Crantor said:
Glad to hear it. But your situation likely is not nor was not the norm. And you said "some" meaning you likely took a penalty to do so. Maybe not. My father retired at 52 with 30 years as a public servant. He went back full time, recontributed and increased his pension.
I'm not attacking your life decisions just the fact that you are using that as an argument to support your position.
This is sweet. He has done exactly as you do. Using an example to support his side of the fence in the matter. His is irrelevant or "unusual" no more than any other situation is irrelevant or unusual. So your dad did one thing and he did another, what makes either of you wrong - or right?
Down here, you said:
Crantor said:
Our problem is ensuring that we have proper succession management rather than just react to the here and now with band aid solutions.
Guess what this band aid will do? It will moved desperately required skill workers to another sector. It will do nothing to ensure that RegF positions (that sp both Reg & Res F trg) are filled in pri 6 locations with boots on the ground rather than too many staff pers making too many powerpoints in too many HQs. So let's start there and actually tourinquette the problem, cut if off and then heal so that we don't need the band-aids on our toes constantly.
From my point of view, there is nothing wrong with the Feds acknowledging or recognizing the fact that CF members make choices that benefit their nation at the expense of better financial stability for themselves and their families. So yes, while mama and her soldier may have made the "choice" to pack up and move across the nation at the behest of Canada (my own mama being one of those who has worked her butt off her whole life and will continue to do so as she's never been able to pension down due to my father's duties), I find it a little perturbing that you'd actually come on here and state, "too bad, you made your bed so lay in it" for that is, in other words, exactly what you have done.
Who gives you the right? This is a soldier who did exactly his job and what his duty and nation required of him. You then hold him to account because he did exactly that? Wow. Because he and his family sacrificed his wife's stability for the nation? It is a fact of service in the CF (unfortunately for far too few of us these days) that this will occur and there is zero wrong with consideration of such future financial sacrifice in any decision making by the powers that be.
Which leads to another point: all these people posted for years upon years to the same location need to be packed up and posted. It should be routine. I know a pers (me) who couldn't get posted where her spouse was because there were "none avail", yet a mbr same trade/rank had been sitting there 14 damn years. 14. And, that mbr did not move that year (or the next). 23 years in, and I have done 10 physical geographical moves at the behest of this nation (and, a bunch of times because no one else would move to the spot ['cause their own wife had a good job, whatever, yadda yadda yadda]). It's a good damn thing that I am not married to a civilian as they'd never be able to get a job with all those moves let alone a pension. So, I did my job just as the other poster did his job. Nice choice. I'm here to tell you, you are way out of line as the people you are speaking to are the very people who do their duty to this country as per the job description.