Did you know that the US has had over 1200 KIA, and thousands WIA many left without limbs,etc? That 1200+ KIA is twice the amount Canada and Australia lost in Korea, and twice the amount we lost in a 10yr battle in Viet Nam.
^ Irrellevant totally
One day this war is gonna end, the sheer determination of the west will see it through. Again the price of YOUR freedom and security is paid with their blood, as you sit back, and do nothing but critisise whats going on. Sadly maybe only when this gets personal for you, you might see the truth rather than leftist gobbledygook.
^Alot of people will say the insurgent fighters are a hell of a lot more determined than we are.The american people see a few dead soldiers on tv and public support drops.How many family members have the iraqis lost, yet they fight on.I just got home from work, if im not mistaken it was training for this exact type of scenario I may have to participate in the near futute, gotta love OBUA.In case your doubting the legitamacy of the reserves, 3 of the guys from my company alone returned from aghan in february.Oh wait, I do nothing but sit around and criticize between working in the reserves and going to school to get a policing degree.Yes, I am a lazy, lazy citizen.It became personal enough for me when someone I knew was killed in new york, and a Corporal who lived down the road from me was killed in afghanistan.
Try saying what you are saying to the mates of the fallen, or parents of the local girls who were murdered in cold blood by Islamic terrorsts on 12 Oct 01.
^Bombing hospitals and schools full of kids isnt cold blooded though.Neither is napalming them.Thats war, people die.Quit being sucked in by the media. " cold blooded evil terrorists, damn them".If they had the media power we did, Youd see alot of other ugly things.Ill assume your forgetting all about Gitmo and Abu Gharib for starters.
McDonalds can offer you a career too.
^ so can Carolyn Parrish