larry Strong Veteran Inactive Reaction score 1 Points 430 20 Jun 2012 #301 Excellent new AO's, thanks Mike
navymich Veteran Inactive Reaction score 1 Points 410 20 Jun 2012 #302 Super excited to get home and check out the changes! You have put so much time into AO lately Mike and it is all greatly appreciated
Super excited to get home and check out the changes! You have put so much time into AO lately Mike and it is all greatly appreciated
Mike Bobbitt Administrator Staff member Owner Directing Staff Reaction score 211 Points 1,210 20 Jun 2012 #303 airmich said: Super excited to get home and check out the changes! You have put so much time into AO lately Mike and it is all greatly appreciated Click to expand... Thanks. It's what I should have been doing all along, but other stuff always seemed to get in the way.
airmich said: Super excited to get home and check out the changes! You have put so much time into AO lately Mike and it is all greatly appreciated Click to expand... Thanks. It's what I should have been doing all along, but other stuff always seemed to get in the way.
navymich Veteran Inactive Reaction score 1 Points 410 11 Oct 2012 #304 Mike, Any plans for more AO's? Maybe some Wings (Winnipeg, Cold Lake, Greenwood) along with new equipment (Herc, 18's, Aurora)?
Mike, Any plans for more AO's? Maybe some Wings (Winnipeg, Cold Lake, Greenwood) along with new equipment (Herc, 18's, Aurora)?
Stoker Veteran Subscriber Reaction score 1,223 Points 1,160 5 May 2013 #305 Hey Mike any more changes to the game coming? new intel missions, new AO's?