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Fighting & Winning The Global War on Terror (WW IV)

jmackenzie_15 said:

Its a good sign that youve lost the argument when you start throwing in random derrogatory comments, and attempting to put together statements to sound important that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. Hmm terrorism versus casualties in korea... yes, I can see the links.

I've lost nothing, but you have made a fool of yourself and lost your own intregity and respect. I reckon when you grow up, you might understand the facts.
Since respect always goes out to people who when they can think of nothing to support their argument, resort to insults.You're full of it.Have a good night.
BTW the casualty figures I posted represent loss and determinatation to win, but what do you know? After all you thought in for a penny, in for a pound was about money. I have a lot of respect for todays youth in general, but you got a long row to hoe.

Many insurgents are foreigners with a hatred for the west.

Attack all you want, personally I thrive on being insulted. Who do you think you are talking too? I am 45 yrs old ( not a 19 yr old uni student), January 2005 marks 29 yrs service in two different armies, once you get some TI maybe you will stop seeing things how you do now, and realise how mislead you have been in the past.

I don't need to take shtye from a snotty nosed kid with an attitude, so F.O.

Arent you supposed to be the wise adult ? your egging on the argument based on what? I have nothing more to say to you, again, GOOD NIGHT.
jmackenzie_15 said:
exploiting our media, knowing how much influence it has over our society, is a pretty sound strategy in waning public support for the invasion.Their goal is to end the American occupation of their country, theyre doing what they have to.
No.  Thier goal is to re-establish conditions for a regiem in which a minorety oppresses the majority of the states populace.  Likely, they are also trying to establish a system that will accomodate extreemist Islam.  The coalition reconstruction efforts are the primary barrier to them.

. . . and it is still terrorism and targeting non-combatants.

jmackenzie_15 said:
And by the way, Napalming people isnt very nice either, and dont say it didnt happen, dozens and dozens of people, some of them english reporters, dont just make up stories about bombs filled with gas that melts your skin off.
How is this more relevant than Korean war casualties?  The bombing of the media convoy was an accident.  The coalition forces have been going after combatants, not civillian aid works.
jmackenzie_15 said:
I would sooner quit the CF than join in on an american crusade through the middle east for no particular reason , other than the fake one we've been told to oust, and I quote, "evil doers".

Looks like you can hang out with Jeremy Hinzman then.

You're doing your regiment proud....
;D ROTF and seriously LMHO! Bloody helll Infanteer!

However, if he says who he is????? Too bad his views couldnt be forwarded on to his CSM, or worse his 'mates'

Cheers (and beers),   ;)

Gotta go, caroles on the beach tonight (Dunningham Park, Cronulla Beach), and we'll light candles on the memorial to our local girls killed at Kuta.

Looks like you can hang out with Jeremy Hinzman then.

You're doing your regiment proud....

I take it you werent around when the vast majority of canadians said No to going to iraq then? just in case you werent, yeah, it did happen.
jmackenzie_15 said:
I take it you werent around when the vast majority of canadians said No to going to iraq then? just in case you werent, yeah, it did happen.
I must have been sick that day.  Nobody asked me.

However, you've missed his point (and ignored others that have raised this point).  You are a member of the CF, and you have told us you will jump ship if you don't agree with the political arguments behind a mission that the CF deploys on.
If these posters are examples of the reasoning against the war in Iraq, how do you think these people will respond to nuclear provocation by Iran or North Korea? I can see the tie in to the "What's wrong with University" thread already...

Wes, you are dealing with another "Disillusioned", who will ignore or deny any fact, argument or proof you might care to bring to the table. I thought of one of the first Westerners to be publicly beheaded for TV; Daniel Pearl, a journalist who thought that his "rapport" and "understanding" of the jihadi viewpoint would gain him access. What he failed to realize until he was dragged out of the car was that the Jihadis did not care about his sympathy of point of view, to them he was only an American and a Jew, and the only point they had for him was at the end of a knife.

It is my devout hope that people like "Disillusioned" or your new friend NEVER are subjected to such barbaric  treatment, but people like us will have to hold their hands and protect them from traffic and matches until such time as they learn. This must be the real definition of the "Nanny State".
Cole, he is just a boy in a mans uniform trying to deliberatly stir up shyte (probably not even really in), Don't bit like I did. A classic example of why some animals in the wild eat their young.

