Hey guys,
So I'm 16, 135lbs (ish), and about 5'8. From what I've gathered, as is, I'm clearly too small for the CF (I want to go into reg infantry when I graduate). I've been working out 3 times a week (Mon, Wed, Fri) for an hour. I don't have a strong workout plan, but I've always been starting out with a 1.6km run (in just over 9 minutes - trying to bump the distance up), before my main workout.
I do upper body 2 days (usually biceps, triceps, etc), and leg day one day. I'm probably going to pick some protein powder up, but as is, I'm not putting on much size [I've noticed a somewhat change in my arms/shoulders when I flex, but not much anywhere else]. I have a buddy who's been working out for 2 years, and no size.
From what I've seen, I won't really be able to join the military if I don't get bulkier (is this true?). Thanks for any help.
On to my question about handgrip work outs. My school gym has a handgrip "thing" (tells you how strong your grip is). It says my grip (with one hand) is about 30lbs. How on earth do I get this to 75kg? Should this come naturally? Or is it something I have to work out?
Thanks for all the help, I've been coming up with so many questions lately, and will probably fire them off on here.