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front hand gard on C-6

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replaced by the M203....
(Where have you been?)
Safe to say, this thread has run it's course (If it ever actually had one......)  ::)
FourNinerZero said:
Hey, and while we are at it, lets fire the 60mm mortar while balanced on the thigh in the standing position too. Its got that curved base plate... it should fit nicely on the meaty part of a troops thigh. ::)

I work with a South african who says in contacts they sometimes fired the 60mm while lying on thier back with their head pointed towards the enemy to avoid getting shot.
Big Red said:
I work with a South african who says in contacts they sometimes fired the 60mm while lying on thier back with their head pointed towards the enemy to avoid getting shot.

"I'll take things that suck for $1000 Alex"  ;D
Hmmm.... lay tube horisontal, slip in bomb, cant tube up to.... whatever angle.... alowing bomb to slide down and hit firing pin.... control the angle of the tube as bomb comes soaring up and out........ oh yeah.... is anyone watching for the bomb strike?

Nah...... think I'll give this one a pass
Big Red said:
I work with a South african who says in contacts they sometimes fired the 60mm while lying on thier back with their head pointed towards the enemy to avoid getting shot.


Am I still in KAF? Is that poo pond I smell?

:warstory: Well.  I was told by a guy, back in the day, that he saw a guy lever fire the 60 mm from the shoulder!  :warstory:

Of course he didn't use any increments ::)
Even on Charge 0, that mortar is going to have a hell of a kick.  I have my doubts.  That's another "story" that would never have gotten past the range staff.
He said that the guy weighed about 300 lbs and shook like a bowl of jelly! ;D
I didn't believe him anyway.  ::)
The thread is wandering into "Military Urban Myths". The only reason stories like this get traction in this day and age is simple lack of experience. Anyone who has fired a GPMG or 60mm mortar for real knows absoulutly and without a doubt that doing the things described is stupid, dangerous, ineffective and only at the very outside edge of probability anyway.

Get on your chain of command to book time on the ranges to kill these myths!
Thank you Arthur. If anyone has anything credible and substantiated to add, notify a Mod.
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