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Field Operation Allowance

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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i am sorry i dont think i have to justify my expierance or quals to any one. if you really need to know then feel free to ask other wise shut it . I thought these were open forums and such should not be open to an attack on my service or such. my opinion and no specfic attack on any one in general such as NCRCROW has done grow up. 
Thanks for the career advice. I could really use some!

But it seems ironic, that divers are not in the water 24/7, pilots are not always flying and the jumpers might be home in bed. Lets cut the all the allowances and buy some epaulettes. Gimme me friggin break!!

Guess you were not there for the pay freeze in 93-94 and the effect that it had on the military.

Better equipment agree, but the men/woman volunteers of the CF must be compensated.

Sorry to hurt your feelings.........and yeah I need to grow up.
"Guess you were not there for the pay freeze in 93-94 and the effect that it had on the military
Better equipment agree, but the men/woman volunteers of the CF must be compensated."

your right i wasn't in during this time.
since when were you a volunteer in the military. I would hope that you are a paid professional. I do recall in the reserves we would volunteer our time so as we could actually do our jobs. That included such things as VOLUNTEER pay sheets so that we could carry on with training and stay proficient in classes and such. Not to mention the 200km round trip to my house every day to work these unpaid evenings. this was all volunteer time so as to keep the Troop running as efficient as it could. My self and two others did this during this time frame.  So i really do not need you to preach to me about the tough times and such of yonder years, yes they were tough, but honestly do you expect me to have any sympathy for a person making over $40000 a year now and complaining about not enough money. I do think that maybe the problems is that we have gotten to point where we expect everything and think it is our right to all of these benefits. While they really are privileges.
Compensated for doing your job how do you figure, now if it is outside of your normal job description then yes of course by all means. Should a sailor get paid over $200 a month for going to sea and doing their job they singed up to do? or the airforce about $200 a month also. These funds in theory could be used else where in our budget instead of a cash crop for members. It is nice to get an extra bundle of money but is it really needed to keep people in. I think not.  Wow the years of experience really shows from your part also, those years of ignorance that has gotten our Military into the situation of where it is now Adas. cash strapped due to the need for more allowances to cover doing your regular job day in and day out. Such things as hazardous duty  and foreign service allowances should be kept in my opinion. I just hope that some one wakes up and realizes all these extras are really not needed . Just give us more training and cover our actual costs of TD and such and that should be enough.

I am still laughing over the member of the CF are VOLUNTEERS.  VOLUNTEER un paid, Professional paid to do their skill set at a journey mans level."I am a volunteer humanitarian worker then cause i went to Bosnia and handed out aid foreign aid to the needy people " I guess that every working person is a volunteer as they all volunteered to work in their present job,"hey everyone i am a humanitarian VOLUNTEER as i handed out aid to the needy people of Bosnia" I am still laughing. Every one reading this i am sorry but i Just think it is funny to be called a volunteer as a Member of the Regular Force. enough of my ranting, some people make me laugh and this is one person that does. I will apologize for my disrespect to you NCRCROW but please don't tell me about hard times and deserving of things. It is a privilege to, not a right to be a member of the Canadian  Forces. if members could remember this then maybe things would be different.
CTD, first thing, try spell check, punctuation and paragraphs, it makes for easier reading.

Just because you're a pilot doesn't mean you get aircrew allowance. You have to be employed in a flying postion, which doesn't always happen. Same goes for sea duty allowance, if you're not employed in a sea going position, you don't get it. When I get back to my Sqn following my Sea King conversion course, I'll get sea pay in addition to the aircrew allowance that I already get. I'm still not sure that $500 a month is enough to compensate me for flying a 40 year old helo over 2 degree water from a 30 year old destroyer in the North Atlantic, but it was my choice to come here. Would I have gone elsewhere if I didn't get those allowances, I can't say for sure.

In effect, allowances such as sea pay, aircrew, paratroop, etc are hazardous duty pay, which you said you're not against. We are exposed to hazardous situations everytime we step foot in an aircraft or onboard a ship. Can you say the same for other trades that don't receive allowances?