I think he needs a spanking.

I would rather jump ship, but i wouldnt
even though we will never send combat troops to iraq.You can write it down.Not unless theres some kind of crisis that requires UN intervention.If the UN decrees it as being necessary, then I will support it and trust in their wisdom.Im not a fan of the cowboy gung ho invade and bomb cities on tv during primetime CNN tactic the americans have adopted.

Not to hark on the troops, i love alot of those guys and its a shame theyre being wasted.
jmackenzie_15 said:
I take it you werent around when the vast majority of canadians said No to going to iraq then? just in case you werent, yeah, it did happen.

Actually, I was deployed abroad.

However, what does that have to do with the fact that you're willing to sell your teammates out because of your political (mis)conceptions.  Reading through your posts on this thread, I've noticed you've brought up:

1) The notion of invading Saudi Arabia.

2) The notion of Yankee Imperialists hungry for Oil.

3) Several misconceptions of the current geopolitical situation.

Something tells me that you have only a vague understanding of the concepts you are trying to debate here.
jmackenzie_15 said:
If the UN decrees it as being necessary, then I will support it and trust in their wisdom.

....and that my friends, has sealed the deal for Mr Mackenzie and his arguements being taken seriously.


for the record, my arguments were nevre taken seriously to begin with.

secondly, Im inclined to trust in the United Nations security council over donald rumsfeld, im sorry I dont share your sense of... however the hell it is you guys 'think'. catch yah later.
jmackenzie_15 said:
I would rather jump ship, alot of those guys and its a shame theyre being wasted.

WASTED! WASTED! - Shame on ya! I can't believe what I just read!

You are nothing but a fu**ing COWARD! You make me want to vomit!

Get bloody rooted! And get off this great site!

Now I am totally disgusted, too bad ya didnt live local!


Son, and I can call you son, I'm old enough to be your father, you have dodged the "Egypt and Syria issue" due to a diversion. I called you "young feller' 'cause that gives you an out for not knowing yer arse from yer boots.

There may well be an argument against Canadian participation in Iraq, but you aren't making it.

Maybe quoting a Star Wars character implies a lack of maturity on my part. Hell, I usually think of myself a a big kid (my wife is the one who stops me from buying the BMW M3 cabriolet). Whatever - as your genration might say.

Anyway, young feller, any comments on my points, or are you the typical 18 y/o who can't make an argument to save his life? Wanna get into a logical fallacy argument with the likes of me (a 40-something soldier with spotty university education)?

Well, after reading this thread, ill offer my oppinon.

I would agree with sending Canadian troops to Iraq, IF AND I MEAN IF, the U.N. assumes controll of military and reconstruction operations. I would prefere to see a similar operation to the suez crises, a replacement of american troops by U.N. troops. Now, i recognize the U.S. cant leave Iraq prematurly nor can we (the world) watch the U.S. waste billions and destroy its economy, and thus bringing the world into an economic recession.

Now, the U.S. invaded Iraq for all the wrong reasons. Hell, more good would have been done by invading Iran, they are the ones with a real nucleur weapons program.
jmackenzie_15 said:
for the record, my arguments were nevre taken seriously to begin with.

secondly, Im inclined to trust in the United Nations security council over donald rumsfeld, im sorry I dont share your sense of... however the hell it is you guys 'think'. catch yah later.

Holy crap laddie. Do you have any understanding of the composition and limitations of the UNSC? I can say I'm no fan of Rumsfeld, but the UN?!!? Tabernac.

jmackenzie_15 said:
for the record, my arguments were nevre taken seriously to begin with.

secondly, Im inclined to trust in the United Nations security council over donald rumsfeld, im sorry I dont share your sense of... however the hell it is you guys 'think'. catch yah later.

Most of us like to 'think' for ourselves instead of blindly trusting in a moraly bankrupt institution or Rumsfeld.  You'd be surprised how different things look when you do a little research and actually take the time to consider what it implies.

Wesley H. Allen said:
WASTED! WASTED! - Shame on ya! I can't believe what I just read!

You are nothing but a fu**ing COWARD! You make me want to vomit!

Get bloody rooted! And get off this great site!

Now I am totally disgusted, too bad ya didnt live local!


Take it easy Wes.  "Get bloody rooted", while effectively expressing the way I'm sure many of us feel towards this individual, really isn't very productive.