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front hand gard on C-6

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what is the reason for not putting them on a c-6 in the first place they can be fired from the shoulder if needed and there is no place to hold the thing without burning you hand
Have you ever fired it from the shoulder or seen someone fire from the shoulder live.  I didn't think so.
yes i have fired the c-6 from the shoulder many times by using the front bipod,so yes it can be fired from the shoulder
So your trying to tell me you fired live with the C6 in your shoulder by holding onto the front bi pod.
1.  That isn't how it showed be fired.
2.  You must be a big boy to fire it controlled because in the shoulder holding the bi pod is very awkward.
3.  I can't believe you weren't thrown off whatever range you were on as that is extremely unsafe.  When firing from an elevated position your number 2 gets on his hands and knees and you use his back.
4.  If it was suppossed to be fired in the shoulder it would have a hand guard no wouldn't it.
5.  I call bullshit.
Fired from the hip in kneeling position in the AA role live.
Seen it from the hip LIVE............once.
Never seen it LIVE from the shoulder.
The hip maybe, but not the shoulder.

Key word being....LIVE
yes firing it live from the shoulder it is dame near impossible to do that is why i say we need a front grip on it so we can be effective when it has to be done the U.S army has front grips why do we not have them.    P.S you can call bullshit if you like i have done it and know of others that have to
Show me pics of the US C6's (whatever they call them) with hand guards.
Firing live from the shoulder is wonky at best for bursts longer then 3 rounds with the C9 and you want to do it with a C6.
P.S.  Why don't you fill out your profile so we can see how experienced you are.
Wow people are pretty quick to pounce here... who cares about what a profile says...

I wouldnt be suprised if he did, or someone somewhere in the Canadian Military did. My 1st tour to Bosnia we had a "fun day" at the ranges. People were firing two 9mm at once, 1 handed rambo style C9.... Yeah yeah you can chant safety till the cows come home but we did it and lived. Not everything happens on a strictly controlled range!

Some have and more will say firing from the shoulder is wildly inaccurate which is true... but think a different way... The more ways you can make to fire a gun the more situations it can be used it. You never know when you may need to fire it from the shoulder, can you really say would never be an opportune moment for it? Hell, who knows for sure!

Its obvious why we dont have a front hand grip though, we just dont train that way.
the front grip that the U.S army has is attached to the gas tub and is just like having a front grip on a c-7.  witch a lot of guys just us a rear hand grip off the c-9
Sheesh, I haven't seen a thread this good since frankie future infanteer used to post here. Have fun with this guy mods!  ;D
reccecrewman said:
Sheesh, I haven't seen a thread this good since frankie future infanteer used to post here. Have fun with this guy mods!  ;D
Quite right on that account.

C-6 from the shoulder.....giving us the impression that it is in the "unsupported" role.  I doubt it, unless the gunner was a House Ape.  Dangerous and a waste of ammo.  A forward handguard (notice spelling  ;D ) would only put your forearm in the way of the belt and cause Stoppages.  If you were a Lefty, then your forearm would be blocking the ejection port for the links and again cause Stoppages.  The C-6 is not designed to be fired like a rifle from the shoulder, unsupported.

John Wayne is my hero, but we all know that it was only "Hollywood" when he fired a .50 from the hip.  ;D
Uuuuhhhh, no.

If you are firing a C6 from the shoulder, you are either a relative of Andre the Giant, or you are a tool.  I defy anyone to say that they could fire the C6 from the shoulder to ANY degree of accuracy for more than the first round.  "Fun Days" aside.
MOOXE the reason for filling out your profile voluntarily is to add credibility to your posts.
I have seen it fired from the shoulder......I didn't say accurately, but I have seen it done. The guy who did it was HUGE, like 6', 250lbs huge. For all his strength,no accuracy whatsoever.
I call bullshit.

If it was a fun range, so you say, you'd have burned your hands after a few good bursts....even if you used the bipod, it's called radiant heat.

I won't even get into recoil and what happens there.

Where was you RSO? Smoking crack in the back of the safety vehicle?


BTW....just echoing the other mods...fill out your profile.
foerestedwarrior said:
I have seen it fired from the shoulder......I didn't say accurately, but I have seen it done. The guy who did it was HUGE, like 6', 250lbs huge. For all his strength,no accuracy whatsoever.
No crap!  Look how heavy a C-6 is, unloaded.  Throw on a belt and what have you got........a nominee for the Darwin Awards.
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