As for this:
These funds in theory could be used else where in our budget instead of a cash crop for members. It is nice to get an extra bundle of money but is it really needed to keep people in. I think not.

I can't believe how wrong you are, it absolutely is necessary to keep people in. I have no idea why you would think otherwise, it's a little bit more money out of the government's pocket in exchange for keeping pilots that cost $1 million to train, a fair trade if you ask me. The same goes for other trades.

Finally, yes we are volunteers, we're not conscripts or draftees, we joined voluntarily, end of story.

From Websters:

Main Entry: 1vol ·un ·teer
Pronunciation: "vä-l&n-'tir
Function: noun
Etymology: obsolete French voluntaire (now volontaire), from voluntaire, adjective, voluntary, from Latin voluntarius
1 : a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service: as a : one who enters into military service voluntarily b (1) : one who renders a service or takes part in a transaction while having no legal concern or interest (2) : one who receives a conveyance or transfer of property without giving valuable consideration

I admire your sense of dedication, professionalism and your general joie de vivre. Please forward your memo to DPersAdmin telling them what a dedicated and staunch individual you are. Please also tell them that you no longer deserve to be compensated for the time you serve. Simply that you love the job.

People a lot higher and smarter than you determine what we get paid for. We have fallen behind our Public counterparts for too long. Read my profile and tell me I'm not entitled to everything this gov't deems to give me.

Unlike NCRCrow, I have the TI, and I'll tell you right now, your talking through your ass. Quit blowing smoke up mine.
Hey Reeceguy,

I am starting my third row. Do not question my TI or experience.   And 12 years sea time with over 18 hard points (FSP) with all three elements.

Take my sea pay and allowances away and FSP...no way!!!

NCR Crow

did I mention my diving allowances??  

Sea Pay+Spec Pay+Dive Pay+PLD=boy it all adds up
NCR Crow,

That wasn't a dig at you. However, if you'd bother to fill in your profile and showed more than Navy League Cadets as your experience, these things wouldn't happen now would they? Don't get all pissy when someone has to guess what your about because you didn't fill in the blanks. The profile is there for a reason. ;)
Roger that............agree.........I thought Navy League Cadets would get a chuckle.

These people write the craziest sh*t in the forums.

Like lets cancel allowances, must be a Liberal stool-ie.

No extra allowance for diving in Halifax harbour in Jan. Maybe CTD should get a wetsuit on and.........
That's fair!!

CTD...................C'mon in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The water is warm and yeah that's want u think it is!!

I think CTD has a case of "the arrogance of youth".

I distinctly remember being astounded when informed that you actually get paid to be in the army. It was in my 2nd year at cadet camp, and found out how much the staff cadets got. As a cadet I made $40 per week, and loved it. I found out the staff cadets got paid as a Pte. To me, that was like winning the lottery (and I lived that decadent life as a staff cadet for 2 summers).

Now, it's 20-odd years later, and sometimes I wonder where that youthful idealism went.... I doubt CTD has a mortgage, 3 kids, loans, 2 vehicles, etc. I somehow doubt he was done more the 5 days a row in the field, eating out of a freezing field kitchen, or in a trench, sucking in the hexamine. Or been at sea for 6 months at a go, or flown in a death-trap of an aircraft. But he sure is keen, though.....

One of the things that has shown me how silly it has gotten in the military is the fact that TD is tax-exempt, and field pay isn't. We did an ex in Suffield, and we had guys living in the shacks on the base while we were in 5 man arctic tents. Guess who got paid more in allowances. The guys in the shacks (TD). Just shows that they really aren't concerned about saving money, just giving extra allowances to all the jam-tarts who go on TD all the time. A (weak) justification that I heard for this disparity is that it costs more to live on TD (ie hotel porn, shooters at T&A bar) than it does to be in the field. My buddy who had a canteen bill from RV '92 in excess of $1000 (after field pay for 5 weeks) would disagree, though....

I don't think throwing money at people makes things better. I personally feel that the money is too good, and a lot of deadwood that would have gotten out years ago, have stayed in, because there is no way they would make this kind of money in a civvy job (with the work ethic and smarts they have).

Anyway, hopefully none of the bean-counters in the employ of NDHQ read any of CTD's posts ref this subject, as I'm sure we will all have to pay back all the allowances we have received over the years. Maybe they'll buy the PM a few new planes. The last 2 he bought must have full ashtrays by now.......


I will state a rebuttal to this. As i stated before it is your choice to have kids, if it was a burden financially to have them maybe the proper methods to control this should have been used. This is not to insult you but we cant all own the huge house and a few cars and all the luxury's we would like and support a big family. One thing that really gets me is how a married person thinks they are above a single person. We are all soldiers, sailors and Airmen, we all have the same duty to do and to rule one over another is a very sad state that our military has come to. No i do not own a house, sorry never thought about being in debt that much, I do own a new truck which i figure at this time off sets any mortgage that most have. I don't have any kids, i guess this is because i realize i am not in a financial situation in order to support them the way i would see fit. Pte's pay is pretty skimpy these days.(note the sarcasm their). Actually my truck payment makes sure of that. well i hate to break it to you but single young people have loans also. What a thought wow it must be a new thing, who would have thought. Excuse my ignorance but seems to be some of that going around.

More then five days in the field hmmm (does that include camping)? if that is the case it was three months straight. really i have spent a few months in the field it was a place called Bosnia, 6.5 months i think, it consisted of sleeping in a tent at the edge of the range at Biv Delta that was for about 1.5 months, shower once a week maybe, that was for over a month or so. memory fades me. I have never eating out of frozen hayboxes  sorry i worked on the West Coast we did have rations that were rain soaked though.Hmm soup steak.  I did spend a few days in a trench that had water up to my neck, it was cold i tell you, nothing like the West Coast to keep you wet all week long, did i mention after doing that for four days with the reserves i had to go back to my civie job Tuesday morning and work out in the rain all day for the next three weeks. As for the Hexamine well if you were inhaling them i think their might be some issues their, the label said do not inhale fumes or something like that. Those were those square white fuel tabs, yes i remember using those a few times, but that little single burner camp stove worked wonders instead and alot more reliable.(was purchased out of the old pocket)
I was at sea for three months on the HCMS Huron, and another two week stint aboard the HMCS Saskachewan,(nothing like expending all the ammo aboard, looks real nice does that count? I even have picks to prove it
Well do you consider a Hip(a helicopter) a death trap aircraft, the good old 50 gallon drum inside the cab with the FE flicking his ashes on the fuel on the floor, then butting his cigarette out on the side of the fuel soaked tank. We started to lose power one day and the FE came out and tapped a few lines, needless to say the old engine spooled up again and we remained in the air. I was in a cougar (another helicopter) once and we almost ran into some high tension lines, that was a pretty new hello though.

Before we judge some one ask, never assume, it can be very deceiving to say the least. My statement originally was that i think that we in the Canadian military are very well paid. We can never put a monetary value on being away from the ones we love dearest, or even more so if one is injured or killed in the line of duty. No money or other retribution can make up for that. We all joined the military knowing full well the responsibility's and the pay that we would receive. And if you didn't then that is ignorance on your part. The fact that our military is in such disreppear has some reflection of it members. I am not blaming this on the troops them selves but more so on the higher leadership that has made it so that they themselves reap the rewards of all the benefits we get. The allowances we receive are their to offset some of the dangers we face and hardships, although i think we can all agree that the soldiers get the short end of the stick on that one. Why is TD not taxable, how many high ranking officers receive TD as opposed to FOA when they go to the "field" yes the truth maybe their.How many more of these leaders are on TD regularly,I am willing to bet a few more then their should be.  All this money adds up as not being in our budgets for actually equipment, instead it is squandered away into some one's pocket. The fact that any significant raise to us means a cut in a social programme some where or a raise in taxes really does not in effect give us a raise. It puts an even bigger burden on the citizen of Canada. We get paid in tax dollars. the more we get the more they take.

I never wanted to get this discussion out where it went. Obviously a lot of people here feel that they deserve more or can make more else where and that is fine, some can and do. The end result is we are a very well paid and compensated army of the western powers and such should not Say we don't make enough money. That is my opinion and mine only. it is your right to disagree with it but remember. I did not put you where you are today, you did that yourself, and such have to deal with that. A better paying job lurks around every corner, and so does the EI line for 4 months out of the year.
CTD said:
Why is TD not taxable, how many high ranking officers receive TD as opposed to FOA when they go to the "field" yes the truth maybe their.How many more of these leaders are on TD regularly,I am willing to bet a few more then their should be.   All this money adds up as not being in our budgets for actually equipment, instead it is squandered away into some one's pocket.

Normally I ignore trolls of all sorts (although that may not have been true of bar trolls in my "in between wives years"), but I have to call you on this one.  

Please PM me with details of "high ranking officers receiving TD instead of FOA".

you must have been a sea cadet.........onboard Saskatchewan as she decomm"ishd around 91-92 ish,

u being 27....so u were like 13 years old.

I love going on TD, to me its a perk. I am just selfish. I guess!

Us married guys envy u single guys.......I have never thought I was above them, maybe the opposite.

Anyway, I like u CTD, you should put some of your writing efforts to the OPME Program or University.

It might get u promoted.
(not being sarcastic)
Nice creative writing skills on ya CTD. The part with the trench with water up to your neck was a nice touch. Reminescent of "I had to walk 5 miles, in snow up to my waist, uphill, both ways, to school every morning......". Explain how you could spend any period of time in a trench "up to your neck in water". Where was Biv Delta in Bosnia? I spent a good chunk of my 7 months (yes 7 months) travelling around Bosnia (00-01) and don't recall a Biv Delta (unless that was the camp outside Glamoc referred to as Camp Crusty)..... And if you chose not to shower more than once a week, that sounds more like a personal hygiene issue than a logistical issue......

My point about having children is that idealism is usually replaced rather rapidly by realism (the reality of providing for someone, other than yourself). I waited until I was almost 30 to have children, because I wasn't ready for it emotionally or financially, until then.

You sound pretty keen, somewhat like I probably did at your age. As you stated, you are entitled to your opinion (as is everybody), but you shouldn't get your panties in a bunch a) when you throw out provocative comments in a public forum and then have people come down on you, and b) post nothing of value in your profile (yes, people actually read those), and then expect people to think that you have the experiences to back up your statements.

Anyway, you have fun fixing those planes, and try to talk all the flight crew out of their flight pay.......

Biv D was the camp outisde of  Glamoc, we lived on the edge of the range for a few months in tents then moved into the old furniture factory in town. Ya we had limited access to showers, once a week or so, we bathed and all but it isnt the same as a shower. As for the trenches, well if you ever get to Nanoose Test range on Vancouver Island and go to where the trenches were, you will see what i mean. And  make sure it has been raining for two weeks straight first you know the down pour that BC is so famous for. and bring a gas powered water pump and lots of gas.  and a set of chest watters. It was actually up around the chest area, some short peopel were up to their necks.

I will say that i have seen many officers from The HQ regions of Canada show up on those trips to the US or BC while we are on ex to spend more time at the golf course as opposed to the field as they said they were suppose to have been. I mean would it hurt a Colonel or General who is their to see how things are going to actually stay in the field for a 24 hour period. This of course is opposed to the hotel room and resturant food that they eat at. I am not saying all these officers do this but a fair chunk of them that do.

CTD said:
As for the trenches, well if you ever get to Nanoose Test range on Vancouver Island and go to where the trenches were, you will see what i mean. And   make sure it has been raining for two weeks straight first you know the down pour that BC is so famous for. and bring a gas powered water pump and lots of gas.   and a set of chest watters. It was actually up around the chest area, some short peopel were up to their necks.

Isn't the Nanoose Bay range a Naval weapons Range? If that is the case (CIIW), that 'trench' is the Strait of Georgia. What's that smell? I call bullshit!

I have no qualms about the pay, but my main beef is with the ridiculous amounts of FOOD that soldiers get in the mess halls.

We are by far the best fed army in the world, compared to our British and American counterparts. I'm almost certain that a pte eats more at the mess halll than he gets paid. All these unlimited seafood and steak nights not only promotes obesity, but projects a bad image of the CF to our allies. Canadian troops stationed in the camps of other nations during deployments I am sick and tired of my collegues whining about their meals when they are served perfectly good food at British and American mess halls.This problem can be solved by simply cutting back our level of service at base mess halls to that of the British model, with fewer, cheaper choices.  That way, we level our soldiers' expectations to the market standard, improve their health ( how many fat Brit squaddies have you ever seen?) and save a bundle of money that can be put to better use.
Britney Spears said:
I have no qualms about the pay, but my main beef is with the ridiculous amounts of FOOD that soldiers get in the mess halls.

We are by far the best fed army in the world, compared to our British and American counterparts. I'm almost certain that a pte eats more at the mess halll than he gets paid. All these unlimited seafood and steak nights not only promotes obesity, but projects a bad image of the CF to our allies. Canadian troops stationed in the camps of other nations during deployments I am sick and tired of my collegues whining about their meals when they are served perfectly good food at British and American mess halls.This problem can be solved by simply cutting back our level of service at base mess halls to that of the British model, with fewer, cheaper choices.   That way, we level our soldiers' expectations to the market standard, improve their health ( how many fat Brit squaddies have you ever seen?) and save a bundle of money that can be put to better use.

Get rid of the friggin pop machines. What in God's name is a pop machine doing in a NCM Mess Hall in Wainwright? Troops should be drinkning water, juice, or milk.

And another thing - gravy is not a beverage. I can see having gravy for roast beef, but why do we need to slather fries (another needless fat-pill) with 2 cups of gravy? Do we want our soldiers to look like fat tubby's?

I don't see the big deal about Steak night, but cut the crappy food, more fresh fruit, and get rid of the junk food altogether, except for those little ice cream cups - they're tasty!
CTD, I am from the wet coast (Campbell River) and as much as people say that it rains there, it doesn't rain that much. As for Camp Crusty, I wouldn't admit to living in that shithole if I were you. Whomever the leadership is that was running that camp should be shot with a ball of their own shit. It looked like a bunch of blind Sea Cadets set up the modular (no white liners, purlons hanging down from the sides and top, and lacing not done up/broken off). I was embarassed to say that I was a member of the combat arms to see the state that that camp was in, and the furniture factory wasn't much better. Anytime I think that the Armour Corps is idle, I think back to those two places and realize that the Artillery never spent enough time in the field...... Not a tirade against you, but the leadership that allowed you guys to live like that.

As for the complaints about the food: the food is provided, but there are no armed MP's forcing people to eat it. That's like blaming McDonalds for getting somebody fat. There are always healthy choices, but if a fatty wants to eat french fries, gravy, nachos, etc they will get it at the mess hall or at a fast food outlet. Ever been to the old Mad Dog cafe (I might have name wrong....) in Wainwright when it was in the old Canex? The Brits couldn't get enough of the greasy food served there.

Limiting peoples choices for food in a mess hall isn't the answer. I don't think it should be all fast food style stuff, but for as long as I've been in, there has been something for everyone, and I'm a fairly picky eater, and have never succumbed to starvation. Then again, I got pretty beefy, but I don't blame the mess hall for that. And I don't know if you should compare a thin British squaddie to some our fat-backs: given the choice I bet the thin guy would rather be packing on the beef, but their level of PT is much higher than ours. As well, if they could deep-fry their tea, they would. The deep fryer is working 24/7 in any kitchen the Brits have. And, from what I've experienced, their mess halls aren't going to win any culinary awards any time soon (if the one's I ate in overseas are any indication). So does thin equal healthy? Probably not. Does fat equal healthy? Again, probably not. It's all about choices and balance. I have seen body builder types with 5% body fat eating in mess halls, and guys who sweat just taking a shit, so I would say it is more at the individual level where the responsibility lays. And never trust a skinny cook......
