I think the MSM and trudeau's cult have seriously misjudged this. They believed their own lies that this was nothing to worry about and a chance to disenfranchise a large portion of their opposition. Unfortunately, they did a shit job of it. Once they realized their failure, trudeau went into hiding. He wasn't able to spin it because too many Canadians are invested. Not only truck drivers, but other citizens in cars, buses, motorhomes and pickups. The thousands upon thousands that lined highways and overpasses have proven this is not a 'fringe' movement and that his estimations were wrong. He is fully vaxed including a booster, he had a negative test, he has zero reason to isolate. People are seeing this as a move to distance himself and ignore Canadians. He will not even be present to reopen Parliament. The titular head of the country, makes a personal decision to absent himself from the business of the country. The convoy is real, the support is real, their goal is real. Over $8 million raised so far and it keep rolling in. That is real support from thousands of people that won't be ignored. Quibbling about how much is corporate and how much is private. Continually moaning about donation accountability, when it's already a dead issue is childish. People that are quibbling that the estimate doesn't reflect reality, or those that, like the CBC, spend their time looking for one or two individuals to demonize thousands of citizens with, instead of considering the majority who are there for peaceful purposes are plain and simple, trudeau's useful idiots. Too busy looking through a microscope instead of binoculars. It simply proves that trudeau has managed to effectively create a divisive society. The Freedom Convoy has already won, by exposing the liberals for what they are. I've read a few times (I should have bookmarked) Canada, currently, has the most restrictive covid mandates in the world. Why is that? Is Canada's covid response the way to be? Is our situation worse than everyone else? Or should we be following the rest of the world and move from pandemic to endemic?