedule do I only do the grip test again or the full test again.?
FORCE test is still in trial phase, CF EXPRES is anticipated to be used until 01 JAN 2014.

Handgrip is pretty hard to fail so unless you spent a life in a dark basement playing World Of Warcraft, or have had multiple previous injuries to your hands or wrists, then it may just be your own failure to lead a healthy life.

I don't know you, so who knows? Just get one of those hand squeeze things with the spring and squeeze frequently and often as possible in both hands.
Hey guys,

So I'm 16, 135lbs (ish), and about 5'8. From what I've gathered, as is, I'm clearly too small for the CF (I want to go into reg infantry when I graduate). I've been working out 3 times a week (Mon, Wed, Fri) for an hour. I don't have a strong workout plan, but I've always been starting out with a 1.6km run (in just over 9 minutes - trying to bump the distance up), before my main workout.

I do upper body 2 days (usually biceps, triceps, etc), and leg day one day. I'm probably going to pick some protein powder up, but as is, I'm not putting on much size [I've noticed a somewhat change in my arms/shoulders when I flex, but not much anywhere else]. I have a buddy who's been working out for 2 years, and no size.

From what I've seen, I won't really be able to join the military if I don't get bulkier (is this true?). Thanks for any help.

On to my question about handgrip work outs. My school gym has a handgrip "thing" (tells you how strong your grip is). It says my grip (with one hand) is about 30lbs. How on earth do I get this to 75kg? Should this come naturally? Or is it something I have to work out?

Thanks for all the help, I've been coming up with so many questions lately, and will probably fire them off on here.
Regarding "putting on size".

Putting on weight

Statik said:
On to my question about handgrip work outs. My school gym has a handgrip "thing" (tells you how strong your grip is). It says my grip (with one hand) is about 30lbs. How on earth do I get this to 75kg? Should this come naturally? Or is it something I have to work out?

You may find these discussions helpful.

The Grip Strength Superthread- Read Here First 

Hand Grip

hand grips...
Start doing tons of pushups; move onto fist pushup, then finger pushups - start doing inclined when you start noticing strength gains...Do pullups and chinups - lift weights. If you're strong, one day, you'll be able to do head first- feet up pushups on your fingers.
Eat really really heavy chocolate bars and lots of them!!!
A quick Google of your size and weight produces this.  MMA Fighter Dominic Cruz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominick_Cruz

Do you think he would be unfit for the CAF?

Your inefficiency at grip strength may have to do with your technique.  The power in your hand is in your fingers, near the tips, not your palms.  You're not short, so you should have at least average hands, unless your hands are freakishly small.

Try holding the calipers closer to your fingertips, resting in the last joint, or at least near it.  I bet your results improve immediately.

FYI, the 75kgs is both hands added together. 

There, my improve morale effort is done for the day.  I can go back to being a prick now!!!
There are, literally, hundreds of posts on bulking up, slimming down, strength training, cardio training, weight training and, yes, grip strength training.

All you have to do is search.
