MCG said:
Defrauding SE for 11 months is at least a few thousand if not several thousand dollars of stolen tax payers' money. EITS, for all the backpedaling and re-writing of your position that you have done, your initial reply to the OP was ethically bankrupt. But I will entertain you for one last reply ...
Backpedalling. Please, show me where. I added a reply AFTER the 2nd post. :
Let's see:
You assumed that somehow there was leeway in the regulations for the described behavior, I knew there was not.
You have pontificated about if the capt "hasn't already let his CofC/immediate superior officer know what the 'status' is" but I know that is irrelevant if he has not caused those the payments be stopped despite 11 months.
You have assumed that because the information has come from a civilian spouse, it is clearly can't be trusted and she should just mind her business, but I know a serious criminal allegation like that needs to be investigated by the proper authorities.
What you suggest you KNOW is from an unverified source, a spouse who is repeating her version of a conversation at a dinner where everyone was drinking.
You are right. Clearly it is better for a service member who knows neither the policy nor the facts to get involved. (Note: You are the service member who demonstrably does not know the policy. Everyone else seems to recognize that there are enough details here that a proper investigation is required.)
Try going back and reading other people's post. I wasn't the only one who didn't run to round up the lynch mob.
And here is where we go down different sides of the track. You've already decided a crime has and is happening, and ASSUMING the source and info are both credible, and accurate. I think that is irresponsible and dangerous. (again no offense Markopolo, I have no idea who you are, if what you're saying is accurate).
Here's a question - why is the service member himself not on here asking what he should do? Doesn't that strike you as odd? It does me.
They both know about it. They both have an ethical responsibility to do something. He has an additional service obligation to report.
Right. No ethical dilemma. The "he" who discussed the personal information about the captain was the "superior officer" himself. It is his personal information to share as he wants.
No, but this is not a "what if" scenario. This is a specific allegation of a criminal offense. Again, it is not to be taken at face value but it aught be treated with seriousness. It must be reported.
I do, and hopefully in the future you will too.
Please, take a step off the soap box. Seriously.
Exercising caution when giving advice is not telling somebody that a potential criminal act is "a CAF issue and unless [they]'re in the CAF and know more facts, etc it isn't [their] responsibility" nor is counseling them to "mind their own business". It is certainly not exercising caution when you then lay into the individual, accusing them of being the second worst feature of "the system."
And yet, it is still possible that you could have given appropriate advice right from the get go. Oh well for lost opportunities.
Advice and opinion given on partial information; not so unusual around here is it?
I'd of said more, but, if you go back and read before mine, Ballz and a few others had already covered a lot of the bases. Should I just have repeated their words?
So, if you are concerned about a backlash for a power differential, why did you not mention it in your first post? Why did you not offer any advice or guidance on how or to whom to make complaints known so as the protect the service spouse? Why is it only seeing the light of day after several posters commented on the morally reprehensible position that you first posted?
Your posts are far from anything close to the light in my day on this thread, trust me pal.
Why would I make a post, to a spouse, about what her husband should do?
Because he should already know what to do. And, he wasn't the one on here making accusations - a reminder that they are just that - accusations. Why add the part about 'be careful when it is a superior officer, more so if a commissioned officer'?
For all I know, her husband is newly promoted Cpl Bloggins. He is likely reading stuff, right? If not, his wife is on here making statements that may, or may not, be true. If he's reading on the side, it gave him some advice, considerations and flip side of the coin to think about. If he is not reading it, it gave her the other side of the coin to thing about as well.
Our biggest difference; you're already deciding a crime has been committed and found the mbr guilty, and I've not gone past the 'information has indications of being credible' stage. So to me, ya - it's still a what if scenario. If Markopolo had a history of posting in here and the credibility that goes along with it...I might be leaning more towards you and the 'crime may have been committed'.
I've seen people, myself included, fucked over with the 'guilty until proven innocent' stuff before, and one time for me personally that was because a few people took on statements someone made as FACT and ran with it. You're coming across like one of those 'march the guilty bastard in!' types I've seen before in time in the mob.
I'm not the only one who didn't run for the pitchfork and torch.
ballz said:
I would suggest he goes out for another beer and has a face-to-face talk with him about it, and gives the guy the opportunity to sort himself out. It's a pretty ugly situation, especially since her husband appears to be the Captain's subordinate. But, if they are good enough friends to go out for dinner and drink beers together, they can be good enough friends to have the hard talks, too.
There easily could be a lot more to it and there is nothing underhanded going on, and sometimes people in rough spots are just having a momentary lapse in judgement. Jumping right to reporting him without this opportunity is probably going to make the situation worse for all involved.
As for eventually getting caught on an audit... I have my doubts to be honest.
Simian Turner said:
I would certainly need more facts before reporting anything:
Then the 'further info' post.
Markopolo said:
So a bit more info from the conversation...
She broke up with him almost a year ago when she found out about his girlfriend at his current posting. He attempted to go back once but she would not let him in. She apparently packed all his things and sent them to him. He's still with the girlfriend and the wife just served him with the divorce papers because the year separated is almost here.
It pissed me off that he still isn't planning on changing his ir situation and was almost boastful about getting the benefit while not having to contribute to another house.
While it might not be my place to say anything my husband may have a duty to report. I'm just trying to gather info to help him with a decision.
Wow, someone added more info and, based on that, I posted an additional comment. Stop. The. Press!