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Favorite Military Film

Righty said:
Wow thanks for pointing out the movie was realeased in 1988. I'm sure we already knew that... ^-^
actually it came out in 1987 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093058/
Quote from Righty,
Wow thanks for pointing out the movie was realeased in 1988. I'm sure we already knew that...

Quote from Jesse3,
actually it came out in 1987 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093058/

Guess   you wern't "Righty" this time,....oops did you just step on something? :warstory:
God if i had a dollar for everytime i heard someone on the internet accuse someone else of not having a life.
No, I agree with Righty, we have no lives so he should leave and forget he was ever here. :D
~RoKo~ said:
HAH! I think every course has one of those people.

Right, SpaceLord? ;P

the funnest part is when there is someone else who can do it with you.
Neither, they both suck. Except the surfing part.

lfejoel25 said:
What's better, the origonal Apocalypse Now, or the Redux?

I like Redux better. However, I like in the original how after Kilgore gives his speech about "I love the smell of Napalm in the morning" he says "some day this war is going to end", and then his is never seen again in the movie.  In Redux, he is then shown begging lance to surf, and pleading to get his surf board back.
It tough to say.. some of the deleted scenes added in where deleted for a reason.. they just drag the movie on.

On the other hand, I couldn't stop laughing at: "We will not hurt or harm you. We just want that surfboard back"
I meant you have no lives because you were correcting me on when it came out....

but its nice to know people will demote you with one little comment...

This is such a awesome forum!
~RoKo~ said:
It tough to say.. some of the deleted scenes added in where deleted for a reason.. they just drag the movie on.

oh yeah. I forgot to mention that boring scene at the French Plantation. What is that all about? 
Apoc Now Redux  has some good parts added in(when Martin Sheen steals Kilgores surf board), but it also has a lot of useless ones that just drag out the movie.

Either way, Apoc Now one of the worst Vietnam movies out there, only good part in the movie is the Air Cav scene.
Has anybody read "Heart of Darkness"? How does it compare to Apocalypse Now?

I've been meaning to get a hold of that book.. among others.

I read Heart of Darkness when I was in high school.  I enjoyed it, but it was really tough slogging.  There are sentences that last for most of a page, paragraphs that span several pages, and lots of flowery language.  It is a fine example of 19th century literature (Conrad was paid by the word.)  If you read the book and watch the movie, it is pretty obvious how they are thematically linked, even though the details are completely different.  (The general story of "guy goes up the river to find a deranged individual and experiences the horror" is the same in both works, but that's about it.)  It's also interesting to see how the same story is told through two very different genres.  I haven't seen Redux, so I have no idea if it comes closer to the feeling of the book or not.
I haven't seen Full Metal Jacket cause I'm a complete nobody...

If you weren't less than half my age I'd invite you over to watch it.

As it is you can rent the VHS/DVD from almost any Rogers videao or Blockbusters.