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Fitness for Operational Requirements of CAF Employment ( FORCE )

Atkinson93 said:
Good Day,

Just here to ask a few questions,

1. During the application process, I remember there was a very basic PT. I understand now that there is the FORCE evaluation. During the recruitment process, do we do the FORCE test in place of the old PT (a couple of push-ups, a couple of step-ups, and a squat or two) or do we do the FORCE test?

The evaluation is now only done as part of the recruiting process if you are applying for the Reserves.  https://www.cfmws.com/en/AboutUs/PSP/DFIT/Fitness/Pages/Reserve-applicant-programs.aspx

CAF Reserve Applicant Fitness Evaluation (CAFRFE)

Every Primary Reserve Force Applicant must achieve a minimum fitness standard prior to their enrolment in the Canadian Forces.

Since 1 April 2014, the FORCE Evaluation is now the physical fitness evaluation for CAF Primary Reserve Force Applicants.

If applying for Regular Force...https://forces.ca/en/how-to-join/#btt

Physical fitness evaluation
During the first week of basic training, you will take the FORCE Evaluation fitness test to assess your level of physical fitness. You must pass this test in order to continue with basic training.

If you do not meet all four of the fitness test objectives but can meet one or more, you may be able to take additional training as part of the Program to Return to Training at the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School. You will have a maximum of 90 days to meet all three of the test objectives.

If you are unsuccessful in meeting the four FORCE Evaluation fitness test objectives at the end of the 90 days, you will be released from the CAF. You may re-start the application process three to five years after your release date (depending on the circumstances of your release) by submitting a new application online.

3. Is there any advice you can give to a 27year old who spent 10 years smoking cigarettes (pack a day+) on improving physical fitness?

Stay "quit", first and foremost.  I didn't quit until I was just shy of 49 and regret it.  Eat healthy, reward yourself each week/month/etc you're smoke free.  Exercise, start slow and steady and work your way up to better fitness.  That is a good basic recipe to start with. 
Wait by only done for reserve hiring, does that mean if I apply for full time, they do not do the forces evaluation?
They do it at recruit training vice doing it as part of the recruiting process. You were still required to pass the test if you join the regular force
I realize this is an older thread (3.5 years since last post), but is there any updated information for someone who is in the Final Processing portion of the application process and is trying to put together an exercise regimen to get ready for Basic? Anything for the Grip strength, FORCE test, or anything else?
I realize this is an older thread (3.5 years since last post), but is there any updated information for someone who is in the Final Processing portion of the application process and is trying to put together an exercise regimen to get ready for Basic? Anything for the Grip strength, FORCE test, or anything else?
The grip strength is not measured anymore.

If you look up Canadian Armed Forces Fitness on Facebook or YouTube they have lots of info and training programs to get you ready for the force test.
I realize this is an older thread (3.5 years since last post), but is there any updated information for someone who is in the Final Processing portion of the application process and is trying to put together an exercise regimen to get ready for Basic? Anything for the Grip strength, FORCE test, or anything else?
I did my FORCE test in February, and I found it was mostly legs. Lot's of running, pulling, and lifting (with good form lifting is all legs). You can do body weight exercises to get ready for it, do lots of squats and cardio and you'll be good. Don't wait to start, you can start with 15 minute sessions twice a day now. This video goes over exactly what you can expect to do:
Canadian Armed Forces FORCE Evaluation (Fitness test)