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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]


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Milnet.ca Staff
Hm. I get not linking or quoting/citing. Can't mention the fact of existence?
Brad, talk about the issue freely but no links/citations to the material.

Apologies for deleting your post, I cleaned up all posts ref the initial links posted to give the thread a clean slate with regard to that material.

Milnet.ca Staff
Hey not to be a pain....anyone's Walt detector go off on the video I posted back a few. Just was talking to people I feel that may not be a real vet. I was just going by the beret. And him saying burgundy not maroon. It could be just me, just didn't seem right.
Hey not to be a pain....anyone's Walt detector go off on the video I posted back a few. Just was talking to people I feel that may not be a real vet. I was just going by the beret. And him saying burgundy not maroon. It could be just me, just didn't seem right.
There are bound to be a few of them in the crowd.
Also I only ever knew one guy that serviced in the CAR. He serviced my keg lines and tap. He was very bitter about the whole thing. Told me about the day and couple night when they announced the disbanding. Well something about that guy in the video.

The Hacking of the GiveSendGo Website and the distribution of people's personal information is an illegal activity and as such all posts containing links to it in this thread and others will be deleted.

It is also a blatant violation of the conduct guidelines for this forum, which you can read here:

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Milnet.ca Staff
Let's say you had the list and your name or colleague's was found on it. Would you be subject to same scrutiny as the JTF2 guys?
Not public info, but can see how a news reporter could say "17 soldiers found as donaters".
Let's say you had the list and your name or colleague's was found on it. Would you be subject to same scrutiny as the JTF2 guys?
Not public info, but can see how a news reporter could say "17 soldiers found as donaters".
I would hope not. But in the highy political world who knows.
Ah there we go. It was Canadian flags the counter-protestors wanted taken down.
Don’t be surprised if this happens again next weekend. The counter protest crowds are apparently getting a bigger.

The key thing is to make sure the bulk of each crowd stays well away from each each other.

Members involved were already being released....I'm seeing a pattern of 110% IDGAF with these people being released for not vaccinating.
Or is it proof that this is all political theatre, stage managed by the government, played out by actors to lead to a state of emergency where dictatorial powers will be wielded (and never given up)? ;)

(Only trolling a bit because I actually know people who truly seem to believe this may be the case)
Or is it proof that this is all political theatre, stage managed by the government, played out by actors to lead to a state of emergency where dictatorial powers will be wielded (and never given up)? ;)

(Only trolling a bit because I actually know people who truly seem to believe this may be the case)
Winding on the tinfoil early? I’m joking of course. 😉
Don't forget the mustard with the No.6 yellow dye to block 5G.
Wait what?

You’re telling me I bought all this mustard, on a Sunday at that, and it only works with a certain shade of dye?

Well happy Monday to you too